TSW-1060 Weather Application v2 and weather widget work on my bench but not at client's site?


What would explain why the same VTP project on two different TSW1060 panels of the same firmware (3.002.1061) works in one location and not the other?
At both locations they pass TESTDNS
TSW-1060>testdns www.cnn.com
IPAddress =
Yesterday on site I set the panels to DHCP just in case that was an issue, no change. 
I assumed that ensuring DNS worked was all they would need but maybe I'm wrong? Anyone? Thx in advance


I'm no expert, but my gut and my troubleshooting rules ask: what IS different?
-CAT cables all good?
-addreses/IP table(s)
-controller model?
-controller FW?
-is it a managed switch?
SOMETHING must be different, although I've seen some weird things.
One time I had to deal with a Serial cable that pinned out fine (through the connectors as well) but the item wouldn't respond.
After making another one, it worked fine. Put the old one back and it would not.
Go figure. We never did find out why.
Good luck, and let us know what happens!


I've had this happen. I don't know why, but I did stumble on a kind of "fix" last time. When I selected the location zip code and set as default, things started working again. On a few TSWs, I had to power cycle them to get to the location selection page, but once there, setting the location again brought things back. Might be worth a shot.


I have about 10 or so xx52 and xx60 series panels in my house that use the advanced weather widget. Same zip code is fed to all in my program with a MSP of course. All panels have valid DNS. On any given day one or more of the panels has the wrong weather info shown. My panels have a screensaver page that is always on and it shows the widget. When I see one wrong I just reboot it and it will pickup the correct weather. Theres no rhyme or reason to it. 
It seems any Crestron smart object widget that has to reach out to another provider just isnt reliable. TV presets V2 is another great example.