HNY25 3
Dears, I wish to all of you Happy Holidays and healthy year 2025! 73 de Petr OK1RP
Розпочато Petr Ourednik @ · Останніх @
blinking display on power up 6
I've had variants of this problem where on power-up, the panel either does not come up, or flashes on and off. Today the computer was up before the radio, but that may or may not be a factor. The power button may not even work and I need to disconnect the power supply. I can always recover full operation by disconnecting antennas, digital cable, and CAT cable. Seems like all must be disconnected but there might be some combination that also works. After disconnection and reconnecting the power supply, press of the power on button and the radio comes on normally and works normally for hours afterwards. Any ideas?
Розпочато wh6eau@... @ · Останніх @
FT857 remote operation? 12
Is there a plug-and-play method, system, or device available for the FT857? I'm moving from a home we built 17 years ago on a rural 5 acre plot into an apartment in a small city. My son lives 10 miles away on 10 acres. We have measured a couple of locations for trap 80-10 or 80-40-20 dipoles. I want to put my FT 857 in his workshop, connected through a remote device to his wifi and then connected to my end through the Internet so I sit in the apartment and operate the FT857. At my age, I'm just not into spending days tweaking this and that and the other . . . just looking for a simple plug-and-play interface . . . fi such a thing exists. Thanks.
Розпочато Joe W4HH NAQCC #3938 @ · Останніх @
Yaesu FT-857 and 897 remote operation? 3
There is an undocumented control pathway for the FT-857 and FT-897. The radio can be controlled by command signals received through the microphone jack once the menu 59 setting for the microphone is set to CAT. This may be useful to people devising mobile control settings for the FT-857. There are several schemes posted on line for making use of the microphone jack in a variety of ways to receive serial commands to control various functions of the radio. Tom Horne
Розпочато Tom Horne @ · Останніх @
Atas120a 8
I need to replace the whip on my Atas120a. There are two screws holding the whip in place. Can anyone tell me what size wrench I need in order to loosen the screws. Thanks Andrew KD5CQ
Розпочато Andrew Bounds @ · Останніх @
FT857 programming software and other Yaesu radios 12
All, If you are not aware there is a free Yaesu FT-857 memory programming software by G4HFQ (silent key). This used to be a pay version of the software but since he is a silent key they have made it a free version. You still may need a license key but it is freely available. Lots of other Yaesu software here as well. best N7KBC dwight
Розпочато rifkum @ · Останніх @
Turns on in VFO mode 2
I have an older FT-857d. Recently, the radio stated coming on in VFO mode when in was in memory mode when turned off. Did a bunch of searching but have not found anything on this issue. Ideas anyone ? Thanks. 73 - BILL KA8VIT
Розпочато Box1600 @ · Останніх @
I am "loosing" repeater offset 22
After initially setting and successfuly testing 440 MHz repeater access I subsequently loose the "offset" setting. The little and hard to see -+ sign above "O" of "VFO" just goes away. Mostly and at random (?) when I turn the power off / on. The "offset" is set / alternate by pushing "RPT" . Since these mini sign are hard to read I also check the main frequency display and it SHOULD change on transmit. Is there option / setting I have missed to have the "offset" permanently per frequency ?
Розпочато vaclav_sal @ · Останніх @
#857D #cat #software Unable to use CHIRP 13 #857D #cat #software
Thanks in advance! New FT-857 owner, learning the radio, and was hoping to use CHIRP to do some programming of channels etc. but a get an error. Using this cable - Using chirp-next. I'm able to get the radio into "clone mode" and when I press send I get the error in the image below. I've tried various baud rates 4800, 38400, etc. and both the FT-857 ad FT-857 (US), no luck! Any suggestions? Any way to debug? Thanks Again. Slats - N2VYG
Розпочато michael.john.slattery@... @ · Останніх @
Can the FT-847 DSP Board be used on FT-857? 3
Question: Can the FT-847 DSP Board be used on FT-857? If Thanks for helping.
Розпочато John Catalano @ · Останніх @
Low power output on SSB and CW 8 #857D
Hello group, I wonder if I get the ceramic filter problem on my FT-857D. TX power on FM looks good, I can see it draws 12-15 amps on the power supply. But on CW and SSB, it does not draw more than 4 amps, and the ALC does not kick in. Any suggestions? Thank you. Alex VE9WS
Розпочато Alex, VE9WS @ · Останніх @
Japanese FT-857 12
Can a japanese version 857 be modified full tx coverage and 100w ? I tried to open one, but it limited the power to 10w. Regin, OY1R
Розпочато Regin, OY1R @ · Останніх @
Tech Supplement LOT 62. RD70HVF1 4
Hi all. In need of the Tech supplement for the later series PA Deck on the 857D with the MosFet for the V/U Final. If anyone has it. I checked the files section. Doesn't seem to be there. Unless I missed something. Thanks. Ronnie VE3NLS
Розпочато Ronald E Smith @ · Останніх @
Inrad 500 Hz mechanical CW filter 2 #857D #705-F
Inrad 500 Hz mechanical CW filter #705-F has been listed for sale in numerous ham gear for sale. Find it, if is still available.... hihi -- Rafael / NN3RP
Розпочато pinoleronica @ · Останніх @
Auto cig lighter power source issue 16
Brought my FT857 from the shack to my new plug in hybrid car and powered with 6pin cig lighter connection . antenna magnetic cartop vertical. I get power but no send or receive signal. Thoughts ?
Розпочато Robert Gross Spencer @ · Останніх @
Very low output at 5W 6
When using menu 75 to set the output power level, I've noticed some odd results When it is set to 5W, I see miliwatt power on 2 different meters (LDG FT & SureCom 102 HF) When I increase this setting to 10W or more, the expected power output on the meters match what I expect... Not sure why the radio seems to be doing this. The radio has the Collins 2300 Hz SSB and 300 Hz CW filters installed. I've also connected the SureCom meter to my base rig (FT-710) to confirm it read power correctly at 5W, and on that radio it is fine. Any suggestions ?
Розпочато Eben Fourie @ · Останніх @
Signalink Problem with Winlink - Not transmitting 17
I have a Signalink with a Data Cable and CAT Cable connected to the FT857 - trying to TX from Winlink / Ardop. The CAT cable successfully (automatically) switches Band and Frequency when a Channel Selection is made. I tune successfully by way of CW key - with Red radio TX light showing, and the crossed-needle tuner shows Power out, and I tune down to 1:1 SWR. The radio works fine. Upon Start command from Winlink, the Signalink device clicks on the PTT light, and the Ardop waterfall shows a brief TX waterfall gap. The FT857 Red TX light turns on during the TX. HOWEVER, there is no Power Out from the rig going through the Tuner. This is perhaps an internal FT857 Menu Setting, but I'm unsure which one to adjust. It COULD also be on the Windows Sound side, but that seems to be functioning appropriately. The Playback : Speakers : USB Audio Codec indicates "Ready" . When the Signalink is sending to the 857, the Windows Playback Tab Output side indicates a few Green Bars of output. I would appreciate ANY input - particularly from someone with a functioning Winlink/Windows/Signalink setup. Thank you, Kevin VE7KHI
Розпочато Kevin Woods VE7KHI @ · Останніх @
High noise floor in receive. Stuck relay or other fault? 2
Hi all, I have a an 857d that has been exhibiting a couple of strange symptoms. First it seems that perhaps some relay keeps getting stuck, as after some amount of normal operation (primarily cw or digital modes) the unit starts to get and stay hot in receive. It seems to be drawing about 200ma additional when this happens. This also seems to be coupled with an increase in receiver noise on most (but not all) bands. It's most obvious on 17m and 15 m. Power cycling the radio seems frequently get it out of this state but not always, as does running the relay cleaning process. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms before? Thanks, Greg N1TR
Розпочато N1TR @ · Останніх @
Repair shops to repair FT-857d 31
Any repair shops repairing FT-857d? Mine will not turn on. Suspect fuse, but could be anything.
Розпочато Pat Kelly, W7JPK @ · Останніх @
Anyone got an FT857D working with FT8CN using the CAT port. I've got the decoding working fine and can get TX going but there is no power out. Ive followed the FT8CN instructions. I think it may be an audio in issue, ALC perhaps? I only get one USB port opening in FT8CN when I start it. If you have it working then your settings on the FT857D and in FT8CN would be great. -- Compton VK2HRX Sydney, Australia
Розпочато Compton @ · Останніх @
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