UDP 'server' is this possible 9
In the past when I've been testing modules for kit I don't have in the office, that connect through TCP/IP, I've simply hosted a TCP server on another processor to mimic the device. I need to do something similar with a device (Novastar H2) that only uses UDP for comms. Is it possible to host a UDP 'sever' on a processor and if so how? Also, I'm not a network expert and have little understanding of UDP outside of sending stuff to/from UDP devices.
Розпочато Slip Cougan @ 11/22/24 · Останніх @ 11/26/24
Novastar H series 5
Hi, Does anyone have the control for the Novastar H series? Thanks in advance
Розпочато Juan Lopez @ 2/27/24 · Останніх @ 11/26/24
has anyone made a stock ticker module? 3 #crestron
Or does anyone know how to make one?
Розпочато maarijkhan966@... @ 11/14/24 · Останніх @ 11/24/24
Global Cache IP2IR sensor input (RMC4) 5
Has anyone used the IP2IR as a sensor input? Apparently it broadcasts state changes via udp on port 9132, using a multicast IP of Does the UDP symbol in simpl windows listen on multicast IP’s like that? I’ve not had a manufacturer specify a multicast IP in the past, just UDP in general, and I most often specify on the symbol. Thanks, Mike
Розпочато Mike Taylor @ 11/20/24 · Останніх @ 11/23/24
posting pictures to threads??? 2
Am I missing something here? Can we post pictures to threads here?
Розпочато stefuel2 @ 11/22/24 · Останніх @ 11/23/24
Pathway Pathport Ethernet DMX Controller 2
Hello all, Hope the east Coasters are safe from this storm we had Ran into a Pathway Pathport DMX unit on a job that we are upgrading and we do not have the original code. I searched for a module of some sort as I am unfamiliar with this product. Anyone out there have one of these in there library? TIA Rob
Розпочато robpavo @ 11/02/12 · Останніх @ 11/22/24
I have a customer with a small residential distributed music system (CP3N, programmed in SIMPL) with several AM-FM radios as selectable inputs. I am looking at alternatives to off-air AM, as the quality of the AM radio reception is less than desirable even after taking extensive steps to use an outdoor antenna on an elevated mast. I just noticed a spec sheet for the Crestron DM-NAX-4ZSP, which seems to offer four "streaming players"; as an option I could set the players to the appropriate web-addresses of the AM radio stations then use 4 analog outputs on this unit to feed to the room amps to replace existing tuners without too much trouble. Has anyone had any experience with this unit? Please feel free to chime in here with any advice, options, inquiries, etc. Many thanks. Robert Herrick robert.herrick654@... 210-213-8232
Розпочато Robert Herrick @ 11/16/24 · Останніх @ 11/22/24
Getting up to speed on Construct? 3
After searching here and at true blue's website, I'm not seeing any resources for getting up to speed quickly on Construct. If anyone here knows of a resource or has any pointers I'd appreciate it.
Розпочато Gary Miller @ 11/20/24 · Останніх @ 11/21/24
Topics in Home Automation - New Article in Residential Tech Today 5
Aqara is a leading smart home device manufacturer that was founded back in 2009. My latest article provides a hands on review of Aqara's latest smart lock, the U300. Unlike most smart locks, the U300 is a lever lock, not a deadbolt lock. In addition, the U300 is compatible with the Matter smart home standard so it can be integrated with a wide variety of smart home platforms without the need for a separate hub from the manufacturer. You can find the article here: https://restechtoday.com/reviewing-the-aqara-smart-lock-u300/ For those interested in earlier articles that I've written, you can find those here: https://restechtoday.com/author/jaybasen/ For these interested in even earlier content that I wrote, you can find it all here though older content has formatting issues due to a transfer from blogspot to wordpress. https://topicsinhomeautomation.wordpress.com/ Thanks
Розпочато jbasen @ 11/20/24 · Останніх @ 11/20/24
Dmx controller options 5
Hello, Just wondering what everyone is recommending for dmx integration these days? Thanks in advance
Розпочато Dillon Costanza @ 11/19/24 · Останніх @ 11/20/24
OT: Screen Innovations LinkPro Z
Hi All, Anyone have a LinkPro Z that they'd be willing to sell? Please reach out directly if so, thanks! chris at eicustom dot com
Розпочато ckangis @ 11/19/24
TS-xx70 Multiple IP Table Entries Issue 5
Got a quirk that seems to work with a 1060 but not a 770 I got 2 programs running on a DMPS3-150 Using 2 different IP-IDs for the same touch panel. Program Slot 1 - uses IP-ID 03 Program Slot 2 - uses IP-ID 13 Touch panel IP Table would be 03 13 This setup works as intended with a 1060 but some elements 'disappear' on a 770. Such as analog join 1 which is gauge defined in program slot 1 and empty in program slot 2. So the gauge would be there and and then it would disappear. Anyone have any insight? It seems that the touch panel is only binding to program slot 2. Even though both ip tables entries would report as ONLINE on the touch panel and the processor.
Розпочато Daniel Portugal @ 11/18/24 · Останніх @ 11/19/24
C9300 Multicast flooding to NVXs 7
Hi, I am working on a project to implement Creston NVXs, Q-Sys etc, I work on the network side so don't 100% understand all of it. We are having an issue where ports connected to NVX-D30 at random point during the day and night get flooded with traffic, overwhelming port causing traffic to drop therefore the display flick. We can go hours with out issue, there no real pattern to when and why it occurs. Network consists C9300 connected to C9500 core where the igmp querier is. This AV kit sits on its own vlan. Snooping and immediate leave are enabled. No matter how much QoS I put on the put it still falls over. Has anyone see this kind of this before? or has some example config in which might help? I am lost on what it could be. Any help would much appreciated. Happy to share more logs and config. From the 9300: Vlan 703: -------- IGMP snooping : Enabled Pim Snooping : Disabled IGMPv2 immediate leave : Enabled Explicit host tracking : Enabled Multicast router learning mode : pim-dvmrp CGMP interoperability mode : IGMP_ONLY Robustness variable : 2 Last member query count : 2 Last member query interval : 1000 Topology change : No IP address : IGMP version : v2 Port : Po1 Max response time : 10s
Розпочато JossNolie @ 11/14/24 · Останніх @ 11/18/24
TSW-770 now in portrait mode? 6
i loaded a construct project for a 1080 into my 770, the TP switched to portrait mode i reloaded my original project - still portrait haven't found a way to set it back?? reloading firmware did NOT fix it in SIMPL the IPDID was a 1080 with landscape mode set on reserved4, no option on 770 did reset 11 times, factory reset button is off the screen, cannot press
Розпочато mark kaye @ 11/16/24 · Останніх @ 11/18/24
Floor Heating Tstat, Hi-Volt thats Integratable 15
Hi All, Anyone have a solution (particularly for Retrofit) for Hi-Volt (120-240v) floor-heating TStat? I've tried the NuHeat units, but with the *Cloud-based Integration* its just not reliable, IMO. I have two sites that I cannot keep online and am looking to replace them with something that communicates locally. TIA!!
Розпочато ckangis @ 11/13/24 · Останніх @ 11/18/24
New vs Old Program logic - logic running too many times 4
the following Simp+ code is intended to set flags and send a command to console to retrieve data. During the "change Console_Rx$" I have placed several flags to prevent if already processing data, only running an event once until Initialize button is triggered again but once triggered the data is being received from Console_Rx$ the logic is running anywhere from 7-10 times. The debugger Print statement confirms that the flags are reset to "0" but the logic continues to trigger without setting flags to 1. What am I missing here? #DEFINE_CONSTANT MAX_LINES 18 #DEFAULT_VOLATILE #ENABLE_STACK_CHECKING #ENABLE_TRACE DIGITAL_INPUT Initialize; BUFFER_INPUT Console_Rx$[3000]; DIGITAL_OUTPUT NewProgram, ExistingProgram; STRING_OUTPUT Console_Tx$; // global variables STRING ParsedLines[20][100], tempSource$[100], tempCompiled$[100], accumulatedData$[56534]; INTEGER i, savedFile, savedDate, iFlag, iFlagConditionals, iCheck; NONVOLATILE STRING savedFile$[100], savedDate$[100]; push Initialize { //reset flags before data to be processed iFlag = 1; iFlagConditionals = 1; iCheck = 1; accumulatedData$ = ""; Console_Rx$ = ""; //clear array at startup for (i = 1 to MAX_LINES) { ParsedLines[i] = ""; } makestring(console_tx$, "PROGCOMMENTS:%d\n", GetProgramNumber()); } change Console_Rx$ { integer isProcessing, lineIndex, lineStart, lineEnd;; isProcessing = 0; // Check if the handler is already processing data if (isProcessing = 1) { return; } isProcessing = 1; // If incoming data is empty, avoid execution if (len(Console_Rx$) = 0) { iFlag = 0; iFlagConditionals = 0; iCheck = 0; isProcessing = 0; return; } // Set default variable values lineIndex = 1; lineStart = 1; lineEnd = 0; // Append incoming data into a single string and clear Console_Rx$ while (len(Console_Rx$) > 0 && iCheck = 1) { accumulatedData$ = accumulatedData$ + Console_Rx$; // Adding a small delay for debounce to allow incoming data to stabilize Delay(10); // Wait for 10ms to allow data accumulation to stabilize Console_Rx$ = ""; // Clear buffer immediately after appending if (find("Friendly Name:", accumulatedData$, 1)) { iCheck = 0; } } if (iFlag = 1) { // Create an array of incoming string while (lineStart <= len(accumulatedData$)) { lineEnd = find("\x0D\x0A", accumulatedData$, lineStart); if (lineEnd > 0) { ParsedLines[lineIndex] = mid(accumulatedData$, lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart); lineStart = lineEnd + 2; lineIndex = lineIndex + 1; } else { break; } if (lineIndex > MAX_LINES) { break; } } // Search array for specific parameters for (i = 1 to MAX_LINES) { if (find("Program File:", ParsedLines[i], 1)) { tempSource$ = mid(ParsedLines[i], 15, len(ParsedLines[i]) - 14); } if (find("Compiled On:", ParsedLines[i], 1)) { tempCompiled$ = mid(ParsedLines[i], 14, len(ParsedLines[i]) - 13); } } print("Saved File: %s\r", savedFile$); print("Saved Date: %s\r", savedDate$); print("Current File: %s\r", tempSource$); print("Current Date: %s]\r", tempCompiled$); if (iFlagConditionals = 1) { // Determine if new or existing data if (tempSource$ = savedFile$) { savedFile = 1; } else { savedFile = 0; savedFile$ = tempSource$; } if (tempCompiled$ = savedDate$) { savedDate = 1; } else { savedDate = 0; savedDate$ = tempCompiled$; } // Compare values to determine feedback if (savedFile = 1 && savedDate = 1) { NewProgram = 0; ExistingProgram = 1; } else { ExistingProgram = 0; NewProgram = 1; } // Set flag to indicate data has been processed iFlag = 0; iFlagConditionals = 0; // Clear accumulatedData$ after processing accumulatedData$ = ""; } } print("End of Command: iFlag is %d and iFlagConditional is %d\r", iFlag, iFlagConditionals); // Release the processing lock isProcessing = 0; } FUNCTION MAIN() { //set startup global variables iFlag = 0; iFlagConditionals = 0; accumulatedData$ = ""; WaitForInitializationComplete(); }
Розпочато Brad Wykoff @ 11/15/24 · Останніх @ 11/15/24
Looking for Ben Street 2
Hello, i am looking for a programmer going by Ben Street name, for a Restaurant job he did in Miami FL, if anybody knows him please reach out. Thanks
Розпочато Deuterios @ 11/15/24 · Останніх @ 11/15/24
Toolbox on a Macbook Pro via Parallels 10
Has anyone been able to successfully run Toolbox on a Macbook Pro via Parallels? I know this question has been asked in a previous thread from a few years ago, but I was hoping there would be some new info/success stories available. Toolbox opens just fine and I can see all of the Crestron devices in the system. However, I can't connect to anything, be it through Device Discovery or the Address Book. I've tried every setting suggestion in the old thread and it still won't allow me to connect to any devices. Is this a settings issue on the Macbook Pro side? Or is this a Parallels-Windows issue that hasn't/can't been solved? If so, is anyone using a differnt software-VM combo that will work on my Macbook Pro? Heres what I'm using: 2018 Macbook Pro 15" OS: Ventura 13.7.1 Processor: 2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9 processor Parallels with Windows 10 VM Thank you in advance for any help or solutions!
Розпочато Chris Armenta @ 11/14/24 · Останніх @ 11/14/24
HTML5/CH5 WYSIWYG Editor for the Crestron control system 13 #html5 #ch5
Hello everyone, I would like to bring some updates about a new product - AVstudio https://avstudio.app/ AVstudio is the first HTML5/CH5 WYSIWYG Editor for the Crestron control system (and is not limited to). AV professionals could create attractive GUI with zero web development experience. If you would like to see what you could create, you can download a demo version from the Crestron Application Market (https://applicationmarket.crestron.com/avgator/) Although it is only the alpha version yet, it already has plenty of cool features. Every week we publish an update with new futures.
Розпочато AVgator @ 12/02/22 · Останніх @ 11/14/24
Newtonsoft.Json version 33
Does anyone know how to get Newtonsoft.Json version back on my system? I'm getting this error message when trying to compile Do I have to reinstall VS2008 from scratch? Error (Line 26) - polycomgroupseriesdriver3.0.17.dll cannot be used due to it's dependancy on Newtonsoft.Json.Compact, version The system is using Newtonsoft.Json.Compact version Thanks Shawn
Розпочато Shawn Fennell @ 8/17/20 · Останніх @ 11/14/24
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