#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
10 повідомлення
Hi Stan and Dave Thank you very much for this very usefull infos and comments about the advanced DiSlord function for coax measurements . I will try it and will enjoy it soon. 73's Nizar.
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
10 повідомлення
If it already Has the firmware needed for tunning above 1.5GHz, that would be nice... I know the V2 or LiteVNA are better for those frequencies, but this should get me started...
COM Port wird nicht erkannt / COM port is not recognized N1MM+
Hallo, ich habe das Problem das mein NanoVNA als USB Gerät erkannt wird und ich habe kein zugewiesenen COM Port. Somit kann ich mit der App auch nicht drauf zugreifen. Welchen Treiber muss ich für Win
Nanovna-H display issue
3 повідомлення
Many many thanks, mate. It helps me a lot. Finally able to fix the issue. now it is working fine. Again thanks. 73 S21APJ
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11
2 повідомлення
I am also using windows 11. First I would remove the driver you installed as I have a feeling that is causing your problems. For the record, I didn't even bother installing a driver and on my system i
read SD card
Hi all, found a Python library - https://github.com/Ho-Ro/nanovna-tools but unfortunately this one can not read all/selected files from the SD card inside the nanoVNA-H and H4. Anyone has a link to su
Wolfgang OE1MWW
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
4 повідомлення
That is OK, because the upload to the PC reads the complete 128KByte from the flash including the unused bytes after the program at the memory end while the FW files of about 100K contain only the pro
NanoVNA-H not seen by windows11 (no com port)
3 повідомлення
Dear Roger, thank you very much for reply. In the meanwhile problem solved, it was the usb cable which was interrupted inspite of looking like brand new. That is why I thought that might be a W11 driv
Very compressed SWR scale
15 повідомлення
Not to be captain obvious, but on your nanovna calibration, did you reset cal first and click done when finished? I easily forgot and made this mistake early on and got weird results. Bryan , N0LUF
Bryan Curl
Very compressed SWR scale #nanovna-h - Murphy
Murphy is a ham also…. However he gets on the air and into my set very sporadically. Usually similar to the trouble shooting suggestions in the latest Ham Radio Workbench podcast. Remember to check th
David Wilcox K8WPE
Upgrade NanoVNA-H
3 повідомлення
This is the wrong location for firmware updates. Download the latest -H SI dfu version from this site. https://github.com/hugen79/NanoVNA-H/releases/tag/1.2.14 Roger
Roger Need
Artefacts when capturing the screen
4 повідомлення
DiSlord, Correction: My tinySA shows it on the "VERSION" screen, while the NanoVNA does not. But this is also more a topic deep in the HW/FW - we should discuss this on GitHub. Are you still using you
nanovna_remote.py - Python tool for remote control of the NanoVNA-H from the PC
3 повідомлення
Robin, Good hint, should work for the bigger ones now - untested because of the HW not (yet) available. Martin usage: nanovna_remote.py [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-n | --h4 | -t | --ultra] [-z {2,3,4}] optiona
NanoVNA -H
5 повідомлення
Thanks. Downloaded and having a good read. Regards Rob aka G4ZEO
4 повідомлення
I tried to remove the screen, loosen the screws, use it without the screen, but the problem is always the same: it gives me the first drop-down menus but not the submenus. Please help me, I need the n
claudio ferrari
NanoVNA-H "Fail Write" to 16GB SD card
13 повідомлення
I have an H4 with latest DiSlord 1.2 firmware. But all of the SD card support firmware was done by DiSlord, and was introduced several versions ago - and it uses the same SPI interface on all of the h
Stan Dye
NanoVNA-H and -H4 failures with NanoVNA-App and NanoVNA Saver
3 повідомлення
1. NanoVNA Saver calibration occasionally fails and the program crashes. --- Well, that sorta limits the usefulness of using segmented sweeps, which I wanted to demo. Oh, well. 2 NanoVNA-app --- thank
Rich NE1EE
H will callibrate okay(?) but won't plot anything
Have been using my nanoVNA-H to tune my antennas for the lower bands in ham radio for over a year. It has been a lifesaver! I started to use it recently and it seemed to complete the calibration proce
Stephen KO4CVU
How do I interpret these results?
19 повідомлення
Sorry about my late entry.. just joined. The ripples on the original 70cm VSWR image are the sort of thing regularly seen in microwave waveguide return loss measurements. These RL/VSWR ripples indicat
It does not work with the top cover
2 повідомлення
The cover is pressing on the touchscreen so it is ignoring your touch commands. Trim/file the cover back where it is pressing on the touchscreen, or put a couple of washers to space the cover away fro
Donald S Brant Jr
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