making quark from goat milk

Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and I have been part of this group for a few years.
I am asking for my once upon a time brother-in-law and his family. I will let you know what his situation is. Forgive me, because I only learned of it a little while ago. Recently he had been losing a lot of weight in the past two months. About 65 pounds. They at first thought it was Crohn’s but it turns out he has stage four colon and liver cancer. He is in his mid-50s with four kids and is just such a wonderful man. I let the family know that I would post here and ask if anyone was in the same or similar situation and if what they were doing with the Budwig protocol helped with these cancers combined. I believe Mass General is going to be starting chemo soon.
Thank you so much in advance. We are all keeping our fingers crossed and prayers for Him😊

Jenny M


I am very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's illness. Not in a similar situation as my husband has esophageal cancer stage 1, but you should know that Dr. Budwig's protocol helped many people in stage 4 and she says that all cancers are the same and all treatable by her protocol. She has also said not to trust doctors and never submit to chemo or radiation- that they are incredibly destructive to the body. If your brother is open to alternatives, maybe suggest that he read her books. His doctors are probably rushing him to start chemo, please let him know he has some time and that he doesn't have to start immediately if he decides to do conventional. He should take all the time he needs to make an informed decision about his treatment. Wishing him a speedy recovery, it is entirely possible!!


On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 2:02 PM Jenny McCarthy via <> wrote:
Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and I have been part of this group for a few years.
I am asking for my once upon a time brother-in-law and his family. I will let you know what his situation is. Forgive me, because I only learned of it a little while ago. Recently he had been losing a lot of weight in the past two months. About 65 pounds. They at first thought it was Crohn’s but it turns out he has stage four colon and liver cancer. He is in his mid-50s with four kids and is just such a wonderful man. I let the family know that I would post here and ask if anyone was in the same or similar situation and if what they were doing with the Budwig protocol helped with these cancers combined. I believe Mass General is going to be starting chemo soon.
Thank you so much in advance. We are all keeping our fingers crossed and prayers for Him😊

Jenny M

1 Людина сподобалось це

Agree with Sara. Chemo will kill him, sure as the sun comes up in the morning. I healed stage 4 lung cancer with Budwig and eventually adding artemisia annua enemas. Lung cancer is one of the more difficult cancers to deal with. I didn't have any insurance when I was dx, or I would probably be dead now because if I had insurance I would have likely gone with doctor's treatments instead of looking for alternatives. Trust in the protocol, it is more effective than their poisons.

Rod in MN/USA
On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 04:16:06 PM CDT, sara.weisel <sara.weisel@...> wrote:


I am very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's illness. Not in a similar situation as my husband has esophageal cancer stage 1, but you should know that Dr. Budwig's protocol helped many people in stage 4 and she says that all cancers are the same and all treatable by her protocol. She has also said not to trust doctors and never submit to chemo or radiation- that they are incredibly destructive to the body. If your brother is open to alternatives, maybe suggest that he read her books. His doctors are probably rushing him to start chemo, please let him know he has some time and that he doesn't have to start immediately if he decides to do conventional. He should take all the time he needs to make an informed decision about his treatment. Wishing him a speedy recovery, it is entirely possible!!


On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 2:02 PM Jenny McCarthy via <> wrote:
Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and I have been part of this group for a few years.
I am asking for my once upon a time brother-in-law and his family. I will let you know what his situation is. Forgive me, because I only learned of it a little while ago. Recently he had been losing a lot of weight in the past two months. About 65 pounds. They at first thought it was Crohn’s but it turns out he has stage four colon and liver cancer. He is in his mid-50s with four kids and is just such a wonderful man. I let the family know that I would post here and ask if anyone was in the same or similar situation and if what they were doing with the Budwig protocol helped with these cancers combined. I believe Mass General is going to be starting chemo soon.
Thank you so much in advance. We are all keeping our fingers crossed and prayers for Him😊

Jenny M

1 Людина сподобалось це

Hi Sara,

Thank you for your kind words and wisdom. I also wanted to make a correction to part of what I mentioned in his story. He did not lose 65 pounds in two months time. It took about nine months time. So I believe that you are right that he has time to figure out the course he chooses.


On Oct 1, 2024, at 5:16 PM, sara.weisel <sara.weisel@...> wrote:


I am very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's illness. Not in a similar situation as my husband has esophageal cancer stage 1, but you should know that Dr. Budwig's protocol helped many people in stage 4 and she says that all cancers are the same and all treatable by her protocol. She has also said not to trust doctors and never submit to chemo or radiation- that they are incredibly destructive to the body. If your brother is open to alternatives, maybe suggest that he read her books. His doctors are probably rushing him to start chemo, please let him know he has some time and that he doesn't have to start immediately if he decides to do conventional. He should take all the time he needs to make an informed decision about his treatment. Wishing him a speedy recovery, it is entirely possible!!


On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 2:02 PM Jenny McCarthy via <> wrote:
Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and I have been part of this group for a few years.
I am asking for my once upon a time brother-in-law and his family. I will let you know what his situation is. Forgive me, because I only learned of it a little while ago. Recently he had been losing a lot of weight in the past two months. About 65 pounds. They at first thought it was Crohn’s but it turns out he has stage four colon and liver cancer. He is in his mid-50s with four kids and is just such a wonderful man. I let the family know that I would post here and ask if anyone was in the same or similar situation and if what they were doing with the Budwig protocol helped with these cancers combined. I believe Mass General is going to be starting chemo soon.
Thank you so much in advance. We are all keeping our fingers crossed and prayers for Him😊

Jenny M

1 Людина сподобалось це

Hi Jenny,

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I know a naturopathic doctor in Lexington, Kentucky, Carol Perkins, who cured her husband of stage IV colon cancer as well as her daughter of breast cancer using alternative treatments and prayer. She said the common thread among all her survivors has been that they followed the Budwig Protocol. I would definitely try it.


Hi Diana,

Thank you for your response. It’s so uplifting to hear things like this.  I will pass this on to his family. 😊


On Oct 3, 2024, at 2:22 AM, Diana W <diloward@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny,

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I know a naturopathic doctor in Lexington, Kentucky, Carol Perkins, who cured her husband of stage IV colon cancer as well as her daughter of breast cancer using alternative treatments and prayer. She said the common thread among all her survivors has been that they followed the Budwig Protocol. I would definitely try it.


Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

Hi Julie!

Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank you for this because it is so closely related to my brother n laws case. And to everyone that has been sending in their thoughts. I also agree with the belief that Budwig believed that most cancers can be addressed being on The protocol. I also want to say you guys are an amazing support team. :-)


On Oct 3, 2024, at 9:50 AM, jfanciullacci via <jfanciullacci@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

1 Людина сподобалось це

Hi Jenny,

I have been a member of this group for about 18 months now. This is my first post 🙂...I healed aggressive stage 3 breast cancer in late 2022 (acquired directly as a result of the COVID 'vaccines') using only a vegetarian diet, Budwig protocol and cutting out caffeine and sugar, within approximately 3 months. I also juiced. I firstly had surgery to breast and lymph nodes and then I ran from that hospital! No other treatments, despite their pleas for further surgery and threats that I may die if I refuse chemo, radiation and hormone therapy..... Nearly 2 years on and I am doing well. I wish Budwig was alive, so I could kiss her 😊. I have two young children to care for, but this protocol is not too difficult, just a lot of self-care!

All the best for your once upon a time brother in law! 🙏


On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, 2:10 am Jenny McCarthy via, <> wrote:
Hi Julie!

Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank you for this because it is so closely related to my brother n laws case. And to everyone that has been sending in their thoughts. I also agree with the belief that Budwig believed that most cancers can be addressed being on The protocol. I also want to say you guys are an amazing support team. :-)


On Oct 3, 2024, at 9:50 AM, jfanciullacci via <> wrote:

Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

Oh, and I forgot to add, most importantly- lots of prayer 🙏

On Sat, 5 Oct 2024, 12:37 am S S, <gabis.stationery@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny,

I have been a member of this group for about 18 months now. This is my first post 🙂...I healed aggressive stage 3 breast cancer in late 2022 (acquired directly as a result of the COVID 'vaccines') using only a vegetarian diet, Budwig protocol and cutting out caffeine and sugar, within approximately 3 months. I also juiced. I firstly had surgery to breast and lymph nodes and then I ran from that hospital! No other treatments, despite their pleas for further surgery and threats that I may die if I refuse chemo, radiation and hormone therapy..... Nearly 2 years on and I am doing well. I wish Budwig was alive, so I could kiss her 😊. I have two young children to care for, but this protocol is not too difficult, just a lot of self-care!

All the best for your once upon a time brother in law! 🙏


On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, 2:10 am Jenny McCarthy via, <> wrote:
Hi Julie!

Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank you for this because it is so closely related to my brother n laws case. And to everyone that has been sending in their thoughts. I also agree with the belief that Budwig believed that most cancers can be addressed being on The protocol. I also want to say you guys are an amazing support team. :-)


On Oct 3, 2024, at 9:50 AM, jfanciullacci via <> wrote:

Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

Hi Gabi!

I’m so happy for you! I too wish she was around to say thank you!! This group is just an amazing support system. So glad to make the connections! Thank you for sharing! I am passing on everyone’s thoughts to his family. :-)


On Oct 4, 2024, at 10:40 AM, G S <gabis.stationery@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny,

I have been a member of this group for about 18 months now. This is my first post 🙂...I healed aggressive stage 3 breast cancer in late 2022 (acquired directly as a result of the COVID 'vaccines') using only a vegetarian diet, Budwig protocol and cutting out caffeine and sugar, within approximately 3 months. I also juiced. I firstly had surgery to breast and lymph nodes and then I ran from that hospital! No other treatments, despite their pleas for further surgery and threats that I may die if I refuse chemo, radiation and hormone therapy..... Nearly 2 years on and I am doing well. I wish Budwig was alive, so I could kiss her 😊. I have two young children to care for, but this protocol is not too difficult, just a lot of self-care!

All the best for your once upon a time brother in law! 🙏


On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, 2:10 am Jenny McCarthy via, <> wrote:
Hi Julie!

Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank you for this because it is so closely related to my brother n laws case. And to everyone that has been sending in their thoughts. I also agree with the belief that Budwig believed that most cancers can be addressed being on The protocol. I also want to say you guys are an amazing support team. :-)


On Oct 3, 2024, at 9:50 AM, jfanciullacci via <> wrote:

Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 07:40:22 AM PDT, G S <gabis.stationery@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny,

I have been a member of this group for about 18 months now. This is my first post 🙂...I healed aggressive stage 3 breast cancer in late 2022 (acquired directly as a result of the COVID 'vaccines') using only a vegetarian diet, Budwig protocol and cutting out caffeine and sugar, within approximately 3 months. I also juiced. I firstly had surgery to breast and lymph nodes and then I ran from that hospital! No other treatments, despite their pleas for further surgery and threats that I may die if I refuse chemo, radiation and hormone therapy..... Nearly 2 years on and I am doing well. I wish Budwig was alive, so I could kiss her 😊. I have two young children to care for, but this protocol is not too difficult, just a lot of self-care!

All the best for your once upon a time brother in law! 🙏


On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, 2:10 am Jenny McCarthy via, <> wrote:

Hi Julie!
Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank you for this because it is so closely related to my brother n laws case. And to everyone that has been sending in their thoughts. I also agree with the belief that Budwig believed that most cancers can be addressed being on The protocol. I also want to say you guys are an amazing support team. :-)


On Oct 3, 2024, at 9:50 AM, jfanciullacci via <> wrote:

Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

Hi Gabi!
I seldom post but I have been rejoicing at your healing since I read your post! I too ran from hospital after diagnosis and surgery. I succumbed to family pressure and had one round of RCHOP chemo which nearly killed me. Then I ran with the doctors hounding me with the same dire warnings. I was given one year and spent 9 months of it on hospice. I graduated off of hospice and am alive and thriving 14 years later. I used Budwig, and clean diet to get better, not die on hospice. I found Sandra online during that time in 2010 and knew this was right for me. I am forever grateful to her and Dr. Budwig. I have B cell Non Hodgekins Lymphoma. Much love to all!
Mary Grace
Sent from Grace’s iPhone ✨

On Oct 5, 2024, at 3:47 AM, Diana via <brianamble@...> wrote:

On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 07:40:22 AM PDT, G S <gabis.stationery@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny,

I have been a member of this group for about 18 months now. This is my first post 🙂...I healed aggressive stage 3 breast cancer in late 2022 (acquired directly as a result of the COVID 'vaccines') using only a vegetarian diet, Budwig protocol and cutting out caffeine and sugar, within approximately 3 months. I also juiced. I firstly had surgery to breast and lymph nodes and then I ran from that hospital! No other treatments, despite their pleas for further surgery and threats that I may die if I refuse chemo, radiation and hormone therapy..... Nearly 2 years on and I am doing well. I wish Budwig was alive, so I could kiss her 😊. I have two young children to care for, but this protocol is not too difficult, just a lot of self-care!

All the best for your once upon a time brother in law! 🙏


On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, 2:10 am Jenny McCarthy via, <> wrote:
Hi Julie!
Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank you for this because it is so closely related to my brother n laws case. And to everyone that has been sending in their thoughts. I also agree with the belief that Budwig believed that most cancers can be addressed being on The protocol. I also want to say you guys are an amazing support team. :-)


On Oct 3, 2024, at 9:50 AM, jfanciullacci via <> wrote:

Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

Hi Mary,

That is so wonderful to hear!😊

On Oct 5, 2024, at 10:29 AM, Grace Almleaf <galmleaf@...> wrote:

Hi Gabi!
I seldom post but I have been rejoicing at your healing since I read your post! I too ran from hospital after diagnosis and surgery. I succumbed to family pressure and had one round of RCHOP chemo which nearly killed me. Then I ran with the doctors hounding me with the same dire warnings. I was given one year and spent 9 months of it on hospice. I graduated off of hospice and am alive and thriving 14 years later. I used Budwig, and clean diet to get better, not die on hospice. I found Sandra online during that time in 2010 and knew this was right for me. I am forever grateful to her and Dr. Budwig. I have B cell Non Hodgekins Lymphoma. Much love to all!
Mary Grace
Sent from Grace’s iPhone ✨

On Oct 5, 2024, at 3:47 AM, Diana via <brianamble@...> wrote:

On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 07:40:22 AM PDT, G S <gabis.stationery@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny,

I have been a member of this group for about 18 months now. This is my first post 🙂...I healed aggressive stage 3 breast cancer in late 2022 (acquired directly as a result of the COVID 'vaccines') using only a vegetarian diet, Budwig protocol and cutting out caffeine and sugar, within approximately 3 months. I also juiced. I firstly had surgery to breast and lymph nodes and then I ran from that hospital! No other treatments, despite their pleas for further surgery and threats that I may die if I refuse chemo, radiation and hormone therapy..... Nearly 2 years on and I am doing well. I wish Budwig was alive, so I could kiss her 😊. I have two young children to care for, but this protocol is not too difficult, just a lot of self-care!

All the best for your once upon a time brother in law! 🙏


On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, 2:10 am Jenny McCarthy via, <> wrote:
Hi Julie!
Thank you so much for the story. I believe everyone in this group really does not like the idea of using the chemo alongside Budwig. I have been a avid believer in the Budwig protocol. Thank you for this because it is so closely related to my brother n laws case. And to everyone that has been sending in their thoughts. I also agree with the belief that Budwig believed that most cancers can be addressed being on The protocol. I also want to say you guys are an amazing support team. :-)


On Oct 3, 2024, at 9:50 AM, jfanciullacci via <> wrote:

Hi Jenny
I'll tell you the story of someone I know personally.
Approximately 10 years ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasised to 13 lesions in the liver.
He embraced the Budwig Protocol fully and within a very short time......a month or two, (I can't remember exactly), the liver lesions had disappeared and the original tumour had shrunk by around 40%.
His doctors had originally predicted that he had about 8 months to live, they weren't offering him surgery (too risky as the tumour was too large) nor chemo, as it would only offer him a few more months and he would feel very ill during that time.
Once it was discovered that the liver lesions had disappeared, leaving only scars, his doctors decided they could cut away the scarred side, allowing the other side to regenerate the liver. 
He went ahead with the liver surgery.
As the primary tumour had shrunk so much, he was offered chemo to reduce it further so that surgery to remove it completely, would be an option.
He went ahead with this too.
Chemo put a terrible strain on him and his wife and he could no longer stomach the focc.  
His wife continued to juice for him daily, she would juice a lot....... I think they were following the Gerson protocol during chemo but it was the Budwig Protocol that gave him the remarkable results at the beginning, pre conventional " treatment."
The permant effect of the chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy which is very painful for him but he's alive and well, 10 years on! 
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer with conventional treatment alone. 
 I hope his story helps!
Best wishes
Julie, UK

Hi Jenny and all who have responded,

I just want to say that I concur with others here who have said the Budwig Protocol will most likely cure him, the chemo most likely kill him. My husband is a stage 4 larynx cancer survivor for 7 years now. And we have friend who beat prostate cancer. All of the other friends we had who were diagnosed with cancer have died as they did not listen to us about what the Budwig Diet can do. I lost my very dear friend to ovarian cancer and my husband lost a very dear friend to colon cancer.
Both used conventional treatments very sad. There are others too.
Hope your brother in law will listen.
May everyone on her stay well.


Thank you for the additional confirmation, Lindsley.

What people need to understand is chemo CAN be effective in EARLY stages of cancer, when the cancer is confined to a specific small area. But, when cancer has spread to other organs, stage 3 and moreso stage 4, it cannot be easily targeted.

I would never undergo chemo, regardless of stage, because I have personally experienced the miracle of HEALING that Budwig offers. I came in with stage 4 lung cancer. Less than a 2% chance of survival, they said. We can extend your life a few months perhaps, they said. You might try and get into a study, they said. They had ZERO answers.

As Lindsley iterated, I witnessed two family friends die within months of receiving chemo for stage 4 lung cancer before my dx, and another die a couple after I was dx. I tried to warn him, but he went chemo as well and is dead. Pharma doesn't have an answer for stage 4. When you are that advanced you have no option but to try and HEAL yourself.

Doctors only know what they are taught, and they are taught by big pharma.

Follow the money. I call it the cancer "industry", for a reason.

All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 06:48:49 PM CDT, Lindsley Silagi <lindsley.silagi@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny and all who have responded,

  I just want to say that I concur with others here who have said the Budwig Protocol will most likely cure him, the chemo most likely kill him. My husband is a stage 4 larynx cancer survivor for 7 years now. And we have friend who beat prostate cancer. All of the other friends we had who were diagnosed with cancer have died as they did not listen to us about what the Budwig Diet can do. I lost my very dear friend to ovarian cancer and my husband lost a very dear friend to colon cancer.
Both used conventional treatments very sad. There are others too.
Hope your brother in law will listen.
May everyone on her stay well.


Hi Mary Grace,
Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story. I am so happy for you and the wonderful courage that you showed. You also offer strength and hope to myself and many others; for this I also thank you.
All the very best for a long and healthy life to everyone.

On Sun, 6 Oct 2024, 10:48 am Lindsley Silagi via, <> wrote:
Hi Jenny and all who have responded,

  I just want to say that I concur with others here who have said the Budwig Protocol will most likely cure him, the chemo most likely kill him. My husband is a stage 4 larynx cancer survivor for 7 years now. And we have friend who beat prostate cancer. All of the other friends we had who were diagnosed with cancer have died as they did not listen to us about what the Budwig Diet can do. I lost my very dear friend to ovarian cancer and my husband lost a very dear friend to colon cancer.
Both used conventional treatments very sad. There are others too.
Hope your brother in law will listen.
May everyone on her stay well.


Hi Lindsley,

I agree with everything everyone has been kind enough to put forward. I am so hoping he does the Budwig protocol. I know his daughter has spoken to him about it so I am keeping everything crossed. That’s wonderful about your husband and your friend who beat prostate cancer! And I second your wish for everyone on here stay well. :-) PS. I love your name!


On Oct 5, 2024, at 7:48 PM, Lindsley Silagi <lindsley.silagi@...> wrote:

Hi Jenny and all who have responded,

I just want to say that I concur with others here who have said the Budwig Protocol will most likely cure him, the chemo most likely kill him. My husband is a stage 4 larynx cancer survivor for 7 years now. And we have friend who beat prostate cancer. All of the other friends we had who were diagnosed with cancer have died as they did not listen to us about what the Budwig Diet can do. I lost my very dear friend to ovarian cancer and my husband lost a very dear friend to colon cancer.
Both used conventional treatments very sad. There are others too.
Hope your brother in law will listen.
May everyone on her stay well.
