Costs of softrock units have skyrocketed 13
Hi All; I have been working at home on the many softrocks I have obtained for a very reasonable price. Some still new from Tony in 2022. I was shocked to see the costs of softrock RXTX kits go up more than 50% when I looked today. They used to be $89 for the kit. Now they are selling for $169 for the standard set of frequencies and for a bit extra wire for torroid you can get a LF softrock RXTX for $189. I am really sorry to see this jump of 53% for a unit that will not work right out of the box.. it still needs cables, sound cards and a case if one wants to be fancy.. For less than that price these days.. one can get a zbitx all band unit from Farhan for $149. much less the qrplabs QMX unit.. for a whopping ~$120 with case. no modems. Both of these use the tayloe mixers QSD/QSE that the softrock made famous. Well, I love to build my own things and the softrock RX or RXTX was a great thing (still is!) to start with.. but I cannont justify the costs of the kits any more.. For a collector, maybe.. but thats not me.. I use the little rigs extensively and can repair and fix all of them on my own.. I guess this is the way of the world and it saddens me. I have no idea who owns this group now as I have been a member for many years.. so many have stopped posting.. I am working on softrocks almost daily and they are a fun way to go! 73/73 Guy -- guy (at) eastroad (dot) org -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. . \|%|/// | ~ ~ | ^( @ @ )^ ---------o000o--_/-o000o--------- N1GMM Have a good day!
Розпочато Guy Mengel N1GMM @ 12/28/24 · Останніх @ 12/30/24
SR Lite v6.2 PCB - OOPS
OOPS! I used 100 mils as the pin spacing of the SOIC chip. Too many years with DIP chips. Probably exactly a factor of 2 too big. Sorry David K0IMH
Розпочато David Underwood @ 12/08/24
Crystal wanted to change Softrock to receive Ten Tec IF output 13
G'day I have an old Softrock V6 which for many years was used to tap into the 8.215MHz second IF of a Yaesu FT-1000 and provide a panadapter using HDSDR and CW Skimmer. I'd like to get hold of the appropriate crystal to use this SR as a pandapter with a tap off a Ten Tec Orion and Eagle 9MHz IF. Please can someone let me know what the appropriate Softrock crystal frequency is (this info no longer seems readily available) and, if possible, where a crystal of this frequency can be obtained? Thank you! Vy 73 Steve, VK6VZ/G3ZZD
Розпочато Steve Ireland @ 3/03/23 · Останніх @ 12/06/24
SR Lite v6.2 PCB 6
Does anyone have any of the following that they would be willing to share? These are all in reference to a SoftRock Lite v6.2 (NOT the Lite II -- the square board with two mounting holes is what I need) -- in reality, my kit is marked as a v6 kit, but I cannot seem to find anything directly related to that rev level. I could use: -- a set of Gerber files for the board, or -- a Kicad or Express PCB drawing of the board, or -- a good clear photo of the bare board with dimensions, or -- a bare board that I could clone and return. I will pay any postage fees involved, of course...
Розпочато Christopher Prioli AD2CS @ 12/04/24 · Останніх @ 12/05/24
Skins for PowerSDR
Hi all. Looking for the skins for psdr they appear to not available any where or not able to be downloaded Just want get my MOBO board back in use. Tried PowerSDR v2.4.4 which thought was what I use to use. But will persevere to see what can be done. 73 Peter M1BCV
Розпочато Peter,M1BCV @ 12/01/24
SoftRock Lite v6 40m Board 4
I was recently given three different SoftRock kits - the RXTX v6.2 40m, the RXTX v6.2 80m, and the SoftRock Lite v6 40m. I have successfully assembled both of the larger kits. However, the Lite kit is missing its circuit board. Is it possible to obtain one of these boards somewhere? Lacking that, are drawings available so that I can reproduce the board?
Розпочато Christopher Prioli AD2CS @ 11/20/24 · Останніх @ 11/21/24
Ensemble RXTX 40,30,20 seeks good home with electronic wizard 6
I had started this kit pre-pandemic and got to stage 5 RFI 10 when my voltage checks failed. In spite of much help from this group and others, I could not correct the problem and the partially built kit and parts are taking up room in the shack. I will not return to it. I am happy to pack it up and ship it to someone with more expertise and drive to turn it into a radio they will use. The recipient can send me back the postage or not. W7ESE jrutle@...
Розпочато jrutleseattle @ 10/05/24 · Останніх @ 11/16/24
ensemble rxtx question 3
I purchased this kit in 2012 and and had a stroke finally recovered enough motor skills to build the kit. Now on to my question I'm in the local osc. stage and ever thing seems to be 'almost ok" , my computer recognizes the rxtx as a usb device. I can read all the info off the si570. but when i check for output om my ts450 I think i can hear it but its really weak . the other problem is when I check the test tab my p2/cw is staying green all the time. Is this normal? I've triple checked all components and removed and re soldered the si570 using solder paste and a rework station. Any ideas?? Any and all help appreciated. KG4JNL Steve
Розпочато swells244@... @ 8/07/24 · Останніх @ 8/07/24
New softrock ensemble rxtx user 4
I picked up a Ensemble at a hamfest with no documentation or knowledge of bands it was built for. I loaded a driver and HFSDR . I can get it to receive cw. I noticed that has recently been taken down. It was there day before yesterday. Where is a good place for operating instructions? I also have the Flex software. 73s John N4HNO
Розпочато Tech Guy @ 7/22/24 · Останніх @ 7/23/24
test 17
-- <>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><> Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons) Phil, KO6BB, (\__/) (=’.'=) (”)_(”) EQUIPMENT: YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020) YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019). Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020) Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021) SDRs: Perseus, Softrock II LF ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher. HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's. HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp. Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter Autec Research QF1 Audio Filter. ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF. Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element). Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF. Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh
Розпочато Philip Atchley @ 6/21/24 · Останніх @ 7/04/24
test (to Guy Mengel N1GMM)
Hi Guy, Sorry, I just realized that I failed to answer your email. Seems to happen more often than I like. YES, I've always loved homebrewing radio stuff. First got my interest in 1953 (I'm 80 now) when a neighbor gave me an old defunct console radio that he was going to toss out. I was 10 years old and knew nothing about radio. But I dragged it home and played with it. Burnt my fingers on hot tubes and it threw me across the room a few times when I touched things I shouldn't. Don't know what I did, probably a loose wire or tube in a dirty tube socket but I got that beast playing. WOW, BBC London, Quito Ecuador and so forth. Those stations were a LOOOOONNNNNG way off. I was hooked! I've built many many different radios, bought many 'junkers' and fixed them and sold/swapped them. Probably hundreds if the truth be known. Don't do as much now-a-days, fingers being stiff and sometimes painful due to RA (arthritis). But I'm not going to let me get it down :) Anyway Guy (had an Uncle on mom's side named Guy). Keep on doing what you enjoy most and keep us posted about all those Softrocks. <>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><> Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons) Phil, KO6BB, (\__/) (=’.'=) (”)_(”) EQUIPMENT: YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020) YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019). Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020) Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021) SDRs: Perseus, Softrock II LF ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher. HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's. HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp. Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter Autec Research QF1 Audio Filter. ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF. Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element). Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF. Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh
Розпочато Philip Atchley @ 6/28/24
Another Softrock Build project (and around, around, around I GO :)
Well, I'm doing it again! In years past I've built a number of Softrock receivers, primarily the Ensemble LF versions and inevitably sold, traded or gave them away. The last time a friend was kind enough to give me one he'd built years ago and wasn't using (he once loaned it to me). Well, awhile back I gave that one to a local ham friend who was very interested in listening to some longwave ham activity and found his hf rig was a very poor performer down in the basement. Now, before I go any further, let me say that my longtime primary DX interest are NDBs (longwave nav beacons), and I DON'T really need a Softrock receiver as my primary go-to LF receiver is a very nice and capable Perseus (the older version, the new Perseus 22 is WAY out of my price range). No, this is more of an exercise and experiment as I have VERY BAD RA (arthritis) in my hands, joint soreness and stiffness. I sort of want to prove to myself "I can still do it", and I'm certain I can, just need to take my time at it!!! In other words, I refuse to give in to it. So, I ordered TWO of the Softrock II receiver kits. All they have left are the HF version but Ben was kind enough to include extra wire for the coils and capacitors for the BPFs and the divider chips needed for the LF LO. Thank you Ben. I just got on Amazon and found I could order 10 packs of the different Toroid Cores needed for the LF version. My intent is to build one HF version and one LF version, but who knows. I might build two of the LF versions. I'll "play it by ear" (or hands ;-) Now I DO have a question. I downloaded and printed the build instructions for bot the HF and LF version and it mentioned something about different board builds. Shown is the board layouts for the 6/20/2013 dated board, my boards are dated 12/28/2020. Is that just a later "Manufacturing Run" of the board, or are there differences? Thank all. I'll keep the list informed as the build progresses (probably be a long slow process). -- <>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><> Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons) Phil, KO6BB, (\__/) (=’.'=) (”)_(”) EQUIPMENT: YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020) YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019). Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020) Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021) SDRs: Perseus, Softrock II LF ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher. HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's. HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp. Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter Autec Research QF1 Audio Filter. ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF. Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element). Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF. Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh
Розпочато Philip Atchley @ 6/28/24
Need Windows 11 driver for Softrock 5
CFGSR cannot recognize the SI570 in any of my Softrocks. I've tried many different downloads for the DG8SAQ-I2C device driver. Does any one know of an viable driver in Windows 11? More simply, has anyone had success with a Softrock in Windows 11? Chuck w8mqw
Розпочато Chuck @ w8mqw @ 3/23/24 · Останніх @ 4/20/24
F.S Soft Rock 6.2
Hello Group, I have 2 SoftRock 6.2 for sell. one is on 160M and the other is 40/80. both are in boxes and ready to hook up. asking 50 bucks each you ship. Contact me via email. Good on QRZ. 73's Mike WA3O
Розпочато Mike @ 4/07/24
Softrock Lite for sale 3
I have FOR SALE a Softrock Lite II, (built to use with Kenwood TS-940s IF) which is now surplus to my needs. Complete and in good working order. I'd like $20 plus shipping to CONUS/CANADA. I also have FOR SALE an excellent sound card: ASUS Xonar U7, complete with USB cable and CD-ROM installation software. I'd like $30 plus shipping to CONUS/CANADA. Email address is good on 73, Robert VE7ZN
Розпочато Robert Dale @ 12/17/23 · Останніх @ 3/07/24
You might have seen this a long time ago..Rx/Tx 6.3 with DSP 4
I'll post some pics of this rig..let me know if you are interested There is a small linear that goes with it. Tony Parks Rules !! There are pics in the Photos section. it has the MFJ morse decoder, Nano Keyer, plus an audio amplifier. all controls are switched via LED lighted pushbuttons on the front panel. USB access and DSP reset button on the rear. Hit me up -- De N2AIE qrz address ok vince
Розпочато Vince N2AIE @ 2/28/24 · Останніх @ 3/01/24
Would like to stay connected. 4
Розпочато Tony Parks @ 1/20/24 · Останніх @ 2/25/24
Trying to figure out which RXTXv6.2 this is... 8
I built this kit many years ago and put it in and enclosure and everything - might have even bench tested it. Then life happened and now I'm trying to figure out which RXTXv6.2 I have. I looked through all of the file areas and nothing matches up. The kit I built has a daughter board with a 28.2076 and 28.060 crystals. I can't find any reference to the 28.2076 anywhere. Any help would be appreciated. 73
Розпочато Brian Teravskis @ 2/21/24 · Останніх @ 2/24/24
older Ensemble 1, not working 11
I put one of these together back in 2011 or so, it has worked flawlessly, but when we moved it was packed away for years, when I got it out, it would not work. That was two years ago. Tony helped me get it going again. I occasionally use it and afew days ago I hooked it up again . . . nothing. The USB cable CFGSR is recognizable by unit, because with the USB cable disconnected it points out it is not seeing the circuit it controls on Ensemble. With all cables connected, USB, I & Q, 12 volts DC & Antenna - it does not see any signals in the waveform nor to I hear anything but slight noise. I checked the 5 Volt supplies on board, and all is OK, voltages seem to be OK in the few area I checked. It seems the BPF is not working correct, but that is just a guest. The only bands that show are 80 & 40 meters on Rocky. I can't change them via software, etc. I am using the software versions that have always worked . . . 3.8 for Rocky and 2.6 for CFGSR. Al
Розпочато al2ok @ 2/13/24 · Останніх @ 2/15/24
email address for robby wb5rvz? 4
Hi All; I am trying to get in contact with the softrock web owner at I would like to exchange an email asking a question. His QRZ address is not working. Thanks! 72 Guy N1GMM -- guy (at) eastroad (dot) org -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. . \|%|/// | ~ ~ | ^( @ @ )^ ---------o000o--_/-o000o--------- N1GMM Have a good day!
Розпочато Guy Mengel N1GMM @ 11/28/23 · Останніх @ 1/06/24
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