Welcome to the group for discussion of the new Yaesu-Vertex FT-857! Some basic rules: Try to stay on topic - if a discussion wanders off topic then please take it to a proper forum or to email. Thanks. Spam is prohibited except for the selling of FT-857's or related options. (batteries, filters, etc.) In other words, try to sell a junk CB amp here and you will get in trouble! Be nice - no flame wars! Have fun! 73's De Ken KG0WX - list owner/moderator
Розпочато Ken Bessler <kg0wx@cox.net> @
New file uploaded to FT-857
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FT-857 group. File : /FT857.pdf Uploaded by : g4hfq <bob.freeth@...> Description : FCC version of user manual You can access this file at the URL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FT-857/files/FT857.pdf To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/files Regards, g4hfq <bob.freeth@...>
Розпочато FT-857@... @
Well, I placed myname on the list from my dealer for one when they arrive. jb
Розпочато jbilow01 <jbilow01@juno.com> @
Smoke, smoke, smoke
Look at the FT-857 manual from the FCC site. It is essentially the same as the manual for the FT-897. Look at the photos. Not the same radio. Size in the photo is about that of the 100D, not the 897. My guess is that the 857 is a "killer" radio to compete with against the IC-703. Careful review of the photos shows some interesting packaging. Doesn't appear that it will have a battery, but I rather think it will have an internal tuner ... IC-703, K2, ... Should be interesting to follow. 73, Barry - W4WB
Розпочато w4wb @
Early 857 Information
Just signed up for the new 857 list. This will be my last post to the 897 list about the 857. Just did a Google search and found this site: http://n6jpa.netfirms.com/ The 857 manual is in PDF and on my RedHat 8.0 (linux) computer opened it easily using xpdf. Other than the smaller physical dimensions is there anything missing from the 857 features versus the larger 897? And if the features are all the same then what has been compromised in the 857 for the sake of size? I do note that they have still failed to include the 220 band. I wonder if there are any plans for 220 and 1.2 transverters? Thanks! & 73 doc kd4e
Розпочато David Colburn @
manual 3
After peaking at the manual, I'd bet it's not very true to form. A/B battery switches, Earphone jack and FB-30 connection are examples. Looking forward to some better information. Have FT-100, FT-817 and FT-897.
Розпочато k0onc <k0onc0@concentric.net> @ · Останніх @
FT-857 Photo Download 5
Ken, thanks for taking the initiative to get the FT-857 group up and running. Eventually, I believe that many of the FT-100 & FT-817 groups will find us and begin posting. In the meantime, there is still some good information which has not made it over here. Lou W7DZN gave us the site for the 857's top-to-bottom view - http://www.cirs.org/patrick/ft857/ft857-external_photos.pdf - what I found was that it took an incredibly long time to get the .pdf file to come up <ate breakfast then pondered Kelly Ripa's belly button on Regis & Kelly>. Probably would have downloaded faster if I had right-clicked and saved to the HD initially. However, after the photos finally downloaded, I saved the .pdf file to the hard drive for future use. http://www.cirs.org/patrick/ft857/ft857-manual.pdf downloaded but gave me a "There was an error processing the page. The encoding (CMap) specified by a font is missing or corrupt." No joy here. The test data did download and was viewable. Can't find the post physical dimensions - maybe someone will post them again here. The FT-857 looks like my replacement for my mint FT-900CAT. It would be great if Yaesu had resolved the issue with the FT-900/100 minuscule separation kit screws to allow quick removal/insall from/to the vehicle. I'll hang on to the 817 though. I fulfills a purpose. 73 Tom K4IIJ
Розпочато Tom Griffin @ · Останніх @
Japanese font link
Розпочато w4wb @
I have seen the factory prototype of this rig.. VK6RO 2
At the vk6 hamfest on november 3rd 2002, the importer of yaesu had a factory prototype model [which did not work] on the table. this rig is BIG, about 2 817 on top of each other and a bit longer. it will not be sold in vk until about may 2003. the importer had to return the unit to japan the next week. cheers graham vk6ro
Розпочато grogers22 <grogers22@yahoo.com> @ · Останніх @
FT-857 3
It hasn't been posted here yet, so I'll mention that the FT-857 will operate on HF, 6M, 2M, and 70cm. It also has a detacheable face plate for remote-mount installation. -Robby C. Sperr GigaParts, Inc.
Розпочато rcsperr <robby@gigaparts.com> @ · Останніх @
Wondering 3
Hello gang, If I compare the size of the FT-857 to the FT100D and the FT847, the FT857 comes just between, is it the successor of the FT100D or is it the litlle brother from the FT847 without sat capebility. I wonder what will be the price and the release date. Hope this FT-857 will not have the same problems as the FT100 had when it first came out. '73 Rudi - ON7CL Owner of VX5R - FT817 - FT100D - FT-847
Розпочато on7cl_rudi <on7cl@pandora.be> @ · Останніх @
Size of the FT-857 & Other Prognostications 4
Hi Doc, How do you know there is a battery in it? Look at the photos. Where does it go? I have tried to carefully scale the 857 from the photos on the FCC site. FWIW, I have the 817, 100D, 847, 897, and 1000MP so that I can easily make a comparison. No space for a battery pack about 25 mm thick I suggest. The 857 appears to be nominally about 160 mm wide, 45 mm high, and about 255 mm deep (back of case to front of knobs; heat sink not included). This is essentially the same width as the FT-100D, a bit more than 5 mm thinner than the 100D, about 30 mm deeper than the 100D. In other words, it is very close to the size of the 100D. Now look at the display. Its dimensions are not the same as for the 100D, 817, or 897. The width is close to the 897's, but the height is less and less than the 100D's too. Next look at the AF/RF/SQL know in upper left on the front panel, and the SELECT knob below it. The markings are the same as on the 100D EXCEPT that the CLAR button on the 100D (between these knobs) is now to the right. These knobs are closer together than on the 100D (hence the thinner case). There is not an obvious place to install a battery nor to provide charging. The bulge on the bottom is more likely additional space required for an internal tuner. Since the IC-703 supposedly has this feature, so must Yaesu IMO. Now look at the back and compare to the 100D. First thing to notice is that there isn't a fan (or two). Just a BIG integrated heat sink. This suggest that the power output isn't 100 W, but in the under 25 W range. From the FCC data, all we really know is that the 857 covers 160 m to 70 cm. This is because the FCC only checks for Part 15 compliance. As I have stated before, the manual located on the FCC site isn't consistent with the photos and my above analysis. The material is the same as for the 897. Look at it and compare. I don't know the FCC regulations that are to be followed in these filings, but it would seem that the information would have to be reasonably accurate for the radio under consideration; however, it may be only that the data related to Part 15 must be consistent. Also, some material was requested to be maintained confidential, so who knows. In summary, the 857 appears to be almost the same size as the 100D (in fact a quick calculation of the volume, knob area included, of each shows they are essentially the same). This leads one to conclude one of two scenarios are likely viable. First, the 857 is the successor to the 100D and is now a part of the 8x7 series of radios. Problem here is how is the heat dissipated if it is a 100 W radio. Fans are not evident as far as I can see. Second, this is a 10-25 W radio being introduced to compete against the ICOM IC-703. Yaesu has a history of a five-year life cycle with their radios. The FT-100D is nearing this time. Of course the FT-847 is still going after five years, but only because it is the sole Yaesu radio having good SAT (satellite) capability. The FT-100D is still a great radio (not to mention a wonderful buy) so I rather think it is option two which would fill a void in Yaesu's product line. Guess we will know by Dayton. 73, Barry - W4WB it battery the means) but
Розпочато w4wb @ · Останніх @
An Opinion, Please.. 3
Guys: Nice to see that Yaesu is continuing the tradition of addressing the marketplace by actually listening to people's desires and looking at what fits in today's Ham market. Can't wait tosee how this one works.. Which leads me to asking a favor: I am in the market to upgrade equipment pretty much anytime, now. Funds are available, but I am torn between the 100D, the 897, and now, the 857. This rig is going to do double duty between the shack and field/mobile ops. am a member now of all three boards on Yahoo covering all three models, and know that it will be one of the three. The 100D/FC-20 combo I know works; the 897 still poses a question about autotuner situation: I have read that the FC-30 sucks outside a narrow SWR range; and now, the 857, which isn't even out yet. So the question: If you had the money available, where would YOU spend it? Go with the 100D package, try to find an answer to the 897 Autotuner situation, or wait for the 857? I'm leaning towards the 897 because of teh receive characteristics and the built in Collins filter, but I still value your opinions. Thanks, Jay N9WMU/AG
Розпочато hambeau2001 <skywire@att.net> @ · Останніх @
When will it be real? 2
Any idea when this radio might be real? Would also like to know the frequency coverage? 222MHZ ?? Ken N1KK
Розпочато Ken K @ · Останніх @
FT-857 Documentation 2
Hi there I'm struggling to read the documentation from FCC. Have loads of strange errormessages. I'm using ACrobat Reader ver 5.0 and that shoul dbe fine. If you are able to read the doc, pls tell me. 73 de Tilman SM0JZT
Розпочато tthulesius <tt@shell.linux.se> @ · Останніх @
857 release date.. VK6RO
when i saw the prototype at the recent perth hamfest, the manager of the yaesu division of dick smith electronics [importer] said that the release date in VK was proably may- june 2003 so only a few months to wait, i think they said later they had taken advance orders for about 9? rigs at the hamfest. from what i remember, it is a BIG rig, much bigger than 817, with BIG empty compartments underneath. the prototype was sent back to japan a few days after hamfest which was nov 3 2002 cheers graham vk6ro
Розпочато grogers22 <grogers22@yahoo.com> @
857 photos and what i saw at hamfest VK6RO
gday to all, well i am confused now, the rig i saw at hamfest was possibly not a 857, it did not look like the photos that Barry sent me. sorry about the confusion,i will have to wait to see what i actually did see at the hamfest when it is released in vk next year cheers graham vk6ro
Розпочато grogers22 <grogers22@yahoo.com> @
Pictures of the FT-857? 3
Are there any other sources of photographs for the FT-857? I have tried to view them with the Adobe Acrobat, but for some reason, that doesn't work. Is there a website that has just regular pics. of this radio without having to use Adobe? Thanks a lot. --Adam
Розпочато kraftwerk1976 <skyline49@cox.net> @ · Останніх @
FT-857 scematics ?
Hi there folks Amazing that YAESU has an ad in Feb QST without having price and info for the resellers around. Looks like it will be a trycky thing to sell new FT-100D:s nowadays then having the FT-857 around. I have tried to download the pdf:s from FCC-pages. Put the format does not seem to correlate to my acrobat reader. I would like to have a look at the schematics. Anybody able to extract the scematics and put on the group files archive ?? -- Tilman D. Thulesius Kungsngen / Sweden tt@... +46 8 584 50045
Розпочато Tilman D. Thulesius @
FT-857 Unveiled 2
Now we know what the FT-857 is all about, well at least in part. The following is the text from the February QST ad. *************************************** Introducing Yaesu's All New HF Mobile Blending leading edge technologies developed on the FT-897 and Mark V Ft-1000MP transceivers, the FT-857 is the world's smallest HF/VHF/UHF Multimode Transceiver and it's available now! The Ft-857 is a high-performance, ultra-compact transceiver operating on 160-10 m HF bands, plus the 50, 144, and 430 MHz VHF/UHF bands. Providing 100 W on HF/6 m, 50 W on 2 m, and 20 W on 70 cm, the FT-857 is ideal for mobile, vacation, Dxpeditions, or home use where space is at a premium. Utilizing the renowned receiver performance of the FT-897 and the Mark V FT-1000MP, the FT-857 features wide dynamic range, DSP, and outstanding audio. The wide array of convenience features includes a 32-color display; spectrum scope; built-in keyer with memory (about time IMO and beacon mode; US weather band reception; 200 memories with alpha-numeric labels; AM aircraft reception; detachable front panel (with optional YSK-857 required); and much, much, muc more. You've asked for it, and here it is today: the FT-857 Mega-Mobile. ************************************ Judging from the "actual size" photo, it appears to be somewhat smaller than my FT-100D. This has the making of an exciting new radio. Remember, this is the February issue of QST and dealers haven't been told the price or when we can actually get our hands on it. 73, Barry - W4WB
Розпочато w4wb @ · Останніх @
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