Is this a good choice?
I found this one on Amazon and was wondering if it was a good choice. Thanks, Greg
NanoVNA Server
Ich habe da mal eine Frage Haute wollte ich mal eine neue Version Herunderladen jetes mal hat mir das windows blöckirt Software nicht sicher mit Windows 10 und auch bei Windows 11 weiss einer was daloss ist ?
NanoVNA-H v.34 replacement MCU options
I shorted my microcontroller whilst attempting to replace the battery - my own fault. It is an STM32F072CBT6. I was wondering if the group knew of any options for drop-in replacements for this microcontroller that I could find. I am looking for a few options, if there are any - will help me when trying to source a replacement. Thank you in advance.
On the H4, in the S11/S21 Format menu, there is a a function called IZI. If you select "More" there is an IYI. I can find nothing on these functions. And help is very much appreciated. Thanks! Rusty R.
NanoVNA vs. Rig Expert
I wanted to get some thoughts on usability and functionality of the Nano VNA vs a Rig Expert. Obviously rig experts cost significantly more, and many say the Nano VNA's are a bit fragile in the field compared to a rig expert. But I can buy 4-5 Nano VNA's for the price of a rig expert. Just wanted to get some opinions out of this forum on why you purchased one over the other, if you have both which one you use more often, and reliability/accuracy of the Nano. Ive only been a HAM for a year and am working to build my "kit" of tools and radios. -- Andrew N0MFQ ~73
nanoVNA PC App
New member here. Had my nanoVNA for a long long time, and it's for HF only. ie upto 30MHz. I think I paid about $40 for it at the time. I'm trying to find an App for the PC so I can use it via a PC as the interface is a bit clumsy. I tried various on line Apps for the NanoVNA but none are able to connect to it, even though the PC finds it on serial Port (COM3) Anybody give a link to a PC app for these early VNA's? Glenn vk3pe
Upgrade MCU from STM32F072C8T6 to STM32F303CCT6
Has anyone though of upgrading the STM32F072C8T6 to other MCU with larger SRAM and flash memory? The original NanoVNA author, ttrftech, uses STM32F303 for his other project CentSDR and has the chip data defined at From the datasheet, it seems that STM32F303CCT6 is a good replacement for the original STM32F072C8T6. 256KB flash memory versus 64KB; 40KB SRAM versus 16KB. This enables the possibility of enlarge the sample points from 101 to more points, and other features. Before I start rework on th LQFP-48 IC for the first time in my life, I would appreciate your feedback on the feasibility and suggestions. Ken
Is there a "Factory-type" reset?
Is there a reset for the NanoVNA? I just received mine today... I am pretty sure it is a CLONE since it was so cheap. When I first switched it on, I was seeing scan information and the menu would pop up when I touched the screen, etc. The battery is fully charged as it was when received. I just turned it on today to go through some practice setups such as configuration, etc. A static screen pops up and the keypad will display when appropriate places are touched on the display. However, I cannot make the menu appear. The UP/DOWN/SELECT button is unresponsive (it did seem to work yesterday). I don't see any visible reset ports. I suppose I could chance opening the case, locate the battery wires, and remove one to completely remove power for a bit but, I will wait for other clues from the group. DaveR
Nanovna-h4 frequency off by 40khz
Hello, my first time on, be gentle, lol. I have been using this NanoVna seesii from Amazon for the past year with zero problems, it's been very accurate, I mostly use it for an antenna tuner because I'm running an old ICOM IC-730 with a manual tuner, so, I tune the antenna via the MFJ-949D tuner with the VNA, then switch the antenna back to the rig. Suddenly a few days ago, I noticed my SWR was around 1.25 when my VNA showed a perfect match, which baffled me, so I tuned with my manual tuner until my SWR came down to match, then switched the antenna back to the nanovna and read it, and I soon realized that my NanoVna H4 shows exactly 40khz more than what I'm actually tuned to. For example, if I'm TX on 7.136mhz, I must tune the antenna with the NanoVna to 7.176mhz via my MFJ manual tuner for a perfect 1:1 match. If i wanted to tune to 7.160mhz, i would have to use the VNA to tune the tuner to 7.200mhz to get an "actual" perfect match. It's weird. Prior to this, whatever I tuned the NanoVna to was the "real" value, and it reflected what my tuner was really tuned to. If I wanted to TX on 7.136mhz with my radio, I would connect the antenna to the NanoVna, tune it to 7.136mhz, then connect the antenna back to the transceiver, and it was a perfect match. Not anymore. Hope I'm making sense. Any idea what caused this to happen? I even upgraded my firmware today for the 1st time thinking that might fix the issue but it did not effect it at all. Any clue why this has happened, and better yet, is there some adjustment to fix this? I calibrate and save before use as usual like I have for the past year, nothing has changed. Maybe static damaged my VNA? I do discharge the antenna each time before connecting the antenna. Thanks in advance for reading the lengthy message and for your replies. 73
nanovna -H (ms) won't exit dfu mode
after doing an upgrade to my nanovna with the latest software it would not exit the dfu mode. Here is a picture of the error message. Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is beyond my experience. -- ROBERT TAYLOR KL7ENY
Litio battery for Nanovna .... where i buy ?
Litio battery for Nanovna? My Nanovna no longer turns on, open I find the lithium battery, swollen! I read 3.7 V 450 mAh .... where can I find it? Maybe better or on eBay or Amazon? PS: I don't understand I see in the pile inside there is a circuit with 2 micro integrated in smd .... To balance it, I don't think since it is only 3.7 V that it is the circuit to recharge it?
"Comparing a NanoVNA with a LabVNA Part 1: One-Port Measurements"
"Comparing a NanoVNA with a LabVNA Part 1: One-Port Measurements"
H4 Measure Button
I purchased an H4 and found a "Measure" menu item on the home. menu. I see nothing about the item in any manual that I found. Can anyone clue me in as to why this was added or what the various tests are used for. They are: L/C Match Cable Resonance Shunt L/C Series L/C Series XTAL Thank you, Rusty - KJ6AMR
DiSlord releases new firmware for NanoVNA H/H4
From his email announcement on beta group ------------------------------------------------------------- Made release version for H/H4 devices: Release notes from last v1.2.20: Add frequency step input (allow set one point step value) Add support TIFF screenshot format (packed by RLE compression, see Image Format setting in SD CARD menu) Add Top / Bottom input for scale / ref Add S21 smith R+L/C series and shunt marker format (Format S21->Smith->... submenu) Add VF calculation in Measure Cable, from known cable length (If Cable Length not zero then VF calculate from this value) Add Measure->Filter S21 module Add Real time clock PPM compensation (also added console command 'time ppm value'): How calculate ppm value? Set ppm to 0 Enable RTC 512Hz Led2 and measure frequency on LED2 (blue led) Must be 512Hz if different divide 512 on measured frequency menus 1 and after multiple on 1M Example I measure 512.034Hz PPM = (512 / 512.034 - 1) * 1M = -66,4 for my device PPM value rounded by 0.9537ppm so real correction can be different Move all related to RTC setting to CONFIG->DATE\TIME submenu Move Enter to DFU menu to Expert settings Fix 1 Hz step in CW or Center/Span mode Fix load calibration data from backup register if backup reset Fix hang if drop menu by touch and after push leveler button Small fixes and code cleanup
NanoVNA-H calibration
If I calibrate NanoVNA-H in the 50kHz to 900MHz band, can I use this calibration if I change the start and stop frequencies or I need to do separate calibrations for the different start and stop frequencies?
NanoVNA-H computer connection
When I connect the NanoVNA-H to a computer with USB cable, the measured signal changes. This can be seen on the attached pictures. It is noticeable mainly below 200 - 250 MHz. Is it a normal behavior and if not, how can it be avoided?
DfuSeDemo does not recognize NanoVNA H4 after firmware upgrade to 1.2.29
I had DfuSeDemo working fine with my NanoVNA H4 firmware version 1.0.9. I successfully uploaded data from it to my PC using DfuSeDemo v3.0.6. Then I upgraded to the latest firmware using the file NanoVNA.H4.v1.2.29.dfu. The NanoVNA worked fine after this upgrade. I verified this new version was in effect by navigating to "Config => Version". Also I could see the new features of this new version were present. After the upgrade I attempted to upload data from the NanaVNA H4 to my PC using DfuSeDemo v3.0.6. I could not. No devices appeared in the "Available DFU Devices" field. The MS Windows 11 Device manager shows the NanoVNA present as COM8, and it is working properly. It does not, however, identify it as a NanaVNA, or and STM32 device. I know the NanoVNA is on COM8 because COM8 disappears when the NanoVNA USB cable is unplugged. No NanoVNA, or STM32, device appears under "Universal Serial Bus controllers". What is going wrong here?
Tiltable Stand for the NanoVNA-H4
In the group for the TinySA, someone posted a link to a 3D print file for a stand to fit it. Unfortunately, there was nothing similar for the NanoVNA, and a message to the designer got no response. So, as one who is learning to use Fusion 360, I decided to try to adapt it myself, and I think I succeeded. The design can be downloaded at
SWR begins with .3 instead of 1.0
My SWR reading starts at .3 instead of 1.0. I've searched but could not find a resolution. How do I fix this? Thanks for reading
Frequency Range Discrepancy
Before noticing the 50kHz lower limit on the back of my NanoVNA H4 I did a calibration between 1kHz, and 90kHz. If NanoVNA H4 hardware cannot go below 50kHz why did the firmware allow me to set 1kHz? If it truly cannot, it should be programmed not to accept that setting.
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