FlaxSeedOil2 FlaxSeedOil2@groups.io
The purpose of FlaxSeedOil2 is to stop cancer and other health problems through the discussion of Dr. Johanna Budwig's Diet and Protocol and compatible treatments. Members give personal experiences and information for educational purposes. This should not be taken as medical advice. If medical advice is needed, it should be sought from those who are qualified. Everyone is responsible for their own choices.
FlaxSeedOil2 is one of the best sources of reliable information on the Budwig Protocol, a combination of a complete diet of health-promoting foods, sun therapy, stress reduction and ELDI oils. In 2001, this group was started by Cliff Beckwith who overcame advanced prostate cancer while in his 70's. In 2002, Cliff transferred ownership to Wilhelm Hansen, who developed our File system. Wilhelm, a native German, studied Dr. Budwig's German-language books as well as those in English. His excellent posts can be read in the archives by typing his name in the "Search" box below. In 2007, Wilhelm transferred ownership to Sandra Olson, a moderator for several years and creator of http://budwig-videos.com
All materials in FlaxSeedOil2 are protected by International Copyright Laws and should not be used elsewhere without permission of the FlaxSeedOil2 owner.
FlaxSeedOil2 is one of the best sources of reliable information on the Budwig Protocol, a combination of a complete diet of health-promoting foods, sun therapy, stress reduction and ELDI oils. In 2001, this group was started by Cliff Beckwith who overcame advanced prostate cancer while in his 70's. In 2002, Cliff transferred ownership to Wilhelm Hansen, who developed our File system. Wilhelm, a native German, studied Dr. Budwig's German-language books as well as those in English. His excellent posts can be read in the archives by typing his name in the "Search" box below. In 2007, Wilhelm transferred ownership to Sandra Olson, a moderator for several years and creator of http://budwig-videos.com
All materials in FlaxSeedOil2 are protected by International Copyright Laws and should not be used elsewhere without permission of the FlaxSeedOil2 owner.
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