About Progress of the Treatment 13
Hello, We have been following the Budwig protocol for five months, but the tumor continues to grow rapidly and has almost doubled in size. I am very worried, should I change the protocol? Regards, Mücahit
Розпочато Mücahit @ · Останніх @
15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
Below are Guidelines in brief of the Budwig Diet – you don’t have to consume all the foods on this list. Membership to our site, Budwig-Videos.com, gives you videos or articles in detail about each item below. This information is from Dr. Budwig’s books. 1. 1st thing in AM–Sauerkraut Juice, preferably raw & homemade [We have a video on our site showing how to make it] . Raw unheated kraut has enzymes, probiotics and vitamins which help the digestive system metabolize foods & improve immunity. Most sauerkraut sold in stores is pasteurized [heated] and nutrients are damaged. It won’t help as much. 2. Just before breakfast– green or herbal tea 3. Breakfast–3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese+ 3 Tbs. milk if needed for thinning, well blended, after blending, add 2 Tbsp flax seeds, freshly ground, add fresh fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp raw honey. Afterward, if hungry, choose whole grain bread, raw vegetables, & an oz of quality cheese: Edam, Gouda, Emmentaler, Sbrinz or Camembert. 4. Mid-morning – Homemade Vegetable Juice (carrots, beets w/lemon or apple, or greens) . Homemade carrot or beet juices are very important cancer-fighters. 5. Before Lunch – Champagne or sparkling wine with 1 Tbs of flaxseeds[freshly ground] OR ground flax seeds in small glass of fruit juice. The champagne helps with absorption of the seeds. 6. SUNBATHING outside 10 to 20 minutes around noon [weather permitting] without sun lotion or glasses, expose as much skin as possible. Avoid washing with soap after sunbathing. Give the vitamin D time to be made and absorbed[24-48 hours] 7. Lunch – raw vegetable salad or vegetable plate + Budwig dressing. If still hungry, boiled or steamed veggies, grains and beans, lentils, or potatoes. [If a member of this site, see “DINNER” in the Menu for over 25 recipes] 8. Lunch Dessert – It’s important to have a 2nd serving of 3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese with a little milk, well blended. Add raw fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, raw honey and/or other flavors you like. 9. Mid-afternoon – 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground & added to 3 to 8 oz of pure fruit juice, homemade or store bought. 10. STRESS REDUCTION/RELAXATION PRACTICE — Meditation to relax the mind, EFT to change thinking, & other techniques that reduce stress as shown on the Budwig-Videos website for those who join. [EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique]. Chronic stress can be very damaging. [We have a video for relaxation methods for members of this site.] 11. Late afternoon – Papaya or pineapple juice, 3 to 8 oz, with 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground. 12. Dinner – Cooked grains and nutritional yeast flakes such as Red Mill Nutritional Yeast with B12 or grains with vegetables w/oleolux, nutritional yeast flakes & spices. Vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, & cabbage add cancer-fighting nutrition. Grains suggested by Dr. Budwig: brown rice, buckwheat, millet and oats. Dine early. 13. Evening – 1 glass Red Wine [optional]. Go to sleep early – before 10pm if possible. 14. AVOID chemicals, preservatives, damaging fats, meats/poultry/eggs/fish, sugar, sugar substitutes, highly processed foods, most supplements, ozone treatments, dental infections and wean off drugs if possible [under doctor’s care] 15. Most people do not need ELDI oils, which Dr. Budwig created mainly for patients who are too weak to eat. These oils are sold in Germany. They are rubbed on the skin or used as an enema if needed. [Some people make a version of ELDI oil at home by mixing 75% flax oil with 25% wheat germ oil to help preserve it. ] Posted by Sandra Olson Owner of this group since 2007
Розпочато Sandra Olson @
A possible threat to all of us suffering cancer. 3
I've been a member since 2019 but have posted seldom. I'm still fighting cancer of my larynx. I have a doctorate in Psychology (Cognitive Science) from Queens University Canada. I wish to post something of extraordinary importance to our whole group but it's potentially controversial. I think Sandra Olsen might help me but can she or someone refer me to current guidelines on posts please? Regards Barry -- email:brlund007@...
Розпочато Barry Richardson @ · Останніх @
Dairy free 14
Hello--I have been doing the budwig protocol for about five days. I did fine for a few days, then the dairy reaction hit. I can't tolerate cows milk at all. My esophagus is swollen and I ended up in the ER with severe shortness of breath. I did find low-fat goat milk, and tried to make quark from it, but it would never coagulate. Can I use higher fat goat milk? I have access to raw goat milk, but it's not low fat and the cream is pretty homogenized in goat milk, so I can't just skim the cream off. I found a paper online that said if you were unable to tolerate dairy, you could buy capsules of sulfurated proteins that activate the flaxseed oil, but they gave no brand so I have no idea what I'm looking for. All the goat yogurt/kefir I could find was not low fat. I'm at a loss at this point. Any ideas?
Розпочато rebecca mcclurg @ · Останніх @
EPA and DHA Question
Hello, As you know, Flaxseed Oil contains much less EPA and DHA than Fish and Krill oil. What is the role of EPA and DHA in cancer treatment? I read an article by Dr. Budwig about oils, she mentioned that fish oil is a healthy oil, but she said that it loses its benefits during production and packaging. Also maybe she didn't know about Krill oil at the time? Are EPA and DHA very important in our treatment? Accordingly, what do you think about the use of other Omega 3 oils? Thanks, Mücahit
Розпочато Mücahit @
Question about edema 2
I am wondering if anyone has experienced lymphedema while on Budwig. I am feeling this type of fullness under one arm and in one hand (the same side as my tumor). Without access to the HcG urine test or a doctor, I feel a little lost about monitoring my progress. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you! Barb in Virginia, USA
Розпочато Barbara @ · Останніх @
Problem - can't eat that much food 8
Hello everyone, I have recently realized that I can not eat all the foods advised because it is too much for me. I am small and used to eating only twice a day with 1350 calories. 1500 calories is my maximum for the holiday season. Since starting Budwig I realised that I need to eat 3 times a day otherwise I can not fit in all the required foods (lentils, beans, salads, juices, etc). Budwig mix one portion is about 700 calories. If I eat it twice a day as nesessary I get about 1400-1500 calories already. I try to not add much fruit to it to decrease calories but still due to oil it is very high calory. If I add juices and other foods it is 2000 calories which is way above what I am used to or can tolerate. To me it is a struggle to have dinner, normally I am so full by the end of the day that I have no desire for foods. I have gained 2 kg since starting Budwig protocol which is ok but if I keep eating 3 times a day my weight is going to go up even more, which is not good. I can't do sports due to health now I just walk on most days but it is not enough for such a calory intake to keep the weight at my normal level. Not sure how to solve this. How can you eat that much food (I know we do not have to eat all listed foods by Sandra in one day)? I just feel like taking Budwig mix twice a day + salad and juices is more than enough for me. But in this case I am not eating all the beans and lentils required for protein, iron, etc. Is there anyone else struggling to fit in all the foods and eating 3 times a day? How do solve this? Thanks, Irina
Розпочато Irina @ · Останніх @
Easy quark recipe
I found this easy quark recipe: https://www.quick-german-recipes.com/homemade-quark.html?fbclid=IwAR1xE_CP5OZ6lGjFJUXKcDWuSTDCNIUZR00rl_hZSw_x7AvCCdC3qzSqXxo Dean
Розпочато Dean @
bananas & dates 4
Hi everyone, What do you think aboout bananas and dates, are they ok on Budwig protocol or too much sugar (even though it is natural)? I do not have any blood sugar problems but still try not to it too much of sweet fruits having cancer. 1. I know Budwig had some recipes with bananas but not in FO/CC mix. Do you think it's ok to add bananas to it or better not? 2. Are dates ok to eat while drinking herbal teas? Just as a treat sometimes I crave something sweet and thought of dates but not sure if they are ok. Thank you, Irina
Розпочато Irina @ · Останніх @
Can anyone say what happened to Thomas Huber on the list? He had nslc...and was taking budwig protocol. Any updates on him, thanks
Розпочато larry von @ · Останніх @
Homemade Quark 2
How do I know if my homemade quark turned out successful with the right properties for the Budwig mix? I used organic ‘baking milk’ in Norway, lightly pasteurised, non-homogenised containing 50% skimmed milk, 50% buttermilk and ‘dense cultures’. I left it sitting on the kitchen counter for 24 hours, followed by 1/2 a day in the oven (first warmed to 50 degrees celsius then turned off). Then I drained it for 1/2 a day and it turned out like the consistency of quark or non-thick yoghurt. It didn’t curdle like I thought it should and didn’t look like cottage cheese when straining. Do you think it still has the properties needed for the Budwig recipe?
Розпочато catrionaleo@... @ · Останніх @
amount of FOCC - sorry for this question 14
Hi all, I was wondering if someone could clarify for me the amount of CC and oil to be eaten per day. Here in Russia we do not measure win cups or spoons but in grams. I saw somewhere in the old messages that correct dozage in grams for CC is 100gr and for the oil 40gr. From my experience it is kind of hard to mix so much oil into so little cottage chease. And to be honest I never feel saciated with that amoung for breakfast which is suprising as some people report not being able to take this amount in one take or being full after it till 3pm. As I watched the video on www.budwig-videos.com I noticed that the dosage of cottage seems seems to be larger than 100gr and there seems to be less oil being mixed but I can not be sure as the spoons measurements are used. Today I found out that Lothar Hirneise recommends from 100gr to 125gr of quark (which will make it easier to mix the oil) and 3 spoons of oil and educational video from his clinic on Youtube on how to make FOCC again seems to use less oil than 40gr. Does anyone have a scale to weight 6 spoons of cottage cheese and especially 3 spoons of oil, how much would that be in grams? I know this sounds like a stupid question but I just want to make sure I take the right amount of oil and CC. Thank you, Irina
Розпочато Irina @ · Останніх @
Is is possible to have too many FOCC servings? And flax seeds question. 10
Hi, Everyone!: My husband, Phil has been on the Budwig diet for 4 years January 2020 start). During that time he's been doing the FOCC 3 times per day. While reading Michael Bierschenk's new book on the Budwig diet, we realized that we're doing one FOCC too many. Could this cause a problem? The reason for asking is that about a year ago he started experiencing some inflammation in the upper abdominal area as well as some intestinal discomfort which has slowly worsened over time. Concerned that it may be liver or pancreas related possibly caused by too much flax seed oil. Could this be an issue? The reason for not just going ahead and dropping it out is that's a lot of calories to try to make up some other way. Thanks in advance for any help! Also, he was only using flax seeds in 1 FOCC, as he claimed he couldn't deal with the grinder at work, where he has the other 2 FOCC servings (morning and lunch). He used hemp seeeds. A few months ago he finally agreed to the flax seeds and now has them with those 2 servings as well. Could this have slowed his progress? Again, thanks for any help! Background: 12/31/19 he discovered lumps in his throat. His symptoms indicated to his ND that it's thyroid cancer. He managed 2 Navarro Clinic tests in 2021 with results in the low cancer range (a little above 50 Int. Units). He's 64 yo.
Розпочато Frances @ · Останніх @
FO taste 6
Hi all, I have a question re FO taste. The FO i've been using mostly has no spesific taste I think (because I do not taste the oil in the mix, so it seems it does not have a strong smell and taste). It is kind of hard to tell for me as I have not been using any oils for the past 9 years until I started Budwig. I only know how Olive oil smells and tastes because my husband really loves it but for the rest of the oils I have no idea. I am rotating quark (3 brands that I use with clean ingredient lists) and thought to rotate the oils as well ones in a while just to be on a safe side. The new oil that I bought has some really distinct taste, it has some fishy smell and I can definitely taste bitterness. None of that was in my previous oil. First I thought it was rancid but than I thought maybe this is the real taste of the oil? What does your oil taste like? What is the real taste of the flaxseed oil? Is it suposed to have a distinct bitter taste and some fishy smell? Thank you, Irina
Розпочато Irina @ · Останніх @
Papaya 3
I also read where people have dried out the black round seeds in a papaya, ...in which there seems to be hundreds in one large fruit, .......and ate them also. Is there anything about if these seeds are healthy and compatible under BP? On Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 07:52:06 AM EST, jfanciullacci via groups.io <jfanciullacci@...> wrote: Hi Frances IMHO, the extra oil and quark might be causing the intestinal discomfort if it isn’t balanced with enough digestive enzymes. Dr. Budwig’s plan was carefully balanced, including sauerkraut to help with digestion, but also pineapple and papaya. Her product “Fermentgold” was a mix of papaya and apple juice. I’ve made this at home by blitzing papaya, then adding fresh apple juice and freshly ground flax seeds. Eating papaya might help if you don’t have time for juicing. Papain, the digestive enzyme in papaya, is also thought to aid the bioavailability of cucurmin, a well known cancer fighter. It has many other benefits too, so well worth adding to your husband’s arsenal! Best wishes Julie, UK
Розпочато Ron Muscella @ · Останніх @
Latest success stories/To Sarah Weisel 9
Hi Sarah, Are you saying I should not be following modified Budwig protocol at all as it will not bring results? As I have expleined in my message there is a good reason why I do modified protocol. I can not use flax seeds as they drop my blood preassure too low to the point where I can not function and feel really bad and then the bleeding starts which is dangerous for me as I am seriously anemic. Yes, this is purely from flax seeds and when I do not use them I do not have all of the above. So when you say they can not hurt the body I agree with you but not in my case and not for me at the moment. Papaya and pineapple are not sold where I live and as I live in Russia there is no sun here till mid May so sitting in front of the sun with minimum clothes is out of question untill then. I do drink sauerkrat juice in the morning, eat musli twice a day (without flax seeds though) and eat sauerkrat often as it is a part of russian cuisine. I do not eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, wheat, processed foods or anything else restricted by the protocol. So are you saying it will have no benefit for me to continue on with the Budwig protocol this way? Because if it is so I will denfinitly switch to some other protocol as I do not want to waste my time. Are you a doctor by any chance? I always thought that triglycerides are important when they are above the norm by 110 points, so if you are a doctor please advise why I should not worry about them being so high and how they influence overall health. Thank you, Irina
Розпочато Irina @ · Останніх @
Latest success stories 16
Dear all, I am new on this forum and would like to know if there are any success stories wih Budwig protocol from years 2021, 2022, 2023. I need a little encouragement :-) I have read the files section with success stories and on the website www.budwig-videos.com but would like to know if there are more recent ones. If you do have such a story please advise if you've done just Budwig or used conventional treatments as well or if ou added supplements (which ones would be also nice to know). Thank you, Irina
Розпочато Irina @ · Останніх @
Organic Pasta 2
Hi All, I used to buy organic spinach fettuccine but can't find it anymore. Do any of you eat any type of organic pasta and if so, what kind. Is organic wheat pasta still okay? Thank you,
Розпочато Janet Whitney @ · Останніх @
In the Budwig diet, can FSO be substituted for olive oil in salad dressings?
Розпочато Dean @ · Останніх @
Navarro Clinic 5
Hello, Everyone. This is a long-shot, but does anyone have any info on the status of the Navarro Clinic? Their test has been unavailable since 4/2022 due to supply chain issues. While those issues may still exist for them, I also seem to recall some other issues in the Phillipines since then. Thank you for any info anyone can provide. I'm just hoping they are able to "go live" again.
Розпочато Frances @ · Останніх @
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