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Seeking information from a Bladder Cancer patient
Hello All,
I am posting for a friend of mine who lives in the USA. She has been recently diagnosed with Bladder cancer (not staged yet) I am sharing some information she provided to me: For the past two years, I was experiencing lower back pain and multiple UTIs every 2 months. The last 3 UTIs had blood and passing of a small clot which was not a norm for UTI. They finally determined it was bladder cancer. I’m scheduled for surgery for removal of the tumor on May 22. My oncologist will take samples around the area to confirm if any activity has moved beyond the growth area, they will fill the site with toxin to kill and desensitize the area. Assuming from the biopsy that the cancer has not spread to muscle or outside the bladder there should be no further surgery and no Chemo (I pray for this). If it did spread, a treatment plan will be developed. I am looking for the following to share with her: -information about online bladder patient support groups to recommend to her -treatment experiences of other bladder cancer patients (pro and con) - perhaps a bladder cancer buddy etc. This is an extremely smart group and I hope that a bladder cancer patient may post publicly or write to me privately. I will present information about the Budwig Protocol to her but not she will be able to do it. As I told her, "I want to give you information not conversation." Thank you very much in advance for any information you can provide Monica 1 Людина сподобалось це
There are a few testimonials from Sandra's site you could share with her: On Sep. 12, 2013, Re: Bladder Cancer, Debbie wrote: My husband was diagnosed with inoperable stage iv bladder cancer January, 2013. We started on Budwig, asparagus, and flor essence herbal tea blend, and saw a naturopath dr. who got him balanced and helped him tremendously. He is doing excellent now. The drs had given up on him, but now there is no cancer showing up on ct scans, or bladder camera checks. We also eat as organic as possible. Budwig works…! Debbie On April 2, 2011, Re: Gallbladder Cancer, Anne-Marie wrote: Good news! In Feb 2007, my husband was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer. His gallbladder and surrounding lymph nodes were removed. The oncology surgeon gave him 6-9 months to live. He was 82 at the time. We decided against the chemo-radiation route and introduced the Budwig protocol into our lives. His CAT scan of March 23, 2011 was clean…no recurrence of the cancer… Anne-Marie On Jun. 28, 2010, Re: Her Father’s Bladder and Colon, Jenny wrote: …My Dad was battling with a fistula between bladder and colon since a biopsy in March 2010. Last night he told me everything was back to normal again – he has had no breakthrough from colon to bladder! I believe it is from BP – he has been following a strict protocol since April 2010. Every doctor he went to told him the ONLY way to heal this was with surgery – he refused. If we had listened to the doctors, he would have had total bladder & partial colon removal and would have to live with 2 bags for the rest of his life! He has not had any chemo or radiation and will never choose to either. BTW – he is 75 years old! Jenny Wishing her the best, Rod in MN/USA On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 09:03:43 AM CDT, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote: Hello All, I am posting for a friend of mine who lives in the USA. She has been recently diagnosed with Bladder cancer (not staged yet) I am sharing some information she provided to me: For the past two years, I was experiencing lower back pain and multiple UTIs every 2 months. The last 3 UTIs had blood and passing of a small clot which was not a norm for UTI. They finally determined it was bladder cancer. I’m scheduled for surgery for removal of the tumor on May 22. My oncologist will take samples around the area to confirm if any activity has moved beyond the growth area, they will fill the site with toxin to kill and desensitize the area. Assuming from the biopsy that the cancer has not spread to muscle or outside the bladder there should be no further surgery and no Chemo (I pray for this). If it did spread, a treatment plan will be developed. I am looking for the following to share with her: -information about online bladder patient support groups to recommend to her -treatment experiences of other bladder cancer patients (pro and con) - perhaps a bladder cancer buddy etc. This is an extremely smart group and I hope that a bladder cancer patient may post publicly or write to me privately. I will present information about the Budwig Protocol to her but not she will be able to do it. As I told her, "I want to give you information not conversation." Thank you very much in advance for any information you can provide Monica 1 Людина сподобалось це
Thank you Rod. I'll see if I can find them or if somehow can respond to me privately with the links that would be appreciated.
1 Людина сподобалось це
Puritan Pride told me today they are no longer carrying liquid flax seed oil. Sounds like the government is after supplement producers. dave
On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 02:53:33 PM CDT, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote:
Thank you Rod. I'll see if I can find them or if somehow can respond to me privately with the links that would be appreciated.
1 Людина сподобалось це
Ron Muscella
The US govt acquiesce to Big Pharma requests. Also tried to do it during Covid with NAC (non-acetyl cysteine), IVM and HCQ. -----Original Message-----
From: dadodge503 via <DADODGE503@...> To: Sent: Wed, May 10, 2023 4:04 pm Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Seeking information from a Bladder Cancer patient Puritan Pride told me today they are no longer carrying liquid flax seed oil. Sounds like the government is after supplement producers. dave
On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 02:53:33 PM CDT, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote:
Thank you Rod. I'll see if I can find them or if somehow can respond to me privately with the links that would be appreciated.
I pasted tham in the message, but here is a link On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 02:53:36 PM CDT, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote: Thank you Rod. I'll see if I can find them or if somehow can respond to me privately with the links that would be appreciated. |
The last order of flax oil I received from PP was foul tasting. Not like rancid, just tasted bad. I contacted CS there and was told that the flax seeds weren't debittered and that was why the taste. They refunded my money. Maybe they took a financial hit that they couldn't deal with? I am sure I wasn't the only one who wasn't happy. Is a shame too as their oil was fine and my goto for years, up until recently. Rod in MN/USA On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 03:06:55 PM CDT, dadodge503 via <dadodge503@...> wrote: Puritan Pride told me today they are no longer carrying liquid flax seed oil. Sounds like the government is after supplement producers. dave On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 02:53:33 PM CDT, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote: Thank you Rod. I'll see if I can find them or if somehow can respond to me privately with the links that would be appreciated. |
I wasn't able to order Organic flaxseed oil from PPP. They've been out of stock for some time. I ordered instead from Piping Rock. Their oil was fine. But it costs $9.99/bottle, about 66% more than I was paying at PP. Still it is lower than competing brands.
Joe Firestone
I always used Puritan's Pride Organic Flaxseed oil. I would buy it on Amazon 4 bottles at a time for $9 ea. I'm just about out and need another source. Trying to keep the price reasonable.
On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 05:22:46 PM CDT, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...> wrote:
The last order of flax oil I received from PP was foul tasting. Not like rancid, just tasted bad. I contacted CS there and was told that the flax seeds weren't debittered and that was why the taste. They refunded my money. Maybe they took a financial hit that they couldn't deal with? I am sure I wasn't the only one who wasn't happy. Is a shame too as their oil was fine and my goto for years, up until recently. Rod in MN/USA On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 03:06:55 PM CDT, dadodge503 via <dadodge503@...> wrote: Puritan Pride told me today they are no longer carrying liquid flax seed oil. Sounds like the government is after supplement producers. dave On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 02:53:33 PM CDT, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote: Thank you Rod. I'll see if I can find them or if somehow can respond to me privately with the links that would be appreciated. |
I’m a bladder cancer survivor now more than 7 years clear after a recurrence. Budwig certainly played a part in my good fortune but also bought a cold press juicer and made green juice to boost my immune system. The juice consist of lacinato kale, spinach, parsley, cucumber, celery, and green apple for sweetness
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Obviously organic is preferred but not necessary for success. Drink this daily is the best. Overtime I moved away from budwig but stayed with green juice. Here I am 7 years!! Good luck to all On May 10, 2023, at 1:53 PM, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote:
That is outstanding, Mitch. I also credit juicing for some of my success against lung cancer. Rid in MN/USA On Thursday, May 11, 2023, 01:45:36 AM CDT, Mitch Simon <mitchsimon01@...> wrote: I’m a bladder cancer survivor now more than 7 years clear after a recurrence. Budwig certainly played a part in my good fortune but also bought a cold press juicer and made green juice to boost my immune system. The juice consist of lacinato kale, spinach, parsley, cucumber, celery, and green apple for sweetness Obviously organic is preferred but not necessary for success. Drink this daily is the best. Overtime I moved away from budwig but stayed with green juice. Here I am 7 years!! Good luck to all On May 10, 2023, at 1:53 PM, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote:
I have ordered from Piping Rock in the past when PP was out of stock and it is good oil. It has a slightly different taste but not offensive. Their price is a bit higher but not terrible so. What made PP such a great deal was their buy 1 get 2 free sales which made the price less than $7 a bottle. Rod in MN/USA On Thursday, May 11, 2023, 01:43:05 AM CDT, Ric Duncan via <ricduncan@...> wrote: I always used Puritan's Pride Organic Flaxseed oil. I would buy it on Amazon 4 bottles at a time for $9 ea. I'm just about out and need another source. Trying to keep the price reasonable. On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 05:22:46 PM CDT, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...> wrote: The last order of flax oil I received from PP was foul tasting. Not like rancid, just tasted bad. I contacted CS there and was told that the flax seeds weren't debittered and that was why the taste. They refunded my money. Maybe they took a financial hit that they couldn't deal with? I am sure I wasn't the only one who wasn't happy. Is a shame too as their oil was fine and my goto for years, up until recently. Rod in MN/USA On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 03:06:55 PM CDT, dadodge503 via <dadodge503@...> wrote: Puritan Pride told me today they are no longer carrying liquid flax seed oil. Sounds like the government is after supplement producers. dave On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 02:53:33 PM CDT, Monica Amparo via <monikanne@...> wrote: Thank you Rod. I'll see if I can find them or if somehow can respond to me privately with the links that would be appreciated. |
Are you completely cured or do you still need treatment from a
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traditional cancer specialist? 2023-05-11 16:44 UTC+02:00, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...>: That is outstanding, Mitch. I also credit juicing for some of my success |
Don’t know if you guys have Ocado in the USA but that’s where I order my flax oil from, it tastes good & I have never had any problems with them!
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On 11 May 2023, at 15:47, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...> wrote:
Hi Larissa. Bladder Cancer is tricky. There’s no cure. All dr can do is detect and treat. Bladder removal doesn’t mean you are cured. Plenty of examples of cancer recurrence in this worst case scenario.
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I will never acknowledge I’m cured. But I have no symptoms and no issues and my exams have come back negative. And I still drink green juice and eat vegetables like broccoli kale cauliflower etc to keep my immune system revved. It’s working and I want everyone with BC to know. So they can try for themselves and not solely rely on drs who can’t stop recurrence in most cases by Medicine alone. Mitch On May 11, 2023, at 1:21 PM, Larissa Labelle <labellelarissa5@...> wrote: |
Congratulations to you Mitch. Just keep it up. My husband is seven years feeling good with no issues after having had Stage IV laryengeal cancer.
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Stay true to BP. Lindsley On May 11, 2023, at 7:15 PM, Mitch Simon <mitchsimon01@...> wrote: |
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