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Possible easier menu for radio amateurs?
I just wanted to ask if there is any interest from the community or the developers to make the menu easy for radio amateurs, for people that are not engineers? Currently the menu is a big mess with a lot of options and sub-options and so on. So if you want to make a simple measure, you have to go in many menus to change many settings. I know this gives a lot of control, but I will be very nice to have a few buttons on the main screen, like a main menu, that take you to the most used measurements, with all of the settings already set, with bigger font and a few buttons to change some settings only to that current measurement. I also do not know if this is something that the hardware supports. |
On 29/12/2024 06:44, aeternus.arcis via wrote:
Hello.I take your point, but I feel that for many purposes start and stop frequencies are all you need to change, perhaps followed by a calibration. I guess the TDR measurements (find a cable length or a fault) are a little more complex. What sorts of top-level options would you like to see? What settings to change? As many of the devices use a similar menu structure it would be a lot of work to change, and it might make support more difficult! There are some excellent resources - including books and videos - out there which may answer your questions: Cheers, David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: Email: davidtaylor@... BlueSky:, Twitter: @gm8arv 1 Людина сподобалось це
I don't see it being practical. All those options exist because people do so many different things with the instrument. I for example use the same settings 95% of the time, only the start/stop frequencies change. So I calibrate for the half dozen ranges and measurements (S11 or S21) I use and SAVE them with all their settings (points, traces, etc) in place. All I have to do is RECALL one and I'm good to go!
I am looking from a point of view of someone that does not yet understand many technical things. I may not have time or interest to learn them. So for a person that just wants to simply measure let's say SWR, I think this will be easier. I am not saying to remove the other technical options. They need to exist. Just to add simpler ones. It saves time for people that do not use this every day and and do not remember all of the settings, and I think it also saves time for people that use the device every day, but take many different measurements.
My example is something like this - you press "SWR test" - a new screen opens with preselected only 1 trace, format SWR, channel 0. Then there are two buttons to choose start and stop frequency. And a button to instead choose predefined "amateur radio bands". All of this saves time. Maybe some of this is limited, because of the screen size on some models. I like how that SV4401A model moves some common options outside of the hidden menu, but it is still not what I am imagining. It is also too expensive, but that is a different topic. |
If you buy an instrument, you take time to learn how to use it. SWR is a weak measurement on its own. The Smith Chart is your real best friend. There are many YouTube videos on the instrument and the chart. Meanwhile, if you learn a few things and SAVE your settings, you will have 95% of what you want! Turn on VNA, RECALL the setting you want and go measure
2 Люди сподобалось це
Why not buy an " Antenna Analyzer"? That will do what you want.
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73, Geoff --> AB6BT On 12/28/2024 10:44 PM, aeternus.arcis via wrote:
Hello. |
Quick question. What nanovna is this
referring to? Fred N4CLA On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 6:21 PM Geoff Peters - AB6BT via <AB6BT=> wrote: Why not buy an " Antenna Analyzer"? That will do what you want. |
I think some people are missing the point, or just do not want any changes to the way they are doing things. Which I said is not what I want to do. When I buy something, I learn everything about it. That does not mean that it is doing the things in the best way. I know how it works. I watched the videos. I am really grateful for that, to those people, because without them it would be even worse to learn this. All I asked was a possibility of simplified menu without removing the advanced options. For everyone that thinks it is more complicated than it needs to be, which I know is not just me. But this is a lot like in Linux - when someone suggests GUI for a terminal program, all of the people that use only terminal jump that he should learn the terminal or just use Windows.
SWR was just an example. It is not the only thing I need and after all, this is not only about me. I understand about support being more difficult. I think something can be done about that, but it needs time. It is not easy for sure. So, thanks for the suggestions. Like I said, I watched videos and read guides. I learned and I am still learning. But that does not make it simpler. So if someone is ever interested in simplifying this menu, contact me. I do not want to be a programmer, but can help with the design. |
On Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 12:45 AM, <aeternus.arcis@...> wrote:
A developer named Reald did make a big font version with SWR display about 4 or 5 years ago and you could try that out and see if it works for you. The links are in archive posts. A simplified menu been discussed several times in this group over the years and no one stepped up to do it. Not enough interest I guess as most of us like all the VNA features. The code is open source so feel free to modify it to do what you want. Roger |
You'll probably get along much better with a RigExpert analyzer.
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I use this one: and I think it's what you're looking for. However, NanoVNA offers much more possibilities of use, it just needs to be learned. 73! Costin, YO8RCD <> În lun., 30 dec. 2024 la 20:43, Roger Need via <sailtamarack=> a scris: On Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 12:45 AM, <aeternus.arcis@...> wrote:advanced |
OP: Your thoughts are legit, but you will face lots of opposition from existing users and from the developers, as these VNAs are designed to have every possible feature and are built to perform just enough above the lowest possible performance standards to keep costs to a minimum and folks buying.
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THEY ARE NOT BUILT AT ALL FOR EASE OF USE. As a comparison, compare and contrast a ham radio built by hams, but incorporating DSP/SDR an SDR built by non-ham programmers. :) One is easy to use while the other is like using C++ as a radio a translated language...with inverted colors... My phone has a dual interface, which would be welcome on hobbyist VNAs. In full-feature mode it's the latest and greatest version of Android. In "easy" mode it lacks many features but is super easy to use for common tasks. Hint, hint, developers? Regards, Kirk, NT0ZRochester, MN My book, "Stealth Amateur Radio," is now available from and on the Amazon Kindle (soon) On Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 09:40:37 AM CST, aeternus.arcis via <aeternus.arcis@...> wrote:
Hello. I just wanted to ask if there is any interest from the community or the developers to make the menu easy for radio amateurs, for people that are not engineers? Currently the menu is a big mess with a lot of options and sub-options and so on. So if you want to make a simple measure, you have to go in many menus to change many settings. I know this gives a lot of control, but I will be very nice to have a few buttons on the main screen, like a main menu, that take you to the most used measurements, with all of the settings already set, with bigger font and a few buttons to change some settings only to that current measurement. I also do not know if this is something that the hardware supports. |
Sure, I'm an engineer. I've been using professional VNAs for some
40-years. I salute the creators of the NANOVNAs! It works just like the professional units and quite intuitive to me. Keep it up. I have no problem with the "complexity" of the NANOVNAs. You would be much happier with the Rig Expert offerings as they are designed as a technician tool at the top of the tower. Leave the NANOVNAs alone. Dave - WØLEV On Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 7:29 PM Kirk Kleinschmidt, NT0Z via <sohosources@...> wrote: OP: Your thoughts are legit, but you will face lots of opposition from-- *Dave - WØLEV* -- Dave - WØLEV |
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