
Nanovna or antenna analyzer? 40 повідомлення
It has long been established that R&L electronics is one of the most reputable sources of the NanoVNA, if not THE most reputable source. This link brings up a search on all the variants of the NanoVNA
Від Richard Spohn ·
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11 2 повідомлення
I am also using windows 11. First I would remove the driver you installed as I have a feeling that is causing your problems. For the record, I didn't even bother installing a driver and on my system i
Від M0CNL ·
Help me ubuntu 20.04 lts 16 повідомлення
More info: I had tried the 2 apps (nanovna-app and nanovna-saver) on Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit laptop, and neither ran. I then downloaded VNA_View-x86_64.AppImage, right clicked it, and ran it. I got the pr
Від Julie Spehar ·
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group? 6 повідомлення
Thanks for all the great advise. I really appreciate it. I'm still in the process of ordering everthing I need to install my antenna. It involves drilling holes in exterior wall, installing interior a
Від Peter N0PGM #3460 ·
Choosing a model for use in GPR
Hi all, Newbie to the world of RF here. I'm an archaeologist, looking into potential solutions for building a DIY ground penetrating radar system. From what I have gathered, a VNA can be deployed as a
Від coalarchy@... ·
Can I use NanoVNA and RF wideband amplifier together? 9 повідомлення
There are NanoVna V2s for higher frequencies.
Від Leif M ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW 19 повідомлення
You most likely had a weird chip and firmware combo too. Take it as a learning experience. - know your hardware - make backups of firmware (ideally 2x & crc) - check if updates are compatible with you
Від John Simons ·
Can it be saved? 4 повідомлення
After some struggle, I did get the drivers to show up. Then I used nanoVNA APP to install the firmware and the nanoVNA is now working again. Thanks to those who replied.
Від Rik Rasmussen WA4BAN ·
NanoVNA Saver on Raspberry Pi, window scaling?
I have a NanoVNA-H v4.2, connected to a Raspberry Pi 4 (Buster). NanoVNA-saver was installed according to the instructions at https://photobyte.org/nanovna-saver-on-the-raspberry-pi/. When I run it, t
Від Eric Hansen, KB1VUN ·
#adapters #calibration #newbie #solt 3 повідомлення
Hi Gyula ... Tryied to visit your web page .. but the language doesn't switch to english and remain in Hungarian all the times .... Peter...
Від Peter ·
settings at start up 9 повідомлення
Maybe, as the primary beneficiary, compile and edit everything into a succinct but complete, How To, and offer it to Don. He can create uniform Titles, and make it into a useful How-To ___ File for ot
Від ... ·
Focus on the Fundamentals. #newbie #tutorials #learning #general vna 2 повідомлення
I think these RF test boards help, trains you on results, if you have set the vnanano up and calibrated correctly, getting the prescribed results gives us ou some confidence in the nano.
Від ... ·
#coils #nanovna-saver #newbie #nanovna-f 3 повідомлення
Great, that is helpful. Now what we are seeing is that it is averaging the values rather than tracking and recording distinct values on the trace that we have selected on the nanoVNA. Ideally we would
Від ... ·
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion 10 повідомлення
No problem - I tend to 'speed read' and miss stuff too ;-) There are two UI versions of the modified exe - one is normal size and one is about twice as large. I found the large UI one by accident when
Від Larry Rothman ·
Nanovna V2 reset 3 повідомлення
Yes there is. Connect via serial, perform command: clearconfig 1234 Same as "factory defaults", you will loose all saved data including calibrations... Cheers! LL *73 de Luís, CT2FZI* *QRV @ 145.300 M
Від CT2FZI ·
Using a nanoVNA to test a transmitter 21 повідомлення
Even a reasonably good 10 dB attenuator makes a good dummy load as the return loss is 20 dB - two passes through the -10 dB circuit. And 20 dB RT amounts to an SWR of 1.02 : 1. So, you not only have a
Від W0LEV ·
Finally getting into my Gecko, only two traces 4 повідомлення
Use menu to go to DISPLAY then TRACES then select the other two which are off.
Від Ray Denton ·
A guide for absolute beginners 18 повідомлення
Upgraded and expanded version of the "Absolute beginner's guide to NanoVNA" v1.5 has been added to file section of this group. A detailed chapter "The firmware upgrade" has been added. As always I am
Від 9A2JK ·
Advice for a VNA Noob 20 повідомлення
I've had the "H" version with the 4" screen for a few months now. I was building a 2m beam at the time and didn't want to fork out the money for the MFJ unit. It worked totally as hoped. I was able to
Від ... ·
NanoVNA presentation 7 повідомлення
Return loss has nothing to do with antenna radiation or efficiency. It is a measure of the impedance match between a source and a load. An antenna with high ground losses could look wonderful from a r
Від Hasan Schiers N0AN ·