QMX+ circuit manual
Hi, Please send link to Hans' descriptions of the circuits. I would like to know how my QMX + works. I don't see the detailed explanation in the shop. Thanks, Merry Christmas George K3GK
Updated Wiki Page: QMX QMX_plus Audio PCM1804
The wiki page QMX QMX_plus Audio PCM1804 has been updated by @Ludwig_DH8WN <DH8WN@...>. Compare Revisions
Xmas gift
Just received my qmx 20-10 ... really the best Xmas gift ever 😊 thanks Hans and team, wish a very nice Xmas and a happy new year.... vy 73 de Udo DF4BJ
Ultimate 3S overvoltage damage!
Hi All! Some years ago I bought and built an Ultimate 3S kit and it worked straight away, but I didn't use it on the air. It has a QLG1 GPS receiver and the additional filter board with five filters installed. Yesterday I finally decided to put it on the air. I found that I'd set it up for Hell on the 10m band. It set its clock automatically from the GPS signal All good. Then I hit the wrong button on my power supply, accidentally switching the output from 5v to 20v. The output was automatically disconnected, but I hadn't noticed the accidental range change and reconnected the output. Needless to say, I've damaged my U3S. The QLG1 is still working (the flashes are correct, I haven't checked the serial output), the LCD may be working, it has one row of character positions active but no characters showing. The backlight is off but that was set for brightness control by the Atmega chip. If I'm lucky, a replacement chip (and program) might be all I need. Of course the Si5351 might be damaged too. There is no sign of activity on that board or on the Atmega, but the Si5351 might have been protected by the LM317 on its board. I haven't been able to find the UK pounds prices on the QRP Labs shop site. I'm willing to buy a new kit for the U3S but I'd quite like a quicker solution if it's just a case of replacing the microcontroller. 73 and Happy Christmas, John G4EDX Nottingham, England
QMX Mid Band Rx issue
My QMX luck is not too much better on this build than the last one. Well at least this one boots up and it actually transmits great. Got good RBN report. Receive is another story. When I first completed it, I was getting really loud noise from speaker and S-meter shows strong signal that fluctuates with Dummy load attached. Here is what I have done so far. I checked T401 by pulling it out and verifying I didn't have anything crossed. I didn't. I replaced the PCM1804 although that was with the one on the other one that the processor failed so not 100% certain it is good but should be. 9K ohms for VDD and about 50K ohms for VCC to ground. I have attached my hardware test results for 20M as most are about the same for all bands with the areas of concern. The only other two are ADC I Q test as the displays are different but then again similar and RF Sweep. Any other troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I do have a scope, signal gen and a TinySA if any of those can aid. thanks and 73 Bob WV7W
Qmx+ 3D printed case
Finished my QMX+ a while ago and finaly got time to designe and print the enclosure. Case is designed with future expansions in mind presented with removable accesories platform to be used for battery atu etc. Small foldable legs, bigger vfo button and slightly larger af button for better ergonomics.
QMX and power bank PD
Is the QMX itself in any way capable to negotiate the required voltage with the power bank PD? In other words is a 12V trigger cable required or not? I feel more comfy with a trigger cable as it steers away from any negotiating. 73 es dx
Jeff Moore w1NC does it again 😊
I killed my QDX running off of a fully charged lifepo4. Reached out to Jeff and now I have a working QDX again. Awesome work Jeff. thanks -- 73s, AA6ST Sameer
Orientation of D33 on QCX-Mini Rev3 PC
Building my QCX Mini and came to this step over an hour ago! Lol I’ve searched until I’m blue in the face…. Closest I could find was a builder’s note for Rev2 PCB, to orient striped end of the body of D33 in the hole closest to the edge of the PCB. Is that correct for Rev3 also? Thanks, Brent
QMX and WSJT Bust
Wow. Thanks to everyone who's trying to help. I really appreciate it. In response to the suggestions/questions: To Ronald Taylor (did I try a USB cable with chokes on both ends?): Yes. Two different cables with chokes. No effect. To Alan G4ZFQ (is the mic enabled inn security/privacy settings?): Yes. Both the general "allow apps to access mic" is "ON" and the "allow desktop apps to access mic" is "ON; and the latter shows WSJT-X, and when I boot that program, the "allow mic" page shows WSJT-X "in use." To Bruce KG8IW (is QMX otherwise working OK, can I hear FT8 signal in headphone?): Yes. I hear the FT8 distinctive tones quite clearly. To Gerald H. (is the clock out of sync?): I don't think so. I run Dimension 4 in background and I checked the last sync and it was only off by 0.042 sec. To Paul AI7JR (is the QMX set to IQ mode?): No. IQ mode shows "DISABLE" In short, while all of those were great suggestions, it doesn't look like we've zeroed in on the issue yet. But here's a weirdness. When I first started the QMX this morning to follow up on the above leads, it worked fine! The waterfall on my PC was the usual FT8 waterfall, signals were decoding fine, and the QMX seemed to transmit. All of the 40m FT8 signals were weak so I figured I'd switch to 20m where my QRP transmit levels might fare better, and the stupid *$%#&$* QMX quit working again ... back to the same waterfall shown below. I tried stopping and restarting the QMX, restarting the laptop, removing and reinserting the USB cable, jiggling the antenna, etc. etc., but nothing got me back to WSJT working. Now I'm doubly stumped. Anything else I can try? Failing a fix, I'm wondering if I should send it back to qrp-labs for a check/repair? Thanks again to everyone, 73 Skip K4EAK P.S. I think I accidentally deleted the original thread trying to do an edit. Oops. :)
QMX+160-6 ceased powering up
GM everyone, I was able to complete the kit and make confirmed QSOs on most bands and modes. At one point, the unit seemed to be unable to switch on at all. Nothing on the display. I checked the battery, power cable, 12V socket, there is voltage in V-IN everywhere, even at the switch-on button. There does not seem to be any short between ground nor V-IN, Vcc nor Vdd. The only thing i can see is that i had overcharged my battery to 13V or so. I would think that this could affect the PA but probably not the display or CPU. What would you suggest i check, do i need another display or unit ? Many thanks, Sly Coulombe VA2YZX
WTS primary
Hi I am looking at the WTS transformer instructions, and notice that the wires on the non-tapped side of the primary seem to be crossed. Is this intentional or a trick of the light. I don’t think circuit wise it makes any difference but thought I ought to check. 73 and season’s greetings Stewart/G3YSX
RF output power on 160 and 80 meters
Hi all, I just finished up my QMX+ build and I ran it through the diagnostics. I see that the rig is putting out 5.7 watts on 160 m and 5.2 watts on 80 m. All the other bands show less than 5 watts. Do I need to be concerned with the higher power output on 160 and 80 m ? I will run this radio for cw and have no plans for the digital modes. Thanks for any suggestion, Doug. KF8VS
QMX+ with Macbook Air (Sonoma OS)
Anyone using this setup to interact via a USB to serial port converter with logbook or contest logging such as N1MM+ to control frequency, mode etc of the QMX. If so, are you using Macports or something different to recognize the serial connection. TIA, and Merry Christmas! Joe K8FC
QMX+ Rev1 Not shutting down
Finished building QMX+. All seems well except that when pressing the encoder to shut down. I get the Shut Down Msg, it goes away, but the LCD still stays lit. Once that happens the encoder no longer functions. If I remove the dc power and plug it back in all is well until I try to shut down again. I am receiving and sending ft8 with no issues. According to Putty screen anywhere between 3.2 and 4.2 watts on all bands. PSK Reporter shows being heard all over the US and Europe. I have researched the Groups post, but no real solutions. I have inspected solder joints, removed and inspected both sides of the 5V and 3 volt SMPS. I do not have an oscilloscope but do have DVM. Any thoughts? Thanks, Scott - K1SMK Liverpool, NY USA
QMX Oscillating SWR
While working on another problem I had a strange issue with bad QRM coming through the radio. I tried a number of things, swapping around coax, adjusting location of things, but couldn't supress it. Then I noticed that my SWR was oscillating between 1 & 2....; running an SWR sweep confirmed the strange behaviour. A power off/on didn't sort it, and switching band didn't seem to make much difference. Eventually, on a whim, I did a factory reset..... and it was gone! Has anyone seen this behavior? A software gremlin? Or a hardware issue with my build? Later, I noticed that doing an audio filter sweep leaves the radio making a lot more noise, which a power-off will sort. I'm hoping these are just firmware/bugs! In operation the radio seems to be operating perfectly....
New QMX build questions!
Hi Folks, I should preface by saying, I'm a beginner at a lot of this radio stuff, but do have some experience with electronics... I had great fun building the QMX; easily the most complex build I've done I suspect - and I used to work in a lab building various computer PCB products... To my utter surprise, everything seems to work. I've listened to a QSO, I've ran the various tests and my graphs match up with the documentation. The only issue I've come across is that doing the SWR sweep locks up the board after the first band, or earlier, and I have to cycle the power. I've also noticed that keying the board while connected to the terminal has a similar effect. I just want to check that this is a known issue. Interestingly, with a dummy load, it works. I suspect this might be because my EFHW antenna, tuned for 40m has a too high SWR? Maybe there is some kind of automatic cut out that is happening? Certainly using Hardware Diagnostics on the radio without terminal is fine - I see the high SWR, for example, on 20m without a crash.... My NanoVNA reports about 7SWR on 20 meters; and the QMX reports about 10... I suspect that is near enough/within error tolerances? Anyway, looking forward to reading through everyone's experience with this fun little radio!
mission impossible? QRP labs QMX power supply boards
In an earlier post I described how, after endless trouble shooting I fried my on-board supplies...Thinking back i am wondering if I plugged in the 13.8v as opposed to the 12v line I reduced with diodes...in any event, I fried the CBT chip and, as I later discovered, the zener diode on one of the little daughter boards. Thinking I may have found an easy fix, I replaced the zener with a thru hole type...no joy, I am just seeing the nominal 12v. off of the boards So, I am wondering about the feasibility of fixing the boards? I have already ordered a couple more kits but who knows when they will get shipped as Hans is waiting on some parts himself...I can get mouser delivered in about a week up here in Canada's Yukon. Aside from the obvious shotgun approach, any suggestions as to where to attack this? That little zener was the only one to show any physical damage on the daughter board. I realize fully that even fixing these boards may not cure the rig and that in fact other components may have gone out as well--even without the magic smoke. Appreciate any thoughts the collective might have.
New qmx transmits on digital for a millisecond
Love my midband qmx. Awesome radio, amazing what Hans has created. Having an issue with ft8, js8 and any of the fldigi modes. I have a new shielded usb c data cable on order in case that is my problem. What happens is when it first transmits, it only lasts for a few milliseconds. Then it loses connection. If I reset the connection, I can get it to do it again with the same result. I am using a vertical antenna on 20 meters with a 1.2:1 swr. I put a ferrite choke on the usb cable. And air coiled the rg316 coax. Am I correct in thinking this is rf getting in to the radio or computer through the usb cable. I have also used an rg8 coax as a feed line and have the same result. I am pretty sure I have followed the manual for digital modes. Any pointers would be appreciated. Also, I ordered my qmx built, not as a kit. Cw works great. Also, battery is 11-12 volts, so not an overvoltage issue. Thank you for the help. This group is awesome. Larry
New Built QMX screen lit but blank
Good morning, I am hoping the knowledge folks here will be able to assist me getting my new pre-assembled 12v QMX (60-15) working. I received the radio two days ago and everything checked out. I am using a talencell which is not fully charged (outputting around 11.7v) and this morning I was using it in practice mode to work on CW sending practice and the screen went blank. It stayed backlit and I could still hear white noise and the CW side tone when keying the paddles but no text. It connects to the PC and I can run menus in the terminal just fine. It did at one point have the text come back for 45 seconds but then it disappeared again. So far I have done a factory reset and checked that it can go into firmware update mode, but no luck. I have not opened it up and could probably check some basics internally if that's needed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated to get my Christmas present up and running. Thanks, Josh KC3ZJW
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