MS & Neuropathy
Hello List, I have two friends who have been dx'd with the conditions of pheriphial neuropathy and multiple sclerosis. The one with MS is on interferon theraphy once a week shots and the one with neuropathy is on neurotin. I have been speaking to them about the fo/cc but because I have nothing other than this list or my own expericences with fo they are hesitant to let go of the chemo and meds. My questions is there anyone here who has/had either of these conditions and have had their life improved with fo/cc ?? Or anyone here who knows of someone?? Thanks! ~Katlee
Hi All, I hope I am not too late to clarify a detail and also hope I am not "beating a dead horse." In Mexico there is a saying, 'Cuentas claras, amistades largas' a liberal translation of which is, 'Mutual understanding leads to lasting friendship' Elliot maintains that evolution is logically untenable (impossible?) and that leads me to ask one question. My understanding of logic is that it is based on syllogisms comprised of major and minor premises which lead to a conclusion. My question to Elliot is simply, what are his premises? 'Common sense' is not acceptable. Gene Prizer Guadalajara, Mexico
Flaxseed Oil
Hi All, I live in Mexico, about an hour south of Guadalajara. I order 6 qts of oil from Barlean's on Monday, they press it on Tuesday, (the date is on the bottle) and invariably it arrives at my door on Thursday. This has been my routine for the past 3 years. I understand that they ship world-wide. I have had no reason to doubt its freshness. Gene Prizer
This is a test to be sure that everything is working as it should. Cliff
New Flaxseed Oil Group
Thank you Cliff for setting up this new group. Perhaps some of the problems experienced with the old Flaxseed OIl group will be able to be more easily addressed and resolved here. Perhaps we can also now post a few links in the "File" section for newbies to get up to speed a bit so we don't have to start with square one explaining Flaxseed Oil uses with each new person finding this site. I'm sure it is very frustrating for newbies to learn the basics just by reading archived messages. Regards to all, NHY
Flaxseed in the eyes
Now going on one week I have used the flax oil in my left eye as it has same problem that Cliff wrote about, it has caused no problems and I do have better night vision, but I think a month is needed ...I'll being seeing the eye Dr on the 25th , and I'll know more Michael ( anxious to hear what it will be doing over the months use. I know I'm getting back to using it in our eyes. we here are in office work all day long so the eyes do get strained.And I can't wait for my next eye-examine, because my vision hasn't gotten worse in years.Now I believe the flaxseed oil is going to keep it this way. I'm wondering though how often this should be continued in use. Maybe once a day for life, or so much per week.Anybody want to guess, since this is such a new thing to us. And Cliff, and all of us need to keep a journal on these findings as we all learn, while using the oil for the eyes, and other reasons for diseases ( cancer ), and don't procrastinate!! Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement pf a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
Home page
Once subscribed the home page URL is http:/ You can click on this, go to the home page, click on edit my membership and change the message recieving methods or anything you want. Cliff
Have you thought of mixing FSO with a Whey protein extract? All the lactose is removed from the extract, and Whey is chock full of sulphur proteins. Not only that but certain compounds in whey have been shown effective against cancer. lotecq I really am not sure whether this is effective. I don't know the protein analysis of whey. Cliff
New Group
Hi Everyone! Well, I am now subscribed to the NEW FO List and un-subscribed to the old one. I now have a question to ask: How can I get my e-mails in DIGEST form? Is there a way? If there is, please let me know! (I may have missed it). Bye for now ... Sandy Lightfoot. ____________________________________________________________________________ "Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, earnestly believe in and enthusiastically act on, must inevitably come to happen." (Author Unknown).
Flaxseed in the Eyes..
Good Morning to everybody.. And Welcome to the New Flaxseed Oil Group Question.. Cliff or anyone.. Have you been noticing change in the eyes since using the flaxseed oil in them? Or maybe it is to soon to tell. I need to buy another bottle and wondering at this " If" the L- enrich, or which would be best. I still want the Barlean brand if possible. And would I still need to take cottage cheese as often. ( even though I love cottage cheese, I have no idea if it is necessaryl if I'm cancer free, or is this a risk not to use the cottage cheese. ( Hope this isn't to much of a repeat,) but I need to know for sure to get on the right track. And would it be best, when using in the eyes that we might try the oil in them at bedtime; for in this way we'd not notice the blurriness.. while it is working; and at the same time the eyes wouldn't be overworking as when awake. I've used the oil in my eyes sometime ago, and I'm sure it made a difference. Randy ( my son) used it for foreign matter, that a doctor couldn't get out completely, and the oil after a couple uses, washed it out. But he had the enriched L/in it. We left the oil settle and took only the oil off the top. Then we put some in the eye dropper bottle, and this became the eye-oil. I have an older bottle with some left in it, and think today I have no choice but to go ahead and use it,until we can get a new bottle. Thanks Miz Judy ************************************************************************************************************** Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement pf a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
How Many drops
To your question: Here in our household use one drop of flaxsed oil, (usually per-eye)..and sometimes during the day, whenever the eyes begin to get tired. But I think I prefer it at bed time, because this is when the eyes can really get proper rest. I assume it's already been posted, but I must have missed it. How much are you putting in each eye? A couple of drops? And how often each day? Just at bedtime? Thanks, Dave Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement pf a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
Dr.Budwigs Fax number in Germany
Dr. Budwig can be reached by fax in Germany: 49-7441-85125. ... I ran across this number when I ws cleaning out files today. Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement pf a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
To change to digest, go to This goes to home page. There is a statement "Edit -----" Click on that and another page shows up. There are four choices and just put the dot in front of "digest". cliff
Hi Jenny, You may be interested to know that since the exam I have not failed to get flaxseed oil into my eyes each night and and a little extra in the right eye where the doctor said I had a dense cataract. I had not realized that the cloudiness might be a cataract. Before I ever had laser surgery Dr. Franklin told me there was a slight cataract there but I had forgotten. I thought the whole thing was deterioration of the retina where the laser had been used. I do not know if this is wishful thinking, but I have to tell you what is happening. This is the thirteenth day. For several days I have felt that I was seeing some lettering on the TV that was considerably smaller than the big "E" on the chart which was the only thing I could make out on the exam. This morning I found I could read quite a bit of the advertising messages on TV with that eye. Yesterday my wife went to the center for sight in Jefferson City to get her glasses. The office wasn't busy. The only one there was the technician. I can't think of her name for a minute. I am sure that you know her. Before we left I was telling her about the Flaxseed oil in one's eyes and she put on the chart and yesterday I could make out the letters in the next size smaller. During the exam I couldn't see it at all. This morning I got the Newspaper and I could read the headline caption of every column on the front page with that eye. The haze and shadow is still there but I think it is getting less. When you told me that your aunt in Texas cleared cataracts with Flax Oil I am wondering if she put it directly in her eyes? If this situation continues to improve I will stop in briefly and have you check it yourself. Thank you so much. Cliff Beckwith
[FlaxSeedOil] Prostate: Good news about PIN.
I had PIN this message is to see if I get thru
FSO & Sulphur
There seems to be quite a connection of FSO & sulphur. Does that apply only to sources of sulphur found in yogurt & cottage cheese. Or, does that apply to cruciferous foods as well? I'm not thinking of having FSO & sauerkraut for breakfast, but there's other possibilities. Or, is this really related to FSO, sulphur AND high amounts of protein? If protein is a key factor, what forms of protein is needed? e.g. - the animal protein found in the above mentioned dairy products; or, plant protein (e.g. - whey); or, doesn't it matter?
Thanks! What is Natures distributers web address or email #? thanks, Lorie
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