This BITX20@groups.io Wiki is the central hub for all information about the BITX series of homebrew, kit, and ready-to-assemble series of amateur radio transceivers.
You are welcome to contribute to this Wiki. This Wiki is editable to members of the BITX20@groups.io group. Graphical editor -- no special knowledge necessary! When editing, please consider the Editors Notes.
The BITX transceiver was originally developed by Ashhar Farhan for Indian hams -- who have often been handicapped by a lack of low cost equipment -- to get them on air. A mono-band, bi-directional, design using ordinary NPN transistors was developed to cater to this demand. The design could be adapted to any particular ham band by changing the RF section coils and capacitors and the VFO frequency.
Farhan's original website: https://web.archive.org/web/20180827044659/http://www.phonestack.com/farhan/
BITX evolved over one year from the excellent S7C receiver described in the new ARRL book, Experimental Methods in RF Design, (an ARRL publication) into a bi-directional transceiver. Several expert hams across the globe contributed to its design; this resulted in a sensitive receiver capable of strong signal handling, and a stable and clean transmitter capable of enough power to make contacts across the world.
Through the years, the design has been homebrewed and kit built by many hams, and new, more adventurous, kits have been developed by Ashhar Farhan to bring the original design into the experimental world of microprocessors, software programming, and digital amateur radio modes.
BITX Topics
uBITX Topics
sBITX Topics
- Video Presentations
Farhan's RSGB (video) talk with sBITX update (dated November, 2021)
- sBITX V3 Software Videos (December 2023):
- Manuals
- Assembly Manual
- V1 Operating Manual (describes text-based user interface)
- V2 Operating Manual (describes graphics-based user interface)
- If the preview doesn't draw, use the download button on the right to download the PDF
- V3.01 Operating Manual
- sBITX code
- as shipped Raspberry Pi Image with version 2.1 software for the sBitx. Download, unzip and burn it into a 32GB SD card. More details at this post.
- Correction to level out the power difference between USB /CW and LSB/CWR modes: https://groups.io/g/BITX20/wiki/36181
- Version "0.1" of audio equalization for both receive and transmit (voice modes). Designed to assist users with sensory neural high frequency hearing loss. https://groups.io/g/BITX20/wiki/36274
- groups.io sBITX topic
- Much good info at sbitx.net
- Building on the Raspberry Pi:
- $ apt install fftw3 libgtk-3-dev libasound2-dev libncurses-dev wiringpi
$ ./build sbitx
- See install.txt in the source code for more details
- JJ W9JES - Preconfigured 64 bit image
- discussion https://groups.io/g/BITX20/message/111720
- github https://github.com/drexjj/sbitx/releases/tag/sBitx-31-64b-Prod
- before installing first save a copy and restore after install these files:
- sbitx/data/user_settings.ini
- sbitx/data/hardware_settings.ini
- sbitx/data/sbitx.db
- sbitx/web/ *.mc macro files, if they already contain their own data
- .adi files if using JTDX, JS8Call and WSJT-X
Adding to the Wiki