
This group is dedicated to LTspice.
LTspice® is a free SPICE electronic circuit simulation program.  Download LTspice at .
This group is independent from the owner of LTspice (Analog Devices (ADI), formerly Linear Technology (LTC)).  It is a user's group, made up entirely of LTspice users like you.  It is the official LTspice support group for users.

This usergroup started in 2002.  It was hosted on Yahoo!Groups until 2019.  It moved to in 2019.  All messages, files and group members from the Yahoo!Group were transferred from Yahoo to  There is a folder with zip-files containing all the Files from the old Yahoo group as of the move in November 2019 - .

Please read this page carefully first, before posting messages here or sharing your LTspice simulations here.

This is a public group.  Anything you write here will be emailed to many other group members, and can be seen by anyone.

If you are not a group "member" here, click the Join This Group button below and follow the steps.  Only group members can post (send) messages.  First-time messages from new members are "moderated" so there is a delay before they show up.  Please be patient.  Don't send your message repeatedly.  It does not help.

This group has several files with SPICE models and sample simulations.  Only group members can access the group's Files.  If you are not a group member or are not logged-in to your account, you would be denied access to the Files and Photos.  So, please join, and remember to be logged-in when trying to access Files or Photos here.

Please use English only, even if you think your English is not good.  Use the Internet to translate to English before sending your message.  Please be civil.  No personal attacks.  No advertisements or SPAM.  "Pirated" or "cracked" software and books that are for sale, may not be posted here.  Please stay on-topic about LTspice.  Anything that you post here is e-mailed to thousands of people, and visible to anyone on the Internet.  Once sent, it may be on the Internet forever.  Remember not to reveal personal or proprietary information.

Important:  Do not attach or include or embed or drag-and-drop any files or pictures in your messages.  Instead, upload files to this group's "Temp" folder - .
To upload:  First navigate to the Temp folder, then click the "New/Upload" button.  Please do not refer to other ("third party") file storage websites for your files, even if it is one where you have an account.  Instead, upload your files to this group's website, and only into the Temp directory.  Do not include your .raw or .log or .fft files, and please, no pictures or screen images.  Then write a NEW message telling us what you uploaded and why.  Yes, that means actually writing and sending a real actual message.

If your files are compressed or archived, please use *.ZIP format ONLY.  Never use .rar or .tar or .7z or .gzip or .lzh or any other type.  .ONLY ZIP archives!  Zipping files helps collect them together.  If you have only one file, it does not need to be zipped.  If you have more than one or two files to upload, please zip them together into one .zip file, then upload only the one .zip file.  Please never upload directories that contain several files - use ZIP instead.

When uploading files here, include every symbol and every SPICE model that did not come with LTspice and is used in your simulation.
- If you downloaded it from the web, include it with your upload.
- If you downloaded it from this group, include it with your upload.
- If you autogenerated an LTspice symbol, include it with your upload.
- If you created your own LTspice symbol, include it with your upload.
- If you uploaded it here last week or last year, include it with your new upload.
Summarizing, always include all symbols and all SPICE models that did not come with LTspice.

Please do not upload file types such as videos or PowerPoint (.ppt*) files.  They are wasteful and do not belong here.

Upload Files into the group's "Temp" folder. (or click "Files" then "Temp").  Navigate there first before starting the upload.  After you are there, then click the "New/Upload" button near the top of the page to start the upload.  But do not click that button until after you have navigated into the Temp folder.

After uploading Files, always send a Message that has your comments or questions about it.  Sending a Message means actually writing a new message.  Choose a Subject that is short but related and meaningful, please.

Important:  Do not attach or include or embed any pictures or screen captures in your messages.  Pictures should go here - .
Create a New Album, then Add Photo to upload your photo into it.  But if you have a schematic, upload the schematic file, not a picture of it.  Pictures of LTspice schematics are not helpful.  We can't run a simulation of a picture, and the schematic file itself has things that are not in the picture.  Please do not upload pictures of the result of your simulation.  We can see the results ourselves by running the simulation.

Do not reply to the "File ... uploaded" messages.  They will bounce, and the topics are regularly deleted.  Instead, start a new topic with a meaningful subject title.

If you have something to say, or ask, say it in a Message, not in a Photo or in a File.

Please do not "hijack" an unrelated topic by replying to it.  Instead, start a new topic.  Click the "New Topic" button in the left menu.  Or start a brand new email message, with a NEW Subject line, not a reply to another message even if you change the Subject line.  Send Messages to this email address: where they will go to the group.

This group has thousands of SPICE models and schematics.  Use these two index files to find them:
  all_files_z_yahoo.htm  (for files uploaded before 2019),  (for files uploaded since 2019 until mid 2020).
Download them, then open them in a web browser.
Also, you can search for files by clicking "Files" in the left menu, then use the Search box in the upper right corner.  But that lacks the context provided by the two "all_files" listings.

There is a FAQ folder with "Frequently Asked Questions" about LTspice, here → .

The LTwiki has much valuable information, including most of the undocumented LTspice features → .

Here is Analog Devices's EngineerZone page for LTspice → .


Інформація про групу

  • 46,876 Members
  • 23,639 Topics , Останнє повідомлення:
  • Started on
  • RSS стрічка

Адреси електронної пошти групи

Налаштування групи

  • Всі учасники можуть писати в групу.
  • Дописи в цій групі не потребують схвалення модераторів.
  • Дописи нових користувачів потребують схвалення модераторів.
  • Повідомлення налаштовані на відповідь групі.
  • Підписки на цю групу не потребують схвалення модераторів.
  • Архів доступний будь-кому.
  • Вікі видима лише для учасників.
  • Тільки модератори можуть створювати хештеги.
  • Користувачі не можуть редагувати свої повідомлення.
  • Користувачі можуть налаштувати підписку без електронної пошти.

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