modified vertical for 17m band 3
I took a 1/2 wave vertical (17 ft tall) made from telescoping aluminum tubing and shortened it to 13 ft to try it on the 18.1 MHz (17m) band. Took out the impedance matching circuit and just hooked up the center of coax to the antenna, braid to two or three radials. Easy to tune up with a few radials. Worked stations all over the world with FT8 Here is the Nano VNA trace of both SWR and RETURN LOSS (dB) de k3eui barry philly region
Розпочато Barry K3EUI @ · Останніх @
Marker Tracking 5
There is a marker menu check box called "Tracking". I can find no information in this forum or in any manual. Any help is appreciated!
Розпочато avionicsfun@... @ · Останніх @
Rugged box and a discovery 7
I've had my nanovmna for quite a while now...I was immediately struck with how fragile it looks with it's SMA connectors soldered directly to the PCB, a very light weight multi function switch and an open body just inviting things in to cause havoc. The pictures attached show my attempt at making it field proof. I also added a bigger battery. I use the nanovna mostly for checking SWR, resonating traps etc and find the set up of the correct functions a bit lengthy and tedious only to lose them all when I switched off the nano. I thought I'd try to save the following, SWR, centre 14Mhz span 2MHz, sure enough I could recall these settings, buoyed by this I filled the remaining memory slots with all the bands up to 28MHz... all successful. What really surprised me was that when the nano was turned off and then back on again it automatically entered memory 0 and was able to display SWR on 14MHz, and just a simple matter to select the other memories for the other HF bands....90% of what I use my nano for. You may say RTFM...well as there is no M to was down to me discovering this on my own! 73 Steve G4EDG
Розпочато Steve G4EDG @ · Останніх @
Manual / user guide? 4
Is there a good manual or how to user's guide for this VNA? I need to study up on how to use this device. I have the large foldout menu map which is good for getting an idea of what it can do but it would be nice to have a good study guide to refresh the old mental juices. DaveR
Розпочато Dave Robinson @ · Останніх @
Testing HT antennas 8
Simple S11 tests of small HT antennas never yield expected results... When I test my mag mount on my car or J-pole hanging off the roof of a wooden porch (both at the end of hard-wired 10' coax and PL-251 connectors) I get expected values. SWR and resonance points (Smith chart) fall in the 2m & 70cm bands... But... When I try to test my HT antennas either connected to S11 directly or at the end of a short piece of coax (the VNA is properly calibrated under both conditions) lowest SWR and resonance are not in band, but 8-10 mHz outside them. These are good antennas too, Abbree, Flexi-whip, Nagoya, etc. They work fine ON the HTs... I'm thinking the proximity of the VNA itself and lots of other metal (grounded and not) in my test environment are to blame... Any suggestions?
Розпочато Matthew Rapaport @ · Останніх @
Nanovna h4 board and RTC 3
hi,I'm new here so hope I can put the question right, I have a NanoVNA-H4 v4.2 I did the RTC installed the 32.768khz xtl everything works fine it has DiSlord's latest I want to know which board is I haven't see these around
Розпочато milocs155 @ · Останніх @
Need info on this dummy load rf output detector 4
Sorry to insert this in this email site but I have to begin somewhere. I built this rf output detector years ago as part of a kit rig I bought but don’t have any written info on it. It is quite different from the single diode detectors all the other QRP Kit providers describe. Anyone recognize it? Looking for the math formula for rf output using two diodes, one on each side of the sine wave if I have it correct. Be the REASON someone smiles today. Dave K8WPE Be the REASON someone smiles today. Dave K8WPE
Розпочато David Wilcox K8WPE @ · Останніх @
Phase 4
Okay, I give up. Under the Display/Format menu is "Phase". In ham radio, what would be a practical use for this function? Thank you...
Розпочато avionicsfun@... @ · Останніх @
Rugged box and a discoverynanovna beginner's guide 2
Do a quick Web search on "nanovna beginner's guide" and what do you know....numerous both written and video beginner's guides. I like what you did with that case. Those UHF connectors are going to limit the high end of the VNA, but if you are just using it at HF it will be OK. It's easy enough to swap them out if you want to later 73, Don N2VGU
Розпочато Donald S Brant Jr @ · Останніх @
The ultimate nanoVNA-H4 case? 42
Has anyone fond the ultimate H4 container wherein you could store cables and test items? I very much like what I have for my tinySA Ultra but I simply store my H4 in its original box. I do not have a 3D printer (as of yet). A soft (foam?) interior would be nice. Tanks, larry
Розпочато Lawrance A. Schneider @ · Останніх @
NanoVNA H4 SD Card Usage 19
Firstly, thanks Martin 9A2JK for the User Guide. It's excellent! I purchased my H4 from AliExpress for under £40 (It's slightly above that now): Having read the User Guide, I had a couple of questions: How is the SD Card used? It's a pain every time I switch it on having to do the same process of hiding all but one of the traces. Can I save settings so the default is just one trace is active? I see no mention of SD Card usage in the manual. If I'm only measuring HF frequencies do I need to calibrate every time I turn the device on? Do things like temperature impact the device? Thanks Peter Jones M0LMG
Розпочато Peter Jones @ · Останніх @
Linux software for the nano? 4
Anyone got recommendations for Linux to update or use the VNA with? A quick Google search brought up Copper Mountain Tech. So do they have any good software that will work with Linux Mint OS? Will 2M0WHN
Розпочато william Northcote @ · Останніх @
Smith Chart Impedance 10
Hello, I am having a little trouble interpreting Smith Chart Impedance. If the NanoVNA header reads 52.2 +J46. Is 52.2 Ohms the total impedance or is 52.2 just the real part? Or do I use the IZI menu item to display total impedance (Real+Imag)? Thank you!
Розпочато avionicsfun@... @ · Останніх @
Effective Comparisons? 11
I am looking for an effective Comparison between the various models, and another for the versions of firmware. Differences, and advantages etc. I have read, but not tested that firmware can be applied as desired without consequence. I have not tried to apply same firmware from the F series to the H or reverse. My employer has the DG8SAQ VNA 3, NANO F, NANO F2, and NANO H4. We use then for testing on Antenna and Cables. However it is clear that the 3 nano devices are not the same and cannot be identically calibrated. I wont even mention the DS8SAQ as it's a whole other breed. What I do know is the H4 has two clock chips, an entirely different way to report or calibrate output power and is activated slightly different, its in a plastic shell (no shield) and the biggest issue for us is that that we cannot track multiple points at the same time. (Ohh sure you can have 4 active Markers, but only one specific data point (trace). ) We learned all this only after the purchase and could not line up results. This actually lead to arguments and finger pointing. Since it was generally assumed one of us had no idea what they were doing and thus everything done until that point was now in question. With the firmware on the F series, I can activate 4 Markers each showing specifics of their frequency relative to the Trace active. However, 4 traces can be on screen too. I know the traces are all reactive to the active Marker. We we use a frequency sweep so the center band is usually the setting for Marker 2, and it is the active marker. Traces are configured to Log, Smith, SWR, and Phase. With SWR active, so the 4 markers will each show Smith and SWR values. At this time we only use S11 functions. I have personally assembled a basic quick start guide for my coworkers, to use on the F and F2 models. I have assembled one for the H4, but for the most part, it sits in it's box since it's results never line up. So there are likely important details I might add to that guide I am currently unaware. I have attached sample Screen shots of how we configure the F series. Oddly I don't seem to have any of the H4, and I am not sure why.
Розпочато Ray Lulling @ · Останніх @
TDR Trace
I have used the NanoVNA as a TDR but have a question about where on the trace to place the marker. I have used a commercial TDR in the past and was taught to place the marker at the very beginning, where the flat trace trace begins to peak. Is this the case with the NanoVNA, or should the marker be positioned at the peak? Thank you in advance for your effort!
Розпочато avionicsfun@... @
Gain / S21 38
I would like to know if what is written in the attached diagram is correct or not. Gain = Vs/E S21 = Vs/Ve -- F1AMM François
Розпочато François @ · Останніх @
NanoVNA code analyze 6
Hello Guys I have admired NanoVN's design from the very beginning and found it to be a beautiful platform to learn about radio related measurements (and dsp of course). Currently I analyze the code that performs signal analysis (dsp.c). Could anyone of you explain why the values in the dsp_process function are divided by 16 (what is purpose of this) and how to treat the values calculated by calculate_gamma function. I will be grateful for any explanations.
Розпочато reynewan10@... @ · Останніх @
Calculation through a DUT 13
Hello I have the .s1p file [S11 f (F)] of an impedance [z=f(F)]. I connect a quadrupole that I measured as a DUT and of which I saved the .s2p file [S11 f (F); S21 f(F)]. Is it possible to * calculate * the .s1p file of the impedance brought back to the right? -- F1AMM François
Розпочато François @ · Останніх @
Sark 110 5
I have an old Sark 110 vna. How does it compare to the newer nanoVNAs? Imrarely use it. It does what I need but has a rather steep learning curve. Dave K8WPE
Розпочато David Wilcox K8WPE @ · Останніх @
Freezes at Erase Phase 7
I have a NanoVNA H 3.2 and am trying to upgrade the firmware. The DefuSe seems to be working properly. When I select my firmware ans select "Upgrade", The "Erase Phase" progress bar comes up, but freezes there. I believe that I have the correct firmware and have even tried other releases with the same results. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Розпочато avionicsfun@... @ · Останніх @
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