Using the QSSTV-sBitx Edition 17 #64bit #sBitx
I use it with an external hdmi monitor and have not tried it on the 7" display. Anyone who uses the sBitx 64 bit v4.2 - ELF Image published by the development team will have noticed that QSSTV is also included among the radio programs. The original application had to be modified in several aspects, and we can thank Willi W4WHL for the modifications. The sBitx controller is the RPi, which also has to handle the operation of the radio and the program that transmits the image. The QSSTV connects to the radio via an audio interface. Everything is in one place here, so this connection had to be solved in the software. After this was done, it turned out that the reception signal needed to be larger to have a visible image. For this, the incoming signal, sync, had to be amplified, which was implemented in the program with automatic gain control. The output signal during transmission was too high, so there is a slider in the qsstv Configuration/ Sound, with which the transmission level can be reduced to to the level required for transmission. Important warning: sometimes, due to bad habits, we handle the mouse and buttons incorrectly, which results in the screen freezing. In such a case, close the qsstv program and restart the application. Continue where you left off. I managed to make 8 sstv qso in a row, the program never crashed. To do this, you need to prepare the images, the Templates and do not double-click anywhere, even by accident. The program stores the received and given images and templates in a directory with the lowercase 'qsstv'. You can see the received images in the Gallery, where it is worth using the right mouse button and deleting unnecessary images containing only noise. After this introduction, the details: The program can work in SSTV and DRM modes. In SSTV mode, it has three selectable tabs, which are the Receive, Send and Image Gallery options. Now we will deal with SSTV mode. We start the program by starting sBitx and selecting the frequency (typically 14.230 kHz) and DIGI mode. The frequency display should be visible on the login screen, then there is a CAT connection, and we see something similar on the startup screen (not an error message). When starting QSSTV for the first time, we set the window size we want to see, then enter the Configuration (Option/Configuration) and fill in the data necessary for operation. The Sound and CAT data are filled in, if they are missing, you can see the necessary information in the image: Before receiving the image, it is advisable to set sBitx Volume=40, IF=50 to around and prepare by selecting agc=fast-mid-slow. In qsstv, the reception level and its range can be fine-tuned with the Max dB, Range, Avg settings shown at the bottom of the right side. You can check this in the incoming image and the waterfall window, depending on the propagation and the quality of your antenna. It also affects the image quality, so it is advisable to check Auto Slant, which is intended to correct the skew of the image. Sensitivity= DX and Mode= Auto or whatever you selected. Be patient, because as you can see, there are several options for the correct setting. After we have managed to take a picture and we think we want to send it, we must first go to the transmission window, where we can make the preparations. The selected picture is stored in the TX Stock (folder icon), for which we can create a caption with the Template editor (paint palette icon). After creating a Template, do not forget to save it (as an image, when we only want to send a picture with a permanent caption, or as a template, when it also contains macros). In the transmission window, there are some fields to fill in from the keyboard, which we will see on the transmission screen if the Template box is checked. The use of macros helps in filling in the Template, so before transmitting, you only need to fill in the station's callsign, name and report before clicking the transmit button. It does not affect reception if you fill in the transmission window while receiving the picture, as long as sufficient information is available. This way you can immediately respond to the station you see. If you want to send the received image back in the image you have compiled, you can either respond immediately after the received image has been built or you can do it by clicking on the image shown in small size in the transmission window and searching for it among the received images. Note the mode of the received image and the time of the image reception, then you will be successful, because this is how the image is stored in the folder. There are many small tricks and options that you need to try out. It all depends on how useful you find this mode to spend your time. What may be important: I made some modifications to the sBitx I am using before using it for this purpose. The output stage FETs in the device heat up during sustained PTT, and this heat must be dissipated. There is a large heat sink and it can be cooled with an external fan, and the RPi can also heat up. In my case, the output stage has been replaced with AlN (Aluminum Nitride) with better thermal conductivity instead of mica insulators, and a quiet fan cools the heat sink. Furthermore, the RPi4 4GB is installed, cooled by a quiet 50x50x10 mm fan. The pursuit of perfection has narrowed down to the best solution. QSSTV author Johan ON4QZ wrote about using the program here: -- Gyula HA3HZ
Розпочато HA3HZ @ · Останніх @
DE 5 volt trace voltage drop 15
Does anyone have a solution for the apparent voltage drop on the DE 5-volt power rail? Is it better to move the regulator or run a larger wire? My first thought is to move the buck converter closer to the GPIO board. 73 Evan AC9TU
Розпочато Evan Hand @ · Останніх @
Tuner ? 5
Hi I'm using a sBITX V2 with JJ 4.2 software. I normally tune using a mfj 125e auto tuner, but this fails to tune only getting a reading off 1watt and 1.0 vswr. I changed to my manual tuner and at Drive 45, now get 18w and 1.3vswr. I thought at first I had blown the finals but have had FT8 contacts with the manual tuner. I'm not sure if I have disturbed something when I loaded the SDcard inside, I also put the sd card back but did not make any difference. Wondering if any one as any ideas why the auto tuner is not working. I tested it on my ft857d and it tuned OK Ian M0CAG
Розпочато Shazian1 1 @ · Останніх @
Link to info to operate sBITX from PC 4
Hello, Can you send the link to info on how to operate sBITX from PC. - Using a new image 4.2 - sBITX is connected to my WIFI - web view works on sBITX - My PC browser can't find http://sbitx.local Thanks. George VY1GP
Розпочато George Privett @ · Останніх @
Anyone have uBitX V4 to sell? 2
While i continue to try and repair mine after a fault, I am looking for the main board for a V4 uBitX if anyone has one lying around. Mods in mine are specific to the V4 in some places, and I am having problems, so a drop in replacement would be great! =Vic=
Розпочато Vic WA4THR @ · Останніх @
Si5351/MS5351 Quadrature clock generator output down to 100kHz 9
If anyone is interested, I'll be placing my version of "A Si5351A/MS5351 100kHz lower Limit Quadrature Clock Generator with a Retro Rotary Dial Using a 240x240 dpi 1.54 inch ST7789 TFT Display." on my github site soon. It uses a ESP32-WROVER-E . It's based on code/design by T.J. Uebo (JF3HZB) A.K.A Tj Lab(JF3HZB) My code has been highly modified from his and I've added a function to set the clock output drive level to 2,4.6 or 8mA to his si5351 files. The important thing is that JF3HZB was able to get the quadrature output down to 100kHz. Apparently, he was able to do this back in 2020 but I just heard about it recently. It's all explained in his si5351.cpp and si5351.h files and on his web site. I thought others might like to implement his code to use it in their own projects for the LF/HF bands. Attached are a couple of photos that show the Si5351A output down to 100kHz. -- Jerry Ponko, AC9NM
Розпочато JerryP @ · Останніх @
Chrome extension was uBitx V6 and Nexion 5" Display is dificult to calibrate 2
Hi Mark, hi all, many, many thx, for the infos, Now I updatet the uBitx to 2.0. (I changed the firmware flasher: fwupdater works fine) AND the uBitX Manager 2.0, RC1 works fine and i can start the calibration wizard !!! I think the last question: I installed the Chrome Browser for the calibration Tool (link on ) But the web page are empty. Which Extension do I need for the Calibration helping Tool from hfsignals in the Chrome-Browser ?? Greetings Mathis HB9GYE Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Dezember 2024 um 18:09 Von: "Mark Hatch via" <mark2382@...> An: Betreff: Re: [BITX20] uBitx V6 and Nexion 5" Display is dificult to calibrate Those files are the firmware versions for the nanos. If you have a Version 5 or 6 uBITX, use the the "R56_Nextion" firmware. If you have a 3 or 4, use the "34_Nextion" firmware The Nextion 5" screen firmware are located: Assuming you recently bought your Nextion, I would use one of my screens located here: 73 Mark -- AJ6CU/7 KD8CEC 2.0, Nextion Screens, and open source uBITX Raduino boards for Arduino IOT, BLE, RP2040, Teensy 4.0, and Raspberry Pi Pico
Розпочато mathis daniel @ · Останніх @
SBitx DE low voltage warning 2
Hi all, I dug my late model DE sBitx out to load the latest 64bit OS from JJ’s team on it, it had been working perfectly when I put it on the shelf about 6 months ago, now after a minute or so a Low Voltage warning pops up on the display. I checked the voltage at the back of the display, it shows 4.7V. When measured at the 5V regulator it shows 5.2V so about a half volt is being drop somewhere. It seems to me I remember somebody else having this problem a while back? Joel N6ALT
Розпочато Joel Caulkins/N6ALT @ · Останніх @
NEW SCREEN? 3 #sBitx
Розпочато Jim @ · Останніх @
Quadrature versus rectification for AM demodulation 20
Hi Everyone I've been working on an AM mode for the uSBITX and realised an interesting property of AM demodulation that surprised me that probably shouldn't have but did anyway due to the way it happened! I thought it might be interesting to those of you who don't think it is obvious from the start. I've organised DSP processing of the signal out of the crystal filter so that it operates at one quarter of the sample rate. At this frequency the sine and cosine values reduce to 0, 1 and -1. And FIR filters have half of their coefficients set to zero and therefore operate about twice as fast as otherwise. Anyway the way I was thinking of doing AM demodulation was to generate a quadrature version of the input signal by mixing it with an IQ BFO, followed by a magnitude calculation which is achieved by taking the square root of the sum of the squares (ie, sqrt( I*I + Q*Q). The IQ BFO reduces to a multiplication with only 0, 1 and -1. So, now you can use a multiplexer instead of an actual multiplication. The code looks a bit like the following: int32_t I = 0; int32_t Q = 0; switch (bfo & 0x3) { case 0: I = +s; Q = 0; break; case 1: I = 0; Q = +s; break; case 2: I = -s; Q = 0; break; case 3: I = 0; Q = -s; break; } bfo++; then to get the amplitude the following code can be used: amplitude = sqrt(I*I + Q*Q); OK, fine, that works, but wait, look at the I and Q values as input to the amplitude function. When the BFO is 0, you get I only and Q is zero. When BFO is 1, you get Q only and I is zero. When BFO is 2, you get -I only and Q is zero and when BFO is 3 you get -Q and I is zero. Combine that with I*I and Q*Q and you always only ever calculate sqrt(I*I + 0) or sqrt(0 + Q*Q). Obviously this is exactly the same as the absolute value function (ABS)! So, if you can arrange for your signal to appear at a frequency of one quarter of the ADC sampling rate, then all you need to do is take the absolute value of the signal and it will be exactly equivalent to quadrature-magnitude AM demodulation. Interestingly the ABS function is also equivalent to rectification - like a digital diode. Is this obvious? In essence the process is to: Bandpass the signal at one quarter the sampling rate Take the absolute value Remove DC Lowpass filter to remove the carrier Just like a digital crystal set. The AM demodulation is working really well too. I thought that was pretty cool. 🙂 73, Ian VK7IAN
Розпочато vk7ian@... @ · Останніх @
Access and operate your sBitx over the home Wifi 10
Hello all, Trying to be able to view / operate my sBITX on my PC or tablet. On the HF Signals website it has this in the description for the sBITX: I'm still having a lot of fun with my sBITX and I'm trying to learn how to do more with it. I figured out how to watch my NCAA football team play a game on the sBITX via YouTube. Can't think of many HF radios that will allow you to watch football on. Anyway I was thinking that it would be nice to have the display on one of my PC monitors, or a tablet. Could someone please give me some instructions on how to do this? Is it the same as operating a RPI headless? -- '72 Aaron K5ATG
Розпочато Aaron K5ATG @ · Останніх @
SBitx with CrowPi L laptop? 3
I own a CrowPiL laptop ( running a Raspberry Pi4B-8GBit ram. This laptop runs a 12inch screen with a HDMI plug and has two bootable 32Giga SD cards allowing to boot two different OS, each in turn. I added a 64Giga SD card as dev/sda giving additional data storage. This computer has also a 40 pins socket allowing to plug an external device with a 40 wires ribbon to the Raspberry Pi 4B. There is obviously a bluetooth mouse. This laptop currently runs Rasbian, a Raspberry version of Debian. Two USB3 ports, one HDMI port, one ethernet socket and one 40 pins socket are available and it connects easily on a WiFi network. My question is: if I buy a SBitx card alone, can I plug it to this CrowPiL laptop will I have as result a working SBitx transceiver? I would of course load the SBitx firmware in one of the 32Giga SD cards and having a good practice of Debian I could easily hack the firmware to my taste. 73 - Pierre - FK8IH
Розпочато Pierre - FK8IH @ · Останніх @
beginner questions - backups, versions, and settings 4
I am new to the sBitx and raspberry pi world, so I've got some basic questions: I purchased a few 32 GB usb memory sticks for backup. Where can I find step-by-step instructions for how to back up and restore the software, in case I do something unrecoverable? (Or do people open the radio, pop out the memory card, and copy it? Seems laborious. Can I 'dd' while running?) How to I check what version of sBitx software I am running now? (The sBitx is from a recent run of v3's.) Is the 32-bit software version moribund, and so I should upgrade to the 64-bit version? I know this other version exists, but I don't know why I would want it. I watched the youtube video on how to do native HT8, but mine doesn't seem to work like the video. I need to manually intercede in order to send a strength report or RRR, while in the video it appears to be automated. Is there some setup parameter I am missing? The waterfall has the dial frequency centered, so the bandpass doesn't fit and falls off the right edge of the screen on wider settings. Is there a way to adjust that?
Розпочато ww6x @ · Останніх @
7 Inch Raspberry Pi Touch 2 Upgrade and Files 2
The 64 bit dev team designed an adapter/bezel to incorporate the 7 Inch Raspberry Pi Touch display 2 with the sBitx platform. We also figured out the configuration settings needed to make the display work well with sBitx. Touch Display 2 Wiki article STL files are available in the 3D files section at A preconfigured, SD Card image of v4.2 sBitx 64 Bit Edition will be available soon which has all of the changes needed to work with the Touch Display 2 and existing Touch Display. Release notes of additional enhancements and improvements will be available at If you are not following along and learning of new developments for the sBitx project, then you can join the group of 230+ members from the link above (yes its ok to be part of more than one group or community), hi hi. -JJ
Розпочато JJ - W9JES @ · Останніх @
uBitx V6 and Nexion 5" Display is dificult to calibrate 5
Hello community, I build the uBitx v6 kit with the small screen and it worked. Now I have replaced the display (Nextion 5") and the enclosure from Unfortunately the calibration no longer is right. When I send CW on 3.6 Mhz the signal is real on 5.19 Mhz. The RX also doesn't work. There is only noise on all frequencies. I can't get any further with the calibration because: the tutorials that describe a direct calibration in the uBitx-Menus are not for the Nextion 5" display. The menus in the Nextion Display cannot be used. I tried it , via PC and the "uBitx Setting Editor". But here is CEC V2.0 required for the calibration wizzard. However, CEC V2.0 for uBitx and Nextion display cannot be installed, ( or I cannot find the right one ) Maybe someone has an idea how I can get the correct calibration data? I have an Screenshot from uBitx Settings Editor in the attachement. Greetings Mathis HB9GYE p.s. Is it to simple thinking, that I only need this three values: Master Calibration, SSB BFO and CW BFO ?
Розпочато mathis daniel @ · Останніх @
uSBITX - My build of the sBITX 22
Hi Everyone This is my version of the sBITX. It uses a Pi Pico 2 rather than a raspberry Pi. It does not have all the software capabilities of the sBITX but it does have a spectrum display. I designed it to fit a Hammond enclosure of size 160mm x 125mm. I've followed the hardware of the sBITX with a few modifications. The SWR circuit uses a pair of MCP302 I2C ADCs Decided on relays for band switching because to me it's simpler and proven Uses a reed relay for the receiver isolation (I like it because it's silent and operates in less than 2 milliseconds) I've added a high-pass section to the 11 pole low-pass filter to keep out strong local AM signals I found that the 40MHz crystal filter had an impedance of 50 Ohms when the band-pass was about 15Khz - so went with that - no matching circuit needed I went with an MMG3H21 MMIC for the receiver RF amp (and TX pre-amp). I've used it before and it works great Used a T-622-KK81 trifilar transformer in the first mixer in conjunction with an 74LVC1G3157 analog mux which means that the Si5351 can drive the mixer directly The second mixer is a sampling detector using a 74CBT3257 which is also used for TX The receive (and mic) signal is sampled using the Pico ADC which is 12 bits but 16x oversampling brings that up to 14 bits. It seems to work pretty well. Audio and TX signals use PWM with a range of 12 and 10 bits respectively. I was surprised at how good the audio sounds with just 12 bits. Nothing special about the power amp. It's a push-pull configuration using a pair of RD16HHF1 mosfets On the software side. I went with FIR filters and digital mixing. The spectrum is processed separately from the audio signal processing. I'm no expert and I found this way easier to implement! Details are here: I'm still working on the software which I find quite difficult and time consuming! Cheers, Ian VK7IAN
Розпочато vk7ian@... @ · Останніх @
Using PI-5 with Sbitx-V3 9
hi..... First time poster, ...current user of Ubitx-v6. I continue to use my Ubitx-V6, it is working very well. I am thinking of buying your Sbitx-V3 board kit. I have a PI-5: I have added a SSD hat, along with an additional hats for extra USB, etc ports, and a battery supply/backup hat. The 'setup' has grown quite tall, but serves my purpose to train and learn. This PI-5 setup works well for me, and I have learned A LOT re: programming/ booting/running from the SSD,USB,etc. I use a nice monitor connected through the HDMI. Will I be able to attach your Sbitx-v3 board (kit) via a ribbon cable to the PI-5 and run the available softwares' ( if any?) for the PI-5? Any suggestions for building such a radio using the PI-5? Thank you Don in Austin
Розпочато Don Lewis @ · Останніх @
zBITX 20
Any idea if zBITX kits have started coming? Has someone already built one? 73 Jon, VU2JO
Розпочато Jon @ · Останніх @
Sbitx hat 14
Hi to all, Im very interested on to sbitx hat. If anyone have one and is interested to sell, please let me know. Thanks! Juan WP3DN
Розпочато WP3DN @ · Останніх @
sbitx v3 For Sale - interested
Hi Steve is it possible to have a look at the photos? I am interested. regards Jose G
Розпочато Jose G @
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Sat 8:39am