Welcome to Cleveland Park
Hi, Welcome to the Cleveland Park email list. Here's a place where you can exchange news about the neighborhood including -- new stores, street construction, city services, traffic, parking, stuff for sale, places for rent, where to eat, schools, and more. Need a recommendation for a roofer? A place to take out of town relatives to eat? Want to let everyone know about your yard sale? Do you want to get the message out about a street that's blocked off because of construction? Or do you want to let your neighbors know about a nearby magnolia tree that's in full bloom? That's what the Cleveland Park list is all about. Cleveland-park@... is for Cleveland Parkers who want to know what's happening in their neighborhood. Cheers, Bill Adler cleveland-park@... www.adlerbooks.com
sidewalks on connecticut Avenue
does anyone know why the sidewalks are being torn up and replaced, as are the curbs adn sections near the roadways on Connecticut Avenue? getting around the neighborhood on foot is turning into a real adventure -- _____________________________________ Margaret A. Siegel Masiegel@... Phone: (202) 244-4636 Fax: (202) 244-9566
Who is Sam?
I may be the last person in Cleveland Park to notice, but when did the Jemal Park 'N Shop become Sam's? Is Sam Friedman back in town? I'm aware that Doug Jemal sold the "Wait, Park, and Shop" to Federated years ago. But I missed the sign switch. Is there a Sam behind the Sam? Or is it a fictitious, cheap way for the new owners to change the name. (If Kohr's had lasted, I would have preferred the name, "Custard's Last Stand.") Jeffrey Itell Story@... ______________________________________________________
Pretzels and Crown
I understand that Spices is expanding into the former Crown space adjacent to it. One of the blurbs for this list-serve mentioned that we could ask each other to recommend roofers. I need a good one. Any good experiences out there? Thanks, Ralph *************************************************************** Ralph Drury Martin Phone: (202) 452-0900 Attorney-at-Law Fax: (202) 452-0930 Storch & Brenner LLP 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. rdm@... Washington, D.C. 20036 www.storchbrenner.com ***************************************************************
Connecticut Ave. and Macomb St.
Hi, Does anyone know if there are rules (citywide or other) that apply to Restaurants/Businesses regarding how late at night they can operate and throw away garbage and how early they can receive shipments? Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Cristian Shoemaker
Intro -- Hi I'm Marjohn
I am new to this group and just wanted to say hi! I am a single mom of 2 living in McLean Gardens. I also wanted to announce a service I am providing for anyone who is looking for child care on New Year's Eve. If you are interested, please contact me and I'll give you more info. Thanks, Marjohn Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Coloring contest for kids
Kathy Sinzinger, EditorCD@... The Common Denominator's annual coloring contest for kids, ages 5-10, is in progress. The entry form and rules have been published in the last four issues of the paper and can be found on page 16 of the Dec. 13th issue of The Common Denominator (which will remain on sale until our holiday hiatus ends on Jan. 10th). In Cleveland Park, you can find the paper in vending boxes at the Metro station. Deadline for entering is 5 p.m. on Dec. 31st. We award two $25 cash prizes in two age categories: 5-7 and 8-10. Happy holidays! Kathy Sinzinger Editor & Publisher The Common Denominator 680 Rhode Island Avenue NE, Suite N Washington, DC 20002-1269 (202) 635-NEWS (635-6397) Fax: (202) 635-1449 E-mail: EditorCD@... or NewsDC@... http://www.thecommondenominator.com
Bank Robbed
I also heard from Shawn of Shawn and Charles Salon (which is relocating to 3404 Idaho Ave. on Dec. 30 because of a 50% rent increase) that the Sunglass Hut and the card shop were robbed, too. What are the Second District police doing about this? Rona Mendelsohn
Thinking of getting Starpower? Think hard! We got the Starpower kit and caboodle about a month ago (phone, cable modem, cable TV). It was the day their sales rep came to Macomb Street to say that we were connected. The first three weeks were paradise. Then last Friday (Dec. 17) our cable TV and cable modem went out. The lower TV channels became snowy and the cable modem stopped functioning. Now, a week later, after multiple daily calls to various Starpower service numbers, cable TV is back on, but hope for the cable modem dims with each day. Maybe sometime after Christmas? After the Millennium? The problem is that Starpower rode into town on a wave of discontent with District Cablevision. Remember the downed statue of Lenin: No Empire Lasts Forever? But what has the new empire brought? Long waits on the phone and lots of disconnects. Starpowers service line greets you with Average wait time is under five minutes. Uh make that 10 to 30, and on one occasion 45. (Make sure you hit the bathroom before you call.) When you do get to a customer support line, the reps often seems confused (What were you calling about now? You said you were calling about your phone line?) and helpless. But they are apologetic. And they have lots to apologize for: missed promised callbacks and tech dispatches. There are a few bright spots. The cable modem techs appear to know their business, but they work in tandem with the cable TV people, who dont seem to understand that cable modem users opted for the technology because they want an always-on connection. Clearly cable modem users whose troubles stem for problem on the outside CATV line get low priority unless theres no picture whatsoever. Whatever the reasons for Starpowers sluggish responsiveness, the fact is that now, eight days after the initial blackout, Im still using using a 28.8 modem on a phone line with no idea of when the cable modem connection will become active again. Oh, and about that phone line I had signed up to switch from Bell Atlantic to Starpower, but the switch hasnt happened yet. Maybe Im still in time to cancel. -- Richard Robin - http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~rrobin German and Slavic Dept. The George Washington University WASHINGTON, DC 20052 Can read HTML mail. - . Chitayu po-russki v lyuboi kodirovke.
Housing Available
Hi. I am Laine Kaufman, and new to this website. My husband Mark and I are in the peach house with plum shutters at 3230 Highland Place, directly across the street from the NCRC playground. We have a sunny, furnished, basement bedroom with windows on grade, private entrance and bath, shared sitting room with large TV/VCR, available June 2000. We'd like to barter room and/or room & board for no more than 20 flexible hours of childcare (2 boys, ages 4 1/2 and 5 1/2) and/or errand-running. Ideal for a college or grad student. We'd like someone who'll be here ideally, for a year. Please contact me at 362-6812 or at laineshake@....
STARPOWER: The nightmare ends?
Some of you may remember my rant about Starpower at the end of December. (We lost our cable modem connection for nearly two weeks, despite daily calls for repair.) Here's the rest of the story... After 12 days of twice- and sometimes thrice-daily calls to Starpower, our family's cable modem connection was finally fixed! Turns out, it was first a bad hub, which had knocked out the cable TV. They fixed that five days after the original outtage. Then there was a bad connection in the cable box at our house. The tech simply by-passed the box. Gee, if I had a cable line tester, I could have done it myself. (Next stop: Radio Shack -- to get my own cable line tester!) Of course, the sad thing is that it took call after call after call to get some action. My advice: if you get Starpower and you need a repair (not just technical assistance), call (don't e-mail) the rep who sold it to you. Our rep expressed shock that we had had problems. He said he never got the e-mail. Alternatively, latch onto a supervisor (get the exact number and extension) and make that person responsible for getting the job done. Epilogue: After promises that we would not be billed for the missing service, we got a bill for... the missing service. Getting through on the customer phone line was pretty futile ("Our estimated wait time is over 15 minutes. You may want to call back at another time"). I called our rep, who promised that he would send a coupon covering a free month of service. -- Richard Robin - http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~rrobin German and Slavic Dept. The George Washington University WASHINGTON, DC 20052 Can read HTML mail. - . Chitayu po-russki v lyuboi kodirovke.
More Housing Available
Hi everyone. I'm new to the list and have lived here about a 2 1/2 years having moved north from Woodley Park. If anyone's interested, I'm looking to rent my place for all of February: ==================================== 1 Month Sublet in Cleveland Park -- February Beautiful, fully furnished 1 bedroom apartment (approx. 800 sq. feet) in Cleveland Park (DC) available for all February. All mod cons, steps from Red line metro, library, movie theater, bagels, coffee, groceries, dry cleaners, restaurants, bars, post office, etc. $900 + secutiry deposit. Impeccable references req'd. Call Tony @ 202-363-2470 or email rosseroo@....
Railroad tie steps
The Cleveland Park Club needs to replace some outdoor steps that are made from railroad ties. Does anyone know of a lanscaper that might be able to do the replacements? Thanks. Leila Afzal Leila.Afzal@...
housing in March
I am currently subletting in McLean Gardens and would like to stay in the area. If anyone can refer me to 2 or 3 BR housing available eithr 3/1 or 4/1 -- apartment/townhouse/duplex -- please contact me directly. I love this neighborhood and would like to remain here if possible. Thanks so much! Marjohn Heath ______________________________________________________
Seeking piano recommendations
I am currently looking to buy a piano, and would like recommendations for piano technicians to help me evaluate pianos and maintain my eventual purchase. Also, any advice regarding area dealers would be appreciated. Please respond either to the list or to otter@.... Thanks! Stuart Weiser ______________________________________________________
(No subject)
I need a recommendation for a roofer who does work in Montgomery County. Alan Friedman
(No subject)
I am planning to redo my bathroom in another year but I need some cosmetic grout work done to prevent bathtub leaks. Anyone know anyone? Also, who would recommend to tackle a complete bathroom renovation? I recently gutted my kitchen and Kitchen Guild on Connecticut Avenue did a terrific job. Ask for Felicia. Alan Friedman
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