Sew Its For Sale SewItsForSale@groups.io
WHEN you request membership to the group you will receive an auto response email called: Required Information. Please reply to that email. BEFORE SUBSCRIPTION MEMBERSHIP is approved you will be required to send to the owner/moderator. This information will not be shared or listed on the group and is only held by the owner. Thank you for your participation. This group is for personal stash items that are strictly sewing, stitchery items, machine embroidery, and quilting related. It was established as an avenue for people to sell their items in lieu of fees incurred at online auctions. Only items that are personal items, not items that are related to business sales, will be allowed to be listed. Links to items on ebay or other online auctions are not allowed. Items made strictly for resale are not allowed to be sold on this list., This includes but is not limited to finished items, such as quilts, garments, etc. Please read files for what is allowed for re-sale. Strict adherence to legal sales only. PLEASE NOTE: The owner and moderators of this group allow this place only as an avenue and do not assume responsibility for the sales. Transactions are strictly between the seller and the purchaser. Please take every precaution to protect yourself to ensure a quality transaction.
Owner/Moderators can be reached by emailing SewItsForSale+owner@groups.io.
Be aware - This list generates a LOT of email per day. Please set your email preferences accordingly. If you do not want individual emails or digest please set to "Special Notice".
Owner/Moderators can be reached by emailing SewItsForSale+owner@groups.io.
Be aware - This list generates a LOT of email per day. Please set your email preferences accordingly. If you do not want individual emails or digest please set to "Special Notice".
Інформація про групу
- 8 644 Члени
- 156,935 Topics , Останнє повідомлення:
- Started on
Адреси електронної пошти групи
- Запис: SewItsForSale@groups.io
- Підписатися: SewItsForSale+subscribe@groups.io
- Відписатися: SewItsForSale+unsubscribe@groups.io
- Власник групи: SewItsForSale+owner@groups.io
- Допомога: SewItsForSale+help@groups.io
Налаштування групи
- Всі учасники можуть писати в групу.
- Дописи в цій групі потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Повідомлення налаштовані на відповідь відправнику.
- Підписка на цю групу вимагає схвалення модераторів.
- Архів доступний лише для користувачів.
- Вікі видима лише для учасників.
- Тільки модератори можуть створювати хештеги.
- Користувачі не можуть редагувати свої повідомлення.