Testing message
R. Joe Brandon --------------------------------------------------------------------- Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (fax) 501 575-5218 Rm. 12 Ozark Hall 501 575-4277 University of Arkansas rjoe@... Fayetteville, AR 72701 Updated! -> http://www.cast.uark.edu/~rjoe Computers are actually powered by Chaos theory, not electricity...that is just for the fan. (T. Hesser) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @
Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. (Berger) is actively seeking field crew members for various projects in the Midwest and Eastern United States. Berger has immediate openings on projects in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and Virginia. A B.A. degree in Anthropology or related field is required. Please submit cover letter, resume, and references to: Lauri Chappell Crew Coordinator Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. 950 50th Street Marion, IA 52302 1-888-522-2724 - phone (319) 373-3043 - phone (319) 373-3045 - fax __________________________________ Susan E. Butler Prehistoric Laboratory Supervisor The Cultural Resource Group Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. 950 50th Street Marion, Iowa 52302 (319) 373-3043 (319) 373-3045 - fax http://www.lba-crg.com __________________________________
Розпочато Susan E. Butler @
NJ and Southeast PA Fieldwork
Hunter Research,Inc. is now hiring field technicians for upcoming New Jersey and Southeast Pennsylvania field projects. These positions are full time with benefits and start immediately upon hire. Qualifications are BA preferred or related field experience. Please send resume to Hunter Research, 120 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608, Attn. Bill Liebeknecht. Better yet, fax resume to (609) 695-0147 or email it to hri@....
Розпочато Hunter Research, Inc. @
Archaeology Job search Listserv
---Apologies for cross postings on archaeology lists--- ---commentst to: shovelbums@... If you are an administator associated with archaeologists (students or professional) looking for field work, please post or e-mail this message to interested parties (dept. anthropology student lists, personal archaeology friends network, etc.) This list is for anyone who understands what it means to be a modern field archaeologist, and for those looking to find out. We are known as "shovelbums" by friends and family. We move from state to state (literally and figuratively) following the cash cow pipelines or saving up to go and work on those great digs, you know the ones with great archaeology, lots of satisfaction, but little pay. I learned when starting in the 80's that finding jobs has traditionally been via your personal networks of friends in the field using telephone, letters, and as of late web resources. The Shovelbums list serves to streamline and compliment that whole process, taking advantage of the nearly ubiquitous access we all have to e-mail. Now when someone knows of a project, anywhere, with the word out for hires, this is the place to announce or find it, and it comes right to your mailbox. To subscribe to shovelbums you can either point your browser to: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums Or send one of the following messages via e-mail: shovelbums-subscribe@... - subscribe to list shovelbums-digest@... - switch to digest delivery shovelbums-normal@... - switch to normal delivery shovelbums-unsubscribe@... - unsubscribe from list While this list is just for job postings I also maintain two other archaoelogy lists For more entertaining disuccsions of field life, and tales of companies subscribe to the shovelbums_gossip at http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums_gossip and for field school announcements use the shovelbums_bc http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums_bc ---and--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your time, and please pass this message onto other archaeologists. R. Joe Brandon shovelbums@... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @
job posting
FYI I copied this from ACRA: Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 10:46:54 -0400 From: "Hope Luhman" <hluhman@...> To: acra-l@... Subject: Job Announcement Message-ID: <3327ABB1F7A@...> JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. (Berger), is actively seeking field crew members for various projects in the Midwest and Eastern United States. Berger has immediate openings on projects in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, and Virginia. A B.A. degree in Anthropology or related field is required. Please submit cover letter, resume, and references to: Lauri Chappell Crew Coordinator Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. 950 50th Street Marion, IA 52302 (319) 373-3043 - phone (319) 373-3045 - fax
Розпочато Bob Brandon @
Sorry about that posting for "shovelbums" on this list where we already know about it :). That was supposed to go to my mailbox at shovelbums@... not the list. R. Joe
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @
Sucessfully Subscribed
Managed to get things worked out and am now subscribed. Thanks. jc -----Original Message----- From: John Carr <johncarr@...> To: shovelbums@... <shovelbums@...> Date: Sunday, May 02, 1999 11:31 PM Subject: Subscribing >I seem to be having a hell of time simply signing on to your >list as per a note in David Meadows EXPLORATOR. For >openers ONElist thinks I am a member yet I don't recall >registering with them. However, I am a moderator of >sci.archaeology.moderated and may hev been registered >when our moderator list left the Cambridge computer >facility. Whatever... > >How do I sign on to your list? > >jc > >
Розпочато John Carr @
April Job postings 2
Folks, At the end of the month I will try to sum up the job posting/calls for vitae that we have had on here. Since this list has only been live for 6 days (and already has 130+ subcribers) I consider that a sign that shovelbums will work as a good medium for us all. As I am promoting this list still I would like to ask any of you, who have not done so already, to please forward the invitaion for "shovelbums" (as well as shovelbums_gossip) at the bottom of this message to your own personal network of shovelbum friends. If you are in a university setting if you could pass this on to the dept. coordinator and have them forward it to your anthropology student body (if your department does such things), or print is and post it on a bulletin board near the anthropology office/grad students offic I would appreciate it. Other news: A web site is planned to compliment the list. This is going slow as I finish up my masters, but it will come in time. ------------------------------------------------------------- Start April Jobs Postings ------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Susan E. Butler" <sbutler@...> Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. (Berger) is actively seeking field crew members for various projects in the Midwest and Eastern United States. Berger has immediate openings on projects in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and Virginia. A B.A. degree in Anthropology or related field is required. Please submit cover letter, resume, and references to: Lauri Chappell Crew Coordinator Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. 950 50th Street Marion, IA 52302 1-888-522-2724 - phone (319) 373-3043 - phone (319) 373-3045 - fax ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardlines: Design & Delineation 4608 Indianola Avenue Columbus, OH 43214 Tel: 614.784.8733 Fax: 614.784.9336 We currently seeking to fill two temporary field technician positions that will become open in the nerxt 30-60 days. All interested applicants should send a copy of their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and a list of references to the above address (fax is acceptable; e-mail is not). Address all inquiries to Andrew Mickelson, Principal Investigating Archaeologist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of April Job Postings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- R. Joe If you dig it, they will come shovelbums@... -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Please pass or post this lower part of the message on. ------------------------------------------------------ ---Apologies for cross postings on archaeology lists--- ---This is an announcement for a archaeology field jobs ListServ--- ---comments to R. Joe: shovelbums@... If you are an administator associated with archaeologists (students or professional) looking for field work, please post or e-mail this message to interested parties (department anthropology student lists, personal archaeology friends network, bulletin board in the main office, etc.) This list is for anyone who understands what it means to be a modern contract (CRM) field archaeologist, and for those looking to find out. We are referred to, sometimes disparagingly, by family and friends as "shovelbums". Regardless of the name this is a proud, but challenging, profession, and one deserving a more cohesive network to find the jobs we so dearly love. As we move from state to state (literally and figuratively) following the cash cow pipelines or saving up to go and work on those great digs, the ones with great archaeology, lots of satisfaction, but little pay, we sometimes loose contact with our networks on where the next job is. I learned when starting in "the field" in the 80's that finding jobs dependeds almost exclusivley on your network of friends. You might hear from Pat who has heard from Cathy that so-n-so is gearing up for a big job. At that time using telephone, letters, and lately web resources were the mediums of choice. The Shovelbums listserv will streamline and compliment this whole process, taking advantage of the nearly ubiquitous access we all have to e-mail. Now when someone knows of a project, anywhere, with the word out for hires, this is the place to announce or find it, and it comes right to your mailbox. This list will not be region specific. In respect to the grand nature of our profession it is open to postings for paying field jobs, anywhere. If you dig it, they will come. To subscribe to shovelbums the Shovelbums listserve you can either point your browser to: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums Or send one of the following messages via e-mail: shovelbums-subscribe@... - subscribe to list shovelbums-digest@... - switch to digest delivery shovelbums-normal@... - switch to normal delivery shovelbums-unsubscribe@... - unsubscribe from list While this list is just for job postings I also maintain two other archaeology lists. For more entertaining disuccsions of field life, tales of your work, trading work ideas, subscribe to the shovelbums_gossip list at: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums_gossip and for field school announcements use the shovelbums_bc list http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums_bc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your time. Please pass this message onto any other archaeologists you know. The busy field season is coming up fast. 125+ field techs and companies currently participating (5-4-99) "If you dig it, they will come" R. Joe Brandon shovelbums@... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @ · Останніх @
Effigy mounds/iowa
Not a field job perse but you can look up the contact info on the web for effigy mounds. R. Joe >Subject: Native American recruitment > > > Effigy Mounds National Monument in eastern Iowa, on the Mississippi, > is recruiting for a cultural resources specialist trainee, and would > like to reach Native American candidates with some background in > anthropology, architecture, archives, museum studies, ethnography, > archeology, etc. The recipients of this message are a relatively > random list of people for whom I have e-mail addresses, and I ask that > you pass the information along to anyone you think might be interested > in this position. Kate Miller is the Superintendent at Effigy Mounds > and I think any student would benefit from working with her and her > staff. > > Ruthann > > --=====================_20379292==_--
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @
Field tech/Field Directors/Assistant PM/and PM's wanted
Please Post Field Archeologists and Field Directors R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., announces immediate openings for Field Archeologists and Field Directors at its New Orleans, Louisiana office. Applicants for the Field Director position must possess a M.A. in Anthropology, have completed an archeological field school, and served in a similar capacity for two or more years. Field Archeologists must possess a B.A. in Anthropology and have completed an archeological field school or demonstrate equivalent experience. These are temporary salaried positions with the possibility of becoming permanent positions. Benefits packages (including paid holidays, vacation, and sick leave; health, dental, and life insurance; and a liberal 401(K) plan) will vary depending upon the duration of employment. Salaries are highly competitive and commensurate with educational and professional experience. Assistant Project Managers and Project Managers R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., announces immediate openings for Assistant Project Managers and Project Managers at its New Orleans, Louisiana office. Applicants for these positions must possess a M.A. in Anthropology, have completed an archeological field school, and served in a similar capacity for two or more years. These are full time, salaried, professional positions and come with a full benefits package (paid holidays, vacation, and sick leave; health, dental, and life insurance; and a liberal 401(K) plan). Salaries are highly competitive and commensurate with educational and professional experience. For more information, please send a resume and salary requirements to: Ms. Tracie Eiserloh R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc. Attn: Personnel Department 5824 Plauche Street New Orleans, LA 70123 Equal Opportunity Employer R. Joe Brandon --------------------------------------------------------------------- Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (fax) 501 575-5218 Rm. 12 Ozark Hall 501 575-4277 University of Arkansas rjoe@... Fayetteville, AR 72701 Updated! -> http://www.cast.uark.edu/~rjoe Computers are actually powered by Chaos theory, not electricity...that is just for the fan. (T. Hesser) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @
200+ shovelbums
Today we reached the 200th subscriber on Shovelbums. Not bad for only being online for 12 days. If you are in school or at an office please pass on the word/post/forward the signup e-mail for the list. Job stuff: I have heard some rumors about A: Lots of work in Alaska this summer, and B: a couple of big pipelines, one is running from ND to Illinois and has crews in the field now (IMAC in Minnesota is running this job I believe, though I know they had TRC-Mariah helping them out on an Illinois (?!) leg for a bit), and another company (?) running a pipeline in NW New Mexico? Are there any big cemetary Jobs continuing this year? There were a number of big ones last summer/fall in Houston and several out East, are these ongoing? I know a number of you on this list are on these jobs/in the areas, and so if they are hiring pass the word onto the list. R. Joe Brandon --------------------------------------------------------------------- "if you dig it, they will come" Join -> http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/shovelbums shovelbums@... Partially restored -> http://www.cast.uark.edu/~rjoe ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @
Onelists 2
Folks, I will be at an archaeological geophysical workshop in NE Iowa for the next week so I will not be checking my mail or keeping up on the lists. If there are any list problems I will attend to them when I return 5-16-99. Enjoy the week! R. Joe Brandon --------------------------------------------------------------------- shovelbums@.../rjoe@.../smallshoes@.../y1k@... Partially restored -> http://www.cast.uark.edu/~rjoe ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Розпочато R. Joe Brandon @ · Останніх @
Good Job Leads 2
Hello, Being a recent MA grad. the time has come to find a job. Is anybody looking for a full time Feild Director/ Zooarch? I am free to move anywhere in the US! On a side note: There are at least 30 Grad students at U of Tenn that know of "shovelbums" existence now! The word is spreading! Chris
Розпочато Chris @ · Останніх @
Anthropologist GIS/ Anthropologist Lecturer Dept. of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park, anthropologist w/advanced GIS skills to teach pt. Masters or doctorate in anth req. Ideal candidate understands the use of GIS as a tool in answering and examining anthropological issues, and can lecture on advanced GIS topics. Position designed for a variety of professionals w/skills and experience in academic, public and/or private sector. Skills/ experience used to examine the uses of GIS within topics must be related to the Department's graduate tracts (historical archaeology, natural resource management, bio-anth and cultural anth). Available to teach in the afternoon/evenings. Pay commensurate w/exp. Best results send letter of interest, resume and three references w/phone numbers by 5/15/99 to: Ms. Kimberly Schmidt, UM, Dept of Anth, 1111 Woods Hall, College Park, MD 20742-7415 EEO/AA Washington Post 5/9/99
Розпочато Christopher P. Koch @
jobs in europe ??
Dear, Are you aware of jobs for archaeologists in Europe ? I am a Flemish archaeologist from the University of Leuven, and after two years still looking for a job in this area. I specialized in the Roman army, so digging on such site would be a dream come true !! Thanks anyway, Bernard Van Daele.
Розпочато "Katleen Vandenbranden" <Katleen.Vandenbranden@... @
Palaeolithic Fieldschool Leads 2
Hello to all, This might possibly be off the track for shovelbums, but does anybody know of a good fieldschool for Palaeolithic France, or eastern Europe. I really want to find something with a classroom component as well as practical experience. I have a BA in anthro, teach secondary hist, anthro, & bio, and have worked at a site in Croatia. Plan to return there this September barring continued/escalating mayhem in the area, but I would also like to work earlier, during the summer months. Any leads would be helpful and thanks in advance : ) Trace Clark petravic@... ---------------------------------------------------------- Ou sont les neiges d'antan? Ils sont ici! Villon
Розпочато petravic @ · Останніх @
(No subject)
1. Requisition Number 350 Title Director of Collections School / UnitFaculty of Arts and Sciences Reports To Peabody Museum Location Cambridge Full Time / Part Time Full-Time Salary Grade 60 Date Posted 04/23/1999 Duties And Responsibilities The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology invites applications an nominations for the position of Director of Collections. Reporting to the Director, the Collections Director will have general oversight of the museum's extensive holdings as well as supervision of collections-based personnel (25 or more staff), financial matters, policies and procedures. The Collections Director will be expected to contribute to the development of computerized and other collections records as well as to fundin proposals. Responsibilities include administration, coordination of staff and departments,and supervision of collections departments including collection management,registration, conservation, repatriation and information technology. Required Education Qualifications include experience in strategic planning, administration, computer data management, personnel and grants management. At least eight years of museum experience is required. Individuals with a PhD. in the anthropology/archaeology of North America are especially encouraged to apply. NOTE: Please send resume, cover letter and names of three references to: Director, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, 11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138. Visit the Peabody Museum's website (http://www.peabody.harvard.edu) for further information about the museum. The deadline for applications is March 15, 1999. Additional Web Position Listing Job # 94754 originally posted 01/21/99. Please tell the employer that you saw this ad on Boston.com. See our Company Profile on boston.com. 2. Requisition Number 578 Title Temporary Curatorial Assistant in Midwestern/Plains Archaeology School / Unit Faculty of Arts and Sciences Reports To Peabody Museum Location Cambridge Full-Time Salary Grade 55 Date Posted 04/26/1999 Duties And Responsibilities Assists with Peabody Museum's repatriation effort with a special focus on archaeological collections from Midwestern and Plains states (IA, IL, KS, NE, OH, OK, ND, SD, MT). Works under supervision of Curatorial Associate for North American Archaeologyto consult with Native American groups whose ancestral homelands are within Midwestern and Plains states area, and to produce appropriate inventories as required by NAGPRA. Specific duties include compilation, review and analysis of data from a variety of sources including museum records, archives, published and unpublished literature, and collections themselves, and produces syntheses for determining cultural affiliation. Consultation with Native American groups, other archaeologists and museums required. Ability to meet project timetable essential. Required Education MA and 3-5 years Midwest and Plains states archaeology experience required. Familiarity with Macintosh environment necessary. Excellent organizational and research skills, accuracy, attention to details and good interpersonal skills necessary. Experience with inventory production under NAGPRA preferable. NOTE: Temporary, one-year grant-funded position. Send resume and cover letter to Rebecca Chetham, Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Avenue, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. 3. Requisition Number 580 Title Temporary Curatorial Assistant in Southeastern Archaeology Full-Time Date Posted 04/26/1999 Duties And Responsibilities Assists with Peabody Museum's repatriation effort with a special focus on archaeological collections from the Southeast states (AL, AR, GA, FL, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN). Works under supervision of Curatorial Associate for North American Archaeology to consult with Native American groups whose ancestral homelands are within these states, and to produce appropriate inventories as required by NAGPRA. Specific duties include compilation, review and analysis of data from a variety of sources including museum records, archives, published and unpublished literature, and collections themselves, and produces syntheses for determining cultural affiliation. Consultation with Native American groups, other archaeologists and museums required. Ability to meet project timetable essential. Required Education MA and 3-5 years related experience in the archaeology of the Southeastern United States required. Familiarity with the archaeology of Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky essential. Familiarity with Macintosh environment necessary. Excellent organizational and research skills, accuracy, attention to details and good interpersonal skills necessary Experience with inventory production under NAGPRA preferable. NOTE: Temporary, one-year grant-funded position. Send resume and cover letter to Rebecca Chetham, Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Avenue, Harvard University,Cambridge, MA 02138. Copyright 1999 Boston Globe Electronic Publishing, Inc.
Розпочато Christopher P. Koch @
Paleolithic Fieldschool Leads
Розпочато paula miller @
I just arrived. I have a PhD in Anthropology, and an interest in early and medieval industrial arch. I directed the dig at Howgill Village in NW Cumbria (UK). I'm also a fully equipped and experienced archaeological photographer. I'm looking for a long term committment. Any digs needing a photog for a few years? Peter J. Nebergall PhD 307 East Ash #36 Columbia MO 65201 zigeuner@... (660) 291-3368 ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Розпочато Peter J Nebergall @
A recent anthropology graduate and looking for jobs 2
Hi my fellow shovel bums! I recently graduated with B.A. in anthropology from University of South Alabama on May 9th, and I am searching for jobs. I want to know if there are any job openings or leads in the northeastern section of United States, specifically in New Jersey. It may sound like that I am looking at that area only but I will look at jobs in other sections of this country also.. Thanks for any help and feedback. Cheers, Ashley Watson
Розпочато Ashley Watson @ · Останніх @
Current Image
Image Name
Sat 8:39am