Pleural mesothelioma
Here is a link to the LDN Research Trust which has dosing information and a rather extensive list of ailments it treats. Just search LDN on line for a plethora of information. Mesothelioma is not on this list but I know from personal experience that it worked for me for over 5 years. My current PET scans show limited spread into some Lymphnodes and a spot between two ribs but the original 25 locations show no glucose uptake whatsoever (only scar tissue). BTW, Some long term users of LDN on Facebook are having good results taking 4.5mg two times per day which I might try. I would also like to know if there are any interactions with the FSO protocol before starting it. I don't want to negate the benefits of either on these protocols. LDN Research Trust LDN Research Trust The LDN Research Trust Charity works to raise funds for research trials. We have helped over 100,000 people obta... On Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 05:19:37 PM MDT, Ester Ford <saladnut@...> wrote: I don't see why it would interfere with anything. You only take it at bedtime. It wears off during the night. You wake up happy. :)
Розпочато Zacc D. W. @
flax seed oil in Indai 4
My sister follows the Budwig programs and had to travel to India for 3 weeks. She brought the immersion blender but could not carry oil in her bag. Any suggestions as to where to find the flax seed oil. Is cottage cheese in the grocery stores? Thanks Jean
Розпочато Jean Fletcher @ · Останніх @
Too much and constipated 9
I'm finding that the FOCC twice in a day is just too much for me, and I'm gaining weight. I only weight 115, so I'm wondering if I don't need as much. I'm also very constipated from the dairy. I've given up on BP several times in the past due to sensitivity to dairy, but I'm doing okay this time. I think doing the lowfat made the difference. Previously I used Nancy's which was full fat, and I couldn't tolerate it. Any suggestions?
Розпочато Ester Ford @ · Останніх @
Acidophilus Lowfat Milk or sauerkraut juice
I was reading in Budwig protocol pdf that Acidophilus Lowfat Milk could be used in place of sauerkraut juice, is this correct?
Розпочато gsixtysix@... @
Dairy and prostate malignancy 46
I have been reading that dairy is very bad for the prostate, wouldn't the Budwig protocol be counterproductive?
Розпочато gsixtysix@... @ · Останніх @
Artemisia 3
Common names for various species in this genus include mugwort, wormwood, and sagebrush. Sweet wormwood is readily available at most health stores. On Friday, March 15, 2024 at 07:55:08 PM EDT, Adams, Gail Z via <gail.adams@...> wrote: Where do you get artemisia and how do you use it? Does it come with instructions?
Розпочато Ron Muscella @ · Останніх @
Basal Cell Carcinoma 10
I’ve been on this group for quite a while to learn about cancer treatments. I have been diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on my nose. Presently my nose is mostly a big scab. They have suggested radiation; next week I will have an appointment to find out how many sessions. The radiation place has the most updated equipment. They say this will eliminate the cancer, since basal cell carcinoma does not spread. Of course I am terrified. I always knew that if I had cancer I would follow the Budwig plan, but this seems like a minor curable cancer -- if this can be fixed with a few weeks of radiation with little chance of re-occurring, it seems worth it. Will the Budwig plan eliminate basal cell carcinoma? Would I need to be on it for life, as for other cancers. Thank you, Linda ,_
Розпочато Linda @ · Останніх @
Dairy and prostate malignancy
It's a good sign that you don't have a lesion Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
Розпочато jim schaff @
Fw: [FlaxSeedOil2] Dairy and prostate malignancy
Does anyone have an idea of the seriousness of PSA at 29? MRI showed no lesions. Thanks
Розпочато @
15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Below are Guidelines in brief of the Budwig Diet – you don’t have to consume all the foods on this list. Membership to our site,, gives you videos or articles in detail about each item below. This information is from Dr. Budwig’s books. 1. 1st thing in AM–Sauerkraut Juice, preferably raw & homemade [We have a video on our site showing how to make it] . Raw unheated kraut has enzymes, probiotics and vitamins which help the digestive system metabolize foods & improve immunity. Most sauerkraut sold in stores is pasteurized [heated] and nutrients are damaged. It won’t help as much. 2. Just before breakfast– green or herbal tea 3. Breakfast–3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese+ 3 Tbs. milk if needed for thinning, well blended, after blending, add 2 Tbsp flax seeds, freshly ground, add fresh fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp raw honey. Afterward, if hungry, choose whole grain bread, raw vegetables, & an oz of quality cheese: Edam, Gouda, Emmentaler, Sbrinz or Camembert. 4. Mid-morning – Homemade Vegetable Juice (carrots, beets w/lemon or apple, or greens) . Homemade carrot or beet juices are very important cancer-fighters. 5. Before Lunch – Champagne or sparkling wine with 1 Tbs of flaxseeds[freshly ground] OR ground flax seeds in small glass of fruit juice. The champagne helps with absorption of the seeds. 6. SUNBATHING outside 10 to 20 minutes around noon [weather permitting] without sun lotion or glasses, expose as much skin as possible. Avoid washing with soap after sunbathing. Give the vitamin D time to be made and absorbed[24-48 hours] 7. Lunch – raw vegetable salad or vegetable plate + Budwig dressing. If still hungry, boiled or steamed veggies, grains and beans, lentils, or potatoes. [If a member of this site, see “DINNER” in the Menu for over 25 recipes] 8. Lunch Dessert – It’s important to have a 2nd serving of 3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese with a little milk, well blended. Add raw fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, raw honey and/or other flavors you like. 9. Mid-afternoon – 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground & added to 3 to 8 oz of pure fruit juice, homemade or store bought. 10. STRESS REDUCTION/RELAXATION PRACTICE — Meditation to relax the mind, EFT to change thinking, & other techniques that reduce stress as shown on the Budwig-Videos website for those who join. [EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique]. Chronic stress can be very damaging. [We have a video for relaxation methods for members of this site.] 11. Late afternoon – Papaya or pineapple juice, 3 to 8 oz, with 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground. 12. Dinner – Cooked grains and nutritional yeast flakes such as Red Mill Nutritional Yeast with B12 or grains with vegetables w/oleolux, nutritional yeast flakes & spices. Vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, & cabbage add cancer-fighting nutrition. Grains suggested by Dr. Budwig: brown rice, buckwheat, millet and oats. Dine early. 13. Evening – 1 glass Red Wine [optional]. Go to sleep early – before 10pm if possible. 14. AVOID chemicals, preservatives, damaging fats, meats/poultry/eggs/fish, sugar, sugar substitutes, highly processed foods, most supplements, ozone treatments, dental infections and wean off drugs if possible [under doctor’s care] 15. Most people do not need ELDI oils, which Dr. Budwig created mainly for patients who are too weak to eat. These oils are sold in Germany. They are rubbed on the skin or used as an enema if needed. [Some people make a version of ELDI oil at home by mixing 75% flax oil with 25% wheat germ oil to help preserve it. ] Posted by Sandra Olson Owner of this group since 2007
Розпочато Sandra Olson @
Salad Dressing 12
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a salad dressing recipe. I’ve been looking for a good one with no sugar for a while but haven’t been able to come up with anything. Does anyone have one that they’ve used in your healing journey? All leads are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Gail
Розпочато Adams, Gail Z @ · Останніх @
Vitamin C 3
Does anyone know if vitamin c interferes with the Budwig protocol? Thanks, Barb
Розпочато Barbara @ · Останніх @
Lignans 6
Please educate me! I am confused about the lignans subject. The Barleans flaxseed oil does not use the word "lignans," it just lists the types and amounts of different fats. Thanks! Barb
Розпочато Barbara @ · Останніх @
Budwig and antioxidants 8
I am on the Budwig protocol for prostate, but made some errors !. I was taking vitamin c, so I have to cut that out completely, what other supplements are considered antioxidant? 2. I bought non organic cottage cheese, 2% low fat, can I use this short term until used up or will it cause problems? Also I have Barleans flax, but it is organic non gmo, but it does not say whether it is non -lignan, how do I find out for sure?
Розпочато gsixtysix@... @ · Останніх @
Cottage cheese. 9
unable to get low fat organic cottage cheese,only full fat or no fat but was wondering if the 2 mixed together with a hand blender might give me low fat 2%. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Розпочато Damien O brien @ · Останніх @
Flax Oil question 7
Hello, dear group, May I ask a question, please? Several months ago I finally started a regimen of taking the flax oil and cottage cheese combo. But I felt I had to stop, due to migraines. I experimented with it, and it really seemed that after a few days of eating the combo, I would get a migraine. If I stopped, the headaches stopped. When I started again, the headaches started again. Have you heard of others having this reaction? I remember that years ago, upon moving into a new-to-us old house, we applied linseed oil to a wood beam, and that triggered a terrible headache for me for days. Could I simply be allergic to flax oil and not able to eat the combo? I do not have any trouble with freshly ground flax seeds. My goal for taking the combo was to work on general health and for preventative reasons. Nearly all my family had cancers of different sorts, and last year I was having several alarming symptoms and wanted to work on them. Many thanks to you for any insights you might have. -Nina
Розпочато Nina Kelly @ · Останніх @
ACV 11
Does anyone know if apple cider vinegar is allowed on the Budwig? Thanks, Barb
Розпочато Barbara @ · Останніх @
ACV Now Digestive Enzymes 4
Digestive Enzymes? I don't remember hearing anything about this but it sounds too good to be true, more information please. On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 08:59:58 AM MST, Jenny McCarthy via <mccar6@...> wrote: Hello, Back in 1998 my dad had a subdural hematoma by his ear after surgery for a brain tumor. It was very large and actually distorted his ear. He had a G-tube and we use digestive enzymes to try and reduce the size of it. At the time, we were using Puritans pride and did not see any improvement. so I switched to twin labs digestive enzymes and within three days it totally disappeared. That is my experience with the Puritan‘s Pride brand. Best, Jenny
Розпочато Zacc D. W. @ · Останніх @
ACV, flaxseed oil 5
Hi Gigi, Yes, Barlean’s omega-3 flaxseed oil is a very good one. There are other brands that are also good. Kind regards, Sandra
Розпочато Sandra Olson @ · Останніх @
Question about supplements 3
Hello everyone, A coworker is interested in the Budwig protocol and asked me why she would not be able to take vitamin supplements if she used the diet. She asked if there were certain vitamins that caused the protocol not to work successfully for illness. I have two of Dr Budwig's books but neither one tells of any potential interactions with Budwig and vitamin supplements... maybe because using supplements was not really popular when she did her research? I'm not sure. I told my coworker that I would ask this group and let her know. Thanks for your help! Barb in Virginia, USA
Розпочато Barbara @ · Останніх @
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