NCE DCC: A DCC discussion and support group focusing on NCE and its discontinued sister brands (Wangrow & Ramtraxx) NCE-DCC@groups.io
WELCOME! The NCE-DCC list serves as a forum for users of NCE systems to obtain and share information about NCE products and DCC with other users. Topics include non-NCE DCC products as long as they relate to interfacing or using them with NCE DCC system or interfacing a NCE products with non NCE DCC systems.
Notes to potential members:
1) Membership requires approval. Why? For your protection, this filters out computers or people searching for email addresses to spam later. Please just tell us why you want to join this list. It's that simple. We can tell who is really interested and who might have other ideas.
2) Every new member will have their first message posting initially screened by a moderator. Why? To make sure the posting is not an attempt to spam the list directly. Once a moderator has determined your intentions, your posting restriction will be removed and your message will be posted to the list, making you a regular member.
3) NO POSTING OF "FOR SALE" ITEMS ON THIS LIST. Why? This is a technical forum to help solve NCE users' technical problems. There are other lists available for sales items if you are not interested in eBay, etc.
4) Discussions about track cleaning at the rail-to-wheel level are NOT a valid topic for this DCC-specific list. There are other groups available for general model railroading topics including track maintenance issues. However, discussions regarding ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS to deal with dirty track are allowed (e.g., Keep Alive, Current Keeper, Power USP, PowerExtender, No Halt, etc.).
5) Use of words that attack other non NCE DCC systems or the people who own them are not allowed. Discussions must be non-personal and objective if any comparisons are to be made.
REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN enjoying your model railroading hobby.
Keywords: Digitrax, EasyDCC, Atlas, Lenz, MRC, Prodigy, Prodigy Advanced, Bachmann, NCE, PROCAB, POWERCAB, POWERHOUSE, POWERHOUSEPRO, System One, Wangrow, TCS, Zimo, Soundtrax, Wireless, Radio
Інформація про групу
- http://www.ncedcc.com
- 5,640 Members
- 23,365 Topics , Останнє повідомлення:
- Started on
Адреси електронної пошти групи
- Запис: NCE-DCC@groups.io
- Підписатися: NCE-DCC+subscribe@groups.io
- Відписатися: NCE-DCC+unsubscribe@groups.io
- Власник групи: NCE-DCC+owner@groups.io
- Допомога: NCE-DCC+help@groups.io
Налаштування групи
- Всі учасники можуть писати в групу.
- Дописи в цій групі не потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Дописи нових користувачів потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Повідомлення налаштовані на відповідь групі.
- Підписка на цю групу вимагає схвалення модераторів.
- Архів доступний лише для користувачів.
- Тільки модератори можуть створювати хештеги.
- Користувачі можуть редагувати свої повідомлення.